Kenny Meola Plays Hard to Get

On August 6th police departments across the states held “national night out” to try to better community relations.

I stopped by the Keene police department. Present was the BEARCAT – which was brought to town last year despite the overwhelming pushback from townsfolks who said “Thanks but no tanks!”

Right now, just an hour or so to the north, so-claimed “public officials” in Concord are attempting to do the same.

But hey – at least some folks at the LENCO plant down in Pitsfield, MA have jobs right?

They’re staying busy cranking out these vehicles. Thanks to federal money from the misnamed Department of Homeland Security – BEARCATS are now in 300 towns.

A DHS grant – which, to be clear, is coin stolen from taxpayers – also provided a mobile command center to the Cheshire County sheriffs – the outfit now headed by former Keene police employee Eli Rivera.

I was hopeful that I could finally have a conversation with someone who has thus far, played hard to get since my time in Keene.

Despite a number of attempts to initiate a convo, or even just get a reciprocal “hello” or “good afternoon” Ken Meola has steadfastly refused to engage. Perhaps today, in public, things would be different.


Ed Burke Deems Ransom Levied By Lesley Collier Sound Despite Inability to Identify Victim

this post was first published to on August 07, 2013

Edward Burke says that I owe the “City of Keene” 15FNRs or else.

This, despite the fact that no victim could be pointed to by Keene police employee Lesley Collier, who back in March left a ransom note on my Tahoe.

Nor could Collier point to any property damage that I had caused or even a single complainant.

To be clear, the ransom Burke says I owe is demanded simply because I disobeyed a decree that I never signed, which was written by some strangers I never met.

Thanks to Ian Freeman of,,, LRN.FM and for filming this August 06, 2013 venture in legaland.
Legaland is necessarily arbitrary as it says that a certain group of people have the right and knowledge to create and then interpret legislation conflated to be law.
I don’t need to be verse in legaland jargon or go to school for three years to know that no victim means no crime. That’s enough for me.

Wiretapping Secret Search Warrant Revealed

joedirusso_dprkpoliceToday at noon, the secret search warrant sought by the furtive NH state police trooper Joseph DiRusso was unsealed, having been cast into shadow by its robed rubber stamper judge Edward Burke. In the text, we learn several intriguing facts. Prince John himself was involved in the plot to snatch my camera, as well as royal police chief Kenneth Meola, conveniently utilizing a legal means of attack in addition to the frivolous Robin Hooding lawsuit that the Prince and Jester already have levelled against area activists.

princejohn_maclean_akpfIn a previous update, we learned that the original unseal date of July 26 was extended until August 6, with no reason given. On the first page of the secret warrant, we see the request for the extension, which cites a backlog at the NH State Police crime lab of over a year. Specifically for this case, the laboratory search of my property was expedited to be done within 45 days. How important must this wiretapping charge be to Keene city bureaucrats and their minions in the state police? I certainly hope that no evidence pertaining to actual crime had its analysis delayed so that DiRusso could waste time seeking something innocuous that doesn’t even exist.

Reading through the search warrant, nothing included seems to demonstrate probable cause of criminal activity beyond that jester Tom Mullins found my recollection of the conversation accurate in his opinion. Opinion is not probable cause. To back up Mullins’ baseless claim, DiRusso arrogantly fancies himself a witness to the event, despite not even being there (unless he was hiding in the Jester’s office closet at the time). Joseph DiRussio writes, “Throughout the course of my career, I have conducted numerous interviews which required me to take notes of what was said. I have thoroughly reviewed Attachment #1 and would not have been able to create such a detailed interview of said meeting by means of memory and one page of written notes.”

How could a judge possibly have found this pulled out-of-thin-air nonsense to constitute the legal standard of probable cause? Under what authority can DiRusso attest to the accuracy of reports from scenes that he was not even witness to? (more…)

Cop Block Founder Sues Greenfield Police Following 2010 Arrest for Filming

Cop Block founder Ademo Freeman shared the following article on his Facebook page. Here’s what he wrote:

Here’s a write up about my pending lawsuit with the Greenfield (MA) Police Department. Some of these facts are not correct – as usual (best example is in the title, says the charges were dismissed but later states – correctly – that Pete and I were found not guilty at trial) – but I don’t really want to spend any more time on this issue. All the information about Pete Eyre’s and my case is documented in detail at

By Jonathan Adams at 

BOSTON/South Boston – Founder of police-accountability group Cop Block Adam Mueller is suing the Town of Greenfield, Mass. and Greenfield police officers following his arrest for filming officers in 2010.

The lawsuit filed July 1 at US District Court in Boston, comes after felony charges of illegal wiretapping against him were dismissed at Greenfield District Court in July 2011. (more…)

Will David Lauren Acknowledge There Was No Victim and Thus No Right to Demand Payment?

UPDATE: JULY 31 1:09am

Just before 4pm today I dropped-off this note addressed to David Lauren at the Cheshire County Attorney office.

I had previously called and left a voicemail with Lauren and inquired how best to point out to him some content I think relevant to the threat he and his colleagues have levied at me for the victimless act of parking my truck on a clear street.

The post I indicated in the note is this post:


ATTN: David Lauren

Re: “State of N.H. vs. Peter Eyre, No. 499-2013-CR-00803” and the statement communicated to me on July 25, 2013 by Jean Hawkins Kilham, seeking “reciprocal discovery for any evidence” related to the ransom note left on my vehicle on March 23, 2013 by Lesley Collier, please see the post:


> the embedded b&w video entitled “2013 03 23 Lesley Collier leaves ransom note on vehicle”

[the direct link to that video is:]


> the three screenshots from that show the weather in Keene, NH on the dates March 21-23, 2013

Thanks for your time.

It’s my hope that justice will be arrived at through reason and logic.

Your neighbor,

-Pete Eyre
