City Attorney Admits to Sentinel: Robin Hood Suit is About Revenue

Robin Hood of KeeneKudos to the Sentinel for being first to press with the story on the 2nd lawsuit the city has filed against Robin Hooders. In it, the city attorney finally admits it’s about the revenue, but adds a lie to the mix:

Any significant loss of revenue has more to do with officers writing fewer tickets than in the past because they’ve been distracted by the alleged harassing behavior, he said.

It’s either a lie or city attorney Thom Mullins doesn’t understand how Robin Hooding works. The Robin Hooder should be positioned in front of the parking enforcer, filling meters before the enforcer can reach them. That is why they are writing fewer tickets, it’s not because they are distracted! Just admit it, Thom – you guys are pissed that you have missed out on at least $25,000 in revenue this year because Robin Hooders have saved well over 5,000 motorists from being victimized by your agents!

Here’s the story from the Keene Sentinel’s Kyle Jarvis: (more…)

City Sues Robin Hooders AGAIN, Demands Jury Trial, Damages, Attorney’s Fees

Wanted Robin HoodIf you thought the first case against Robin Hooders was ridiculous, have I got news for you:

The people calling themselves the “City of Keene” have now filed another lawsuit against the same Robin Hooders (and Pete Eyre, who has never Robin Hooded) in Cheshire “superior” court. This time, they allege the same things as before, that we have cause them damage by “harassing” and “intimidating” their parking enforcers as part of a conspiracy to meddle with their employment contracts. Now, they are seeking monetary damages plus their attorneys’ fees (which are not going to be small, given the huge number of hours they have likely already billed on just the first case alone) and are demanding a jury trial! So if it weren’t bad enough that they are wasting the court’s time with one trial, now they are going to waste even more of the court’s time AND the time of a dozen innocent jurors who could be out living their productive lives.

Hey wait… I thought the city people had originally claimed this wasn’t about the revenues they had lost from the Robin Hooding!  In fact, yes, here is the city manager himself making just that exact statement to the Union Leader:

“This is not about revenue. This is not about the city losing any money,” – City Manager John A. MacLean

From the new suit:

37. The City has suffered damages, all within the jurisdictional limits of the Court, for
the following:
a. Loss of an employee;
b. A modified schedule for another employee because of the Defendants’
c. Hiring costs to replace the lost employee;
d. Monetary and administrative expenses with regard to counseling and other
Human Resource issues; and
e. The PEOs’ inability to properly perform their employment duties.

Item “e” is another way of them saying “LOST REVENUE”.  Looks like the truth has come out.  It IS really all about their lost revenue…and the continued attempt to crush the liberty activists in the area.  The defendants must file appearances and answers in the case within 30 days of being served with the case.  Here is the 2nd lawsuit against Robin Hooders in PDF form, as filed in Cheshire “superior” court on Monday 9/23.

Robin Hood Court Update: Local Man Files to Intervene, Hearing Dates, Pete’s Status

robinAs you know from day one of the “evidentiary hearing” in the Robin Hood case, the last thing that happened in court was that Pete filed a motion to remove his name from the case, since he has not been involved in Robin Hooding.  The city’s hired-gun private attorneys filed an objection to that motion, stating that because Pete used a radio one time to announce the location of a parking enforcer and that he once had a conversation with one, that he must be considered part of the “civil conspiracy” and kept on the case.  The judge denied Pete’s motion.

The last post I made about the case was regarding free speech attorney Jon Meyer’s motion to dismiss the case.  Now the city’s attorneys have filed their objection.  They claim they have a right to sue to protect their employees and that Meyer’s motion is improperly timed.  They say they should be able to complete the evidentiary hearing before a motion to dismiss is entertained.  Of course, there are two more full days of court slated for that evidentiary hearing, so that means more billable hours to the fancy private attorneys that the city people will force taxpayers to fund.

An interesting new twist has come to the case where a local man named Matthew Phillips has filed a “motion to intervene“, in an attempt to join the case as a defendant!  Phillips makes the argument that since the city argued that Pete should stay as part of the case (when all he ever did was use a radio once and have a conversation with a PEO), that Phillips should be added as he claims to have Robin Hooded more than Pete. (more…)

Ian Found Guilty in Speeding Ticket Case, Sentencing in October, Motions Filed.

Judge Edward B. TenneyMy recent speeding ticket case in Hillsborough showed, yet again, that consent is not required for the state agents to act against your freedom, even though you are hurting no one.  It even had a moment where a former police officer basically admitted knowing nothing about the constitution to which he supposedly swore an oath.

Now, despite me filing a motion to dismiss at trial full of case history outlining the right to travel, the robed man, Tenney, has found  me guilty (of course).  Sentencing is October 17th at 8:15am.

In response, I have filed a motion to vacate, motion to place on file, and motion to sentence by mail.  Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest.  Learn how you can help clog the court system with the “Don’t the Plea Deal” flyer.

City & Attorney General File to Save Smoke Alarm Case

smokeDetector[1]As reported here previously, the “City of Keene’s” smoke alarm case against me was recently in jeopardy of being dismissed as per the order of the Supreme Court. Now the have filed a five page memorandum of law explaining why RSA 606:10 V should not apply to their case. The Attorney General’s office has weighed in as well, with a boring 12-page filing on the same issue.

The filings argue that the RSA does not apply to civil cases and then they try to convince the Supreme Court that their matter is civil (though the district court files them as criminal…) so, they believe the case should move forward.   The court has yet to issue an order on the matter. Stay tuned here to Free Keene for updates on this ongoing ridiculous case that the city people continue to fight with your tax dollars.

Aqua Kourt Pillage Feud #2

Robin_Hood_akpf2Premiering in this week’s AKPF #1 timeslot is Aqua Kourt Pillage Feud #02, the second installment of Robin Hood of Keene‘s edited trial highlights from the raw full hearing. The next such occasion is scheduled for September 30 and October 1, unless a motion to dismiss filed by attorney Jon Meyer is granted prior. An episode last month featured Pete’s testimony chopped down to a format easily consumable by a televisual audience. This week’s video consists primarily of parking enforcer Linda’s testimony, and drudges on indefinitely until details begin to emerge.