Kauffman, a respected software engineer and entrepreneur currently CEO and founder of the decentralized blockchain-based media protocol called LBRY.io recorded the threats and eventual attack by Manchester Police’s patrolman Ryan Olsen on his smartphone. In the approx two minute video, Kauffman is in his driveway and explains to the viewer that he is being kept in his property against his will by the arbitrary detention by MPD. He is not told he’s a suspect in the homicide investigation but is being prevented from leaving to pick up his son.
When he merely walks down his driveway to investigate what is happening near his own home, Kauffman is threatened by officer Olsen who tells him to “go back that way” and when Kauffman asks on what law he’s basing his orders, Olsen says “I’m not gonna tell you again.” When pressed to cite the statute, Olsen pulls out the old police catch-all, “Disorderly Conduct“. Seconds later, Olsen leaves his post across the street, shouting at Kauffman, then manhandles him after telling him repeatedly to “walk back please”. Please? Is this a request or an order?
Olsen arrests Kauffman, charging him with a “Class A” misdemeanor version of “Disorderly Conduct”, which means Kauffman will be facing down up to a year in jail for his heroic non-cooperation with the oppressive Manchester police state. He was released on PR bail pending arraignment in Manchester District Court.
YouTube Version:
LBRY Version:
Related news: Keene Cop Block has just released our new updated-for-2018 know-your-rights flyer! It’s a simple rundown of individual rights when dealing with the police. It is intended for distribution across New Hampshire, but may also be useful to other areas. It’s informative and keeps-it-simple. 2018 Edition: Front Side / Back Side. I’ve handed out several hundred of these in just the last two weeks around Keene State College and the students really appreciate the information.
Stay tuned here to Free Keene for developments in this case.
Kudos to Jeremy for standing up for his rights!
Very proud of him ..
You need to go and pick up your kid from the babysitter but you say you are more interested in what’s going on. So your kid is obviously second or further down the line in your life. Instead of listening to the officer you chose being arrested. It was a crime scene. What part of that did you miss. I have a feeling there is more to this then what was shown on video. Again, I’m sure your kid feels real special knowing dad chose to go to jail instead of picking him up. You are a bad parent.
-Police State New Hampshire- Glad I don’t live there. LOL at Jacks.
Good to do, and good to record and broadcast.
Optics matter though. You had a real reason to leave, but then you erased the exigency by saying it wasn’t that important after all.
The fact is, you did have a important reason to leave, not that you really needed one.
Gary Trieste – It doesn’t matter what kind of reason he gave for leaving. He chose to go to jail instead of picking his child up. He said that on the video. I’m sure there is a lot more ‘video” then what was shown here.
^ Bootlicking is a serious religion for some people.
Jumping Jacks: Are you retarded? I don’t use that word lightly. When a police officer makes an arrest which obviously occurred the video camera stops recording because the cops will shut off the device. It’s standard operating procedure. He didn’t choose to go to jail instead of picking up his child because they wouldn’t let him go pick up his child and he didn’t choose to be arrested. The cop made that decision. The only decision he made was in regard to confronting the officer about the situation. Obviously he knew full well that this officer was going to utilize… Read more »
Jacks: The officer never said it was a crime scene. He said something about it being a “public scene” whatever that means. The choice of words makes it sound as though its some sort of spectacle intended for public consumption. I couldn’t find any use of this combination of words online or definitions thereof. Using language that doesn’t have any meaning or doesn’t communicate with the masses is effectively meaningless. Maybe he was saying it was a crime scene, but if an officer can’t effectively communicate it’s hard to argue a law was broken here. A person receiving the order… Read more »
johnson – There is more to this story then him just walking out and getting arrested without warning. He did choose to be arrested instead of picking up his child. He made that clear a number of times. By the way, you people can’t read minds. You have no clue as to what a officer is going to do or not. You are pathetic to defend that fool when he clearly chose being arrested over picking up his child. He even said he didn’t care if he was arrested. Where does that put his kid in his life? . If… Read more »
Jacks my love, I’ll remind you that the United States First Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the right to record public officials in public places is a clearly established freedom (Glik v. Cunniffe). This ruling is practically legendary in libertarian circles, Jacks. I’m surprised you’ve completely forgotten about it. And there’s more, Jacks! Last year, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals came to a similar decision (Fields v. City of Philadelphia)! They ruled that the First Amendment’s protections extend to people who use their smartphones to record police interactions with other parties while in public view. These rulings… Read more »
Jacks: I’m designating you officially retarded. “He even said he didn’t care if he was arrested. Where does that put his kid in his life?” He stated very clearly in the video that his kid was taken care of and his reason for continuing to protest the officer was clear. The officer was blatantly violating his rights. You know this because he threatened to arrest based on charges that were not applicable. There is no case here. He was released on personal reconnaissance within a few hours of arrest and the case will be dropped or won in court. There… Read more »
I sympathize with you BC, but I’m afraid that Jacks is the sort creature who prefers to show tacit obedience to government workers instead of demanding that they respect his rights. In his mind, any order barked from a government worker must immediately be obeyed regardless of any demonstrable evidence of lawbreaking. Sadly, creatures like Jacks are completely oblivious to the menace this sort of thinking has created. And now it’s become quite commonplace. Fortunately for us freedom-loving sorts, the courts have been reversing this trend, and it’s been leaving a bad taste in Jacks’s mouth ever since. Isn’t that… Read more »
He’s already jumped to advocating that the government take Kauffman’s child from him by force and put the kid into state care where it will end up in the perilous foster system or up for adoption, despite the absolute mountains of evidence of the harm that is done to children by separating them from their families (yes, especially their fathers). All because Kauffman wanted to be free from coercive force in his own front yard. Bootlickers are insane and they would use your kids as levers to make you obey.
Wishing terrible things upon his political rivals (or their children) is far from unusual for the likes of Jacks, KA. You really should stick around to see the full scope of Jacks’s character. He fervently admires all sorts of awful things – like prison rape for instance.
Bit catcher – Designating me a “retard” clearly shows your immaturity. Activists are always whining the police are violating their rights which is clearly BS since most of you lose in court, waste taxpayer money, and in no time busted again for the same thing. He clearly said he was going to pick up his kid from the babysitter. When the officer confronted him, he then started saying he will go to jail. So instead of cooperating with the officer, he blew his kid off and asked to go to jail. He chose his activism over his own child. There… Read more »
Trying to elicit sympathy by pretending you’ve been misunderstood is a waste of calories, Jacks. You just have too poor of a reputation here for that to be credible. So let’s be candid, my love. You’re well aware that CPS is an agency notorious for taking children away from their parents. It’s what they do, dear. Everyone knows this. And that’s precisely why you brought it up, now isn’t it pookums? Oh, and Jacks? There aren’t any obvious cuts in that video. That means it’s very unlikely Mr. Kauffman “edited” it to mislead people. You keep saying that because you’re… Read more »
Jacks: Your claim “most of us lose in court” isn’t entirely factual. There are actually a lot of cases where we have won or otherwise gotten exactly what we wanted. That double parking ticket win at trial resulted in over 100,000 views on YouTube already and the prosecutor was so embarrassed by it they dropped another case involving another activist recently. Then there was the robin hooding which was won at every level and the FSP President Carla Gericke Won a Federal Case Against Weare Police. darryl w perry won a parking ticket on another occasion. James Cleveland won his… Read more »
Well said ft. It’s also important to point out that the City of Keene wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars of the taxpayers’ money on their appeals against the Robin Hooders as well. And they lost every single one of them to boot. Now bear in mind that in Jacks’s mind at least, none of that is wasted money. After all, it was used for the purposes of hurting his political rivals. You just need to ignore the fact that at least some of the taxpayers would have preferred seeing that money spent on something other than a team of… Read more »
fun tastic – If you think getting a year in jail over 10 years i jail is a win, then I suggest you check how those convictions follow you for life. Look at Ademo, Locked up in prison for transporting illegal drugs across state lines. Convicted of wire tapping, He has multiple felonies after his name all drug related. I’ve watched a number of freekeene videos of these people in court and lose. Two copblockers molested a 14 y/o female. When it came time for their arrests, they high tailed it to Mexico where they killed themselves. Ian still has… Read more »
Jacks: “If you think getting a year in jail over 10 years i jail is a win, then I suggest you check how those convictions follow you for life. ” Your off by a factor of more than 10 here jacks. Rich Paul was facing over 100 years in prison and the jury clearly though that was absurd. It was definitely a win. Rich Paul may have his issues, but this conviction won’t impact him in the least, as it might otherwise with other people. What you have failed to take into account is that there are a lot of… Read more »
FF did a splendid job in picking apart that list of yours, Jacks. So far the only thing you’ve said that’s true is that some of your rivals don’t register their cars. That sort of thing isn’t very scary to most sane people, Jacks. Maybe you should check that list again and find us something juicier to snack on? You did say it goes on and on, now didn’t you pookums?
Fuck Fiat – I suggest you re-read my previous post and get your facts straight.
What’s this, Jacks? More Jacksisms? How ordinary.
P R Stunt by mr.kauffman anyone?
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The police officer was following orders and securing a crime scene. We all want the police to do their job. This is stupid. Another entitled white guy acting the victim for being asked to cooperate by following simple instructions from police. No wonder American cops get triggered, having to deal with morons. If Kauffman was that concerned about picking up his son, he would have made alternative arrangements instead of getting himself arrested. It goes to show that being a clever code writer and entrepreneur doesn’t make one a decent, intelligent human being.