Keene Council Committee Votes to Support Marijuana Decrim

* Warning – Boring Political Talk Below *

City Council has little effect on state laws, but the Municipal Services, Facilities and Infrastructure Committee voted to recommend that the City Council draft resolutions related to marijuana use for submission to State offices in Concord.

Wednesday evening, the Municipal Services, Facilities and Infrastructure Committee of the Keene City Council voted 4-1 to recommend the full council support medical marijuana legalization AND 3-2 to recommend the support of decriminalization of personal amounts of marijuana. The most vocal detractor, Mr. Greenwald, made it clear that he was voting “no” because he didn’t feel the issue to be something the City Council should be handling, and not because he disagreed with the idea. The committee acted on this due to the pushing from a seemingly unlikely source. Former KPD detective Fred Parsells submitted the letter at the bottom of this post to the Mayor and City Council, as well as spoke to the committee.

In favor of the resolution for medical marijuana: Arnold Bailey, Pamela Slack, Charles Redfern, and Ruth Venezia. Bailey opposed the decrim resolution.

If adopted, this decision still has no legal effect, but means that the City Council will draft a resolution and submit to Concord in support of these marijuana freedoms. The full council will be voting on these issues at the next meeting, September 17, 2009.

· Here is audio of Mr. Parsells’ speech to the committee. (Length – 14:17)
· Also, here is audio of blogger Nick Ryder speaking in support of Mr. Parsells’ letter, and his response to that. (Length – 02:10)

And the letter that prompted the action:

Dear Mayor and Council:

An incumbent city councilor was recently asked by an individual representing a particular point of view if said councilor would be willing to propose language to the full council which would, in so many words, direct the Keene Police Department to make enforcement of minimal marijuana possession laws its lowest enforcement priority. Even if it had the mind to do so, I do not believe that the council has the legal right to dictate such a policy. That said, the idea did prompt the councilor and me to engage in conversation regarding medical marijuana and the decriminalization of possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal consumption.


Update/News Roundup

Events, especially arrests, related to movers and FreeKeene participants are often busy times, and therefore, stories that are started don’t always get completed here on the blog. The following is a roundup of some of the recent activity, and how it concluded or what stage it is at.

Andrew Q’s arrest while at work – All charges were dropped about a week after the event. (read the arrest report)

Jesse’s arrest and trial for gardening – Jesse was found guilty, but was recently told by the court that “It is too expensive” to go after him, and they are closing the fine against him.

The Disorderly 6’s arrest and trials
Richard O: Charges Dropped
Nick R: Still awaiting verdict over 30 days after trial
Patrick S: Guilty of resisting arrest – Sentence suspended
Tim D: Charges Dropped
Kurt H: Awaiting trial
David K: Guilty of disorderly conduct with a $250 fine — “paid” with 6 days in jail

Kurt Hoffman and his various spouts with police Kurt is free on a $1000 cash bond. He’s awaiting trial on counts of assaulting a police officer (for rolling up his window while an officer was trying to reach in the car), disobeying a police officer (for not giving up his registration), unsafe driving (for driving with a dog on his lap), and others I believe.

Ian Freeman and his pending parking ticket and the letters he wrote to the KPD regarding it Ian reports that since the police took too long to “file the ticket with the court”, it has expired.

Sam arrested after his first trial date His trial for this charge of driving on a suspended license is set for October 23rd.

And of course we all know Cassidy’s charges were dropped

Sam’s Camera trials –
Day 1 of his trial is online, and day 2 is being worked on in the next week. His trial has completed without a ruling yet, as Judge Burke reviews more motions.

Did I miss anything you’ve been wondering about? Let me know and I’ll try to bring the update.

One Month After Trial – Ryder Yet To Hear Verdict

It’s been one month now since the July 27 Trial of “Disorderly” Nick Ryder. Judge Burke said at the end of the trial that he would be sending written notification of Ryder’s verdict to him through the mail. Since then, there has been no mail from the court. About a week and a half ago, Ryder also went to the court to check in person for updates to his case, and there were none. He was also told that the judge typically has 30 days to issue a verdict, but of course, what is his penalty if he does not?

Once an update is received, it will be posted to

NH Activist and Free Keene Supporter Makes National Waves

Today, William Kostric went to Portsmouth, New Hampshire to protest at President Obama’s Town Hall style meeting regarding healthcare. Soon though, he was spotted on private property nearby the meeting with a legally carried handgun. National news began reporting on the “Man with a Gun” near Obama’s appearance.

Within hours, William was given an appearance on MSNBC’s Hardball:

While William is not a Free Keene blogger, he is often spotted at local activism events and Social Sundays meetups

Sam Exits Court : Arrested Moments Later

Sam’s trial started today. The state presented its case before the court time ran out, and the trial will be continued on September 4th.

However, moments after leaving court, Sam broadcasted the below Porc411. Apparently under arrest for driving with a suspended license. More details will be posted to as we learn more.

Audio: Sam Arrested

Sam has been released with a summons. More information; including video; will likely be forthcoming throughout the weekend.

Qik videos related to the arrest:

Ian’s Camera Phone
Antijingoist’s Camera Phone