Update/News Roundup

Events, especially arrests, related to movers and FreeKeene participants are often busy times, and therefore, stories that are started don’t always get completed here on the blog. The following is a roundup of some of the recent activity, and how it concluded or what stage it is at.

Andrew Q’s arrest while at work – All charges were dropped about a week after the event. (read the arrest report)

Jesse’s arrest and trial for gardening – Jesse was found guilty, but was recently told by the court that “It is too expensive” to go after him, and they are closing the fine against him.

The Disorderly 6’s arrest and trials
Richard O: Charges Dropped
Nick R: Still awaiting verdict over 30 days after trial
Patrick S: Guilty of resisting arrest – Sentence suspended
Tim D: Charges Dropped
Kurt H: Awaiting trial
David K: Guilty of disorderly conduct with a $250 fine — “paid” with 6 days in jail

Kurt Hoffman and his various spouts with police Kurt is free on a $1000 cash bond. He’s awaiting trial on counts of assaulting a police officer (for rolling up his window while an officer was trying to reach in the car), disobeying a police officer (for not giving up his registration), unsafe driving (for driving with a dog on his lap), and others I believe.

Ian Freeman and his pending parking ticket and the letters he wrote to the KPD regarding it Ian reports that since the police took too long to “file the ticket with the court”, it has expired.

Sam arrested after his first trial date His trial for this charge of driving on a suspended license is set for October 23rd.

And of course we all know Cassidy’s charges were dropped

Sam’s Camera trials –
Day 1 of his trial is online, and day 2 is being worked on in the next week. His trial has completed without a ruling yet, as Judge Burke reviews more motions.

Did I miss anything you’ve been wondering about? Let me know and I’ll try to bring the update.

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