City Files Robin Hood Appeal, Spends $2,200 on Transcript Alone

RobinHood_sheriffThe people calling themselves the “City of Keene” have officially filed their appeal in the Robin Hood cases. They have also filed a motion asking the NH supreme court to accept amicus briefs in the case from other interested parties, which will likely be various state employee unions, and other state agencies interested in destroying freedom of speech and the press.

The appeal paperwork lists the amount “the City” will be forcing taxpayers to pay for the transcript of the three-day “evidentiary hearings” that led to the dismissal of their illegal, unconstitutional civil cases against the Robin Hooders: $2,200! Add that to the at least $20,000 that taxpayers have forked over for this frivolous case against us in the first place, and then keep counting, because the legal bill from the fancy private attorneys “the city” hired isn’t going to get smaller!

A recent Keene city council meeting shows a non-public session where the council appears to have voted 12-0 on a legal issue, presumably this case.  Is the city council really in favor of this move by “the city”?  How many taxpayer dollars are they willing to lavish on this case before people boot them out of office in the next election?

Usually the court will take a month to docket the case.  Stay tuned to Free Keene for the latest on the Robin Hood saga.

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 31

This week:  Vice covers the DPRK, the State’s war on Snuggeries, communication through smiling and Keene’s hired attorneys attempt to appeal the Robin Hood case.  Show notes at:

AKPF #1 – Tour Part 2

akpf_tour2AKPF #1 reignites with a new episode following the first installment of content collected from the Police Accountability Tour. Tour Part 2, first airing on December 16, features footage from on the ground in Chicago, Illinois and Gary, Indiana. No parking enforcers appear in this cautionary edition.

1. 00:00 Special message to the viewers of Cheshire TV disclaimer
2. 00:10 Opening imagery, AKPF musical and credits
3. 01:40 Amagi metals
4. 01:43 Pete presents puppycide video with Colonel the dog in Chicago
5. 05:37 Occupy wiretap telephones
6. 06:52 Record everywhere, especially Illinois police
7. 08:23 CPD Striegel opposes recording young hooligan
8. 11:28 Skokie facial fracture video from
9. 19:26 Children in Gary, IN speak on neighborhood violence
10. 20:13 Who is addressing Gary’s murder problem
11. 22:40 Interview with a police chief Adam in Gary, Indiana filmed November 10 2013
12. 25:41 Abandoned home trashed and pillaged

“City of Keene” Loses in Supreme Court Smoke Alarm Case Against KAC

smokeDetector[1]If you have been following the blog here at Free Keene for the last 18 months, you may recall the raid on the Keene Activist Center that occurred in the summer of 2012. The Keene-police-backed raid by code enforcement and the fire department ultimately resulted in a court case against me for an alleged smoke alarm violation. (They claimed that all homes must have an interconnected, AC-powered smoke alarm system.)

We went to court and the “City of Keene” ultimately lost because I caught them violating their own rules – fire chiefs aren’t allowed by their own statutes to inspect single and two-family homes. Judge Runyon correctly invalidated all the evidence collected by the fire chief and dismissed the case. “The City” people, desperate to crush the KAC and hating to lose in their own system, then appealed to the NH “supreme” court, spending hundreds of taxpayer dollars on a transcript of the district court hearings.

The supreme court then informed “the City” that their filing was deficient because all criminal cases must have the approval of the attorney general’s office prior to the appeal being filed. They gave “the City” some time to correct the error. Meanwhile, “the City” and the AG’s office filed memorandums of law arguing the case was not criminal, but civil, and therefore they did not need the AG’s permission to move ahead with the appeal.

Ultimately, the court’s “justices” disagreed with “the City’s” arguments and ruled the case is indeed criminal and so “the City” must get the AG’s approval by Nov 7th. The approval was never given. Therefore, the supreme court dismissed the case. I and the KAC win! (Of course, I’ve lost lots of time and effort I could have spent on other things.)

The fact that “the City” couldn’t even win their smoke alarm case at the supreme court against me may not bode well for their eventual performance in the Robin Hood case appeal, where they are actually against a real, experienced free speech attorney!

Show Must Go On: DPRK Denies Robin Hood Ruling

princejohn_rhoodkeenenhWord from DPRK officials speaking through the Keene Sentinel have affirmed their interest in continuing onward with the Robin Hood lawsuit, despite its defeat at the superior court level. It is poised now to go before the New Hampshire supreme court, if the state’s mega-court chooses to hear the case. Though the appeal has yet to be filed, this is a great time to congratulate the CoK leaders for possessing the courage and fortitude necessary to subject themselves to more public courtroom festivities on this matter and thank them for keeping the cause of Robin Hood of Keene ever alive.

Following the coverage in the Keene Sentinel, the Concord Monitor published a truncated copy of their article the following day. Concord’s abbreviated coverage removes all statements made by the city’s hired-gun attorney Charles Bauer following the judge’s ruling. Bauer makes some controversial statements regarding the decision that the legal assistant of the Keene city attorney was unable to lend any support to, choosing instead not to comment on the interpretation made by Charlie. As quoted, he stated, “The Order holds that the individual protesters have no duty to be reasonable in their actions and conduct directed toward public employees while doing their jobs…that the individual protesters are allowed to interfere, harass, and intimidate public employees while doing their jobs…(and) that the individual protesters may engage in inappropriate and unreasonable actions and conduct directed at public employees while doing their jobs.” Free Concord is currently seeking to obtain the full statement to press by the losing side’s attorney and will have more to report as information becomes available. (more…)