Action Attempted Against Freedom Festival Organizer

Mike Barskey, the organizer of Keene’s Spring Freedom Festival, reports that he was recently approached by law enforcement in his hometown of Derry, NH. The officer dropped a piece of paper in his car, saying it “was a “complaint” from Keene PD regarding not having a permit for assembly.” The City of Keene recently dropped charges against FreeKeene’s Toby and Ian for the same offense of “Assembly without a permit.” They are now moving against who they deem to be the actual organizer of this constitutionally protected event.

ACCORDING TO THIS COMPLAINT, Barskey is accused of being in violation with the following Keene Ordinance


*Cross references: Environment, ch. 38.
State law references: Open-air meetings, RSA 286:2 et seq.; shows, carnivals, RSA 321-A:1 et seq.



Sec. 46-621. Description.
Outdoor periodic events shall include athletic exhibitions, public dances, circuses, carnivals, live performances, exhibitions, promotional activities and any similar periodic activity open and available to the public which is conducted outdoors. For the purposes of this article, “promotional activities” shall not include promotional sales activities which are held at the normal place of business of the sponsor unless they are activities of a type that involve exhibitions, public dances, circuses, carnivals, live performances and other activities of a similar type which do not relate directly to the sale of the product of the business.
(Code 1970, § 1814.0)
Secs. 46-622–46-640. Reserved.


Sec. 46-641. Required.
Any person who wishes to have an outdoor event as described in section 46-621 shall obtain a license from the city clerk.

Sec. 46-642. Fee.
The fee for a license granted under this division shall be as set forth in the schedule of fees in appendix B to this Code for the duration as specified on the license for activities of a commercial nature. However, no fee shall be required for activities conducted by charitable organizations, by governmental agencies, by neighborhood groups, or by religious organizations, unless such activity is generally considered to be a commercial enterprise.
(Code 1970, § 1814.0)
Secs. 46-643–46-670. Reserved.

While deciding whether Mike deserves this harassment or not, I encourage readers of this blog to consider not whether Mike has broken the letter of the rule, but who the rules are meant to serve. While ordinances often have good intentions behind them, only innocent people have been caught up in them this time. Freedom Festival was held on public, taxpayer owned land. Requiring additional work and money to get a license to use the land serves nobody but the City. When the government ceases to serve the people, and only itself, it deserves resistance.

Mike’s appearance date is set for the same day as activist Andrew Carroll’s. Stay on for updates as that date arrives.

“Sam from Texas” Moves to Keene

As a super-activist in Texas, Sam did not let government employees get away with breaking their own rules. He questioned the system from within it, and made judges, police officers, and city workers face tough questions about their jobs. By moving to Keene, he is now surrounded by people that will support him as he continues his efforts in New Hampshire. As he gets settled in and familiar with New Hampshire laws, expect support and report on Sam’s activism.

Several months ago, a blogger posted a Notice to All Keene Area Government People warning them of Sam’s impending arrival. Well, he’s here.

More information about Sam, what he’s done already in Texas, and his recent videos can be found on his website at

Keene City Councelors Consider MORE Property Control

A recent sentinel article outlines the basics of new proposed city ordinances to penalize property owners for such offenses such as “Letting an intoxicated person leave unaccompanied”, “Disorderly Conduct”, “Overcrowding” or more obscure offenses.

Landlords of numerous Keene properties say a proposed measure designed to curtail disorderly behavior in city neighborhoods would punish them unfairly rather than hold problematic tenants directly responsible.

Residents, meanwhile, say they want their neighborhoods cleaned up of drug and alcohol use, loud noise and cars parked on lawns, problems they say are getting worse.

City councilors, looking for the best solution, listened to both parties before deciding they needed to hear more.

The Keene City Council’s planning, licenses and development committee voted unanimously Wednesday night to recommend Mayor Philip Dale Pregent call a public hearing so that city staff and councilors may continue to prepare and refine the ordinance before ultimately voting on it.

Click for Full Article

Ian Freeman Released

Larry Kane of the Keene District Court today reported that Ian Freeman’s time for contempt of court is being suspended, and he is scheduled to be released. Watch and forums for critical updates.

Update: Ian has been confirmed released.


**preliminary report**
Active FreeKeene blogger Ian Freeman today helped the Keene District Court prove that it is ready to crack down on non-violent peaceful people today. At least 6 officers of various rank were present in court to try and outnumber the liberty activists. Judge Burke was obviously ready to order Ian’s arrest, and did so less than 45 seconds after entering the courtroom. Ian was then taken to a second room where his supporters could not go with him. He was viewed on closed circuit TV as he continued to question the system and not consent, and drew two further contempt of court charges, all three for 30 days in jail.

Watch for further updates, articles, videos, and more.