Lenco Gets a Paycheck, Concord Gets a BEARCAT

myVader-Sert-BearcatConcord police will be receiving a Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck, after an 11-4 vote by the full city council in favor of accepting the military-style vehicle funded by a Department of Homeland Security grant to the Lenco corporation. The fire chief closed the building to many attendees, calling capacity at a reported 70 guests. Drum circles, light shows, sign waving, videography, and socializing occurred in the courtyard outside of the council meeting location on Green Street. Media from around the state observed proceedings both inside and outside of the chambers. Dave Ridley has already posted an ambush interview of Concord police chief John Duval to his youtube channel, in which he asks the top cop if he expected anyone beyond DHS bureaucracy to read his grant application. Ridley’s coverage, from which more is to be expected later, is embedded below.

Tony Schinella’s article at Concord Patch includes quotes from city councilors on both sides the issue, who were reportedly offered copies of Radley Balko’s Rise of the Warrior Cop while they were considering their decision. After word of the vote came out to the crowd, the message on the green beam laser pointed at a nearby steeple read, “BEARCAT FOR SALE CALL 911”. (more…)

Speeding Ticket Trial in Hillsborough – Video

Hillsborough District Court, 2013-09-05 – As I pass out “Don’t take the plea deal” fliers before my speeding ticket trial, bailiff Preston tries to tell me not to. I grab my camera and begin recording as I accompany him to the clerk who supposedly will cite the “rule” that people can’t hand things out in court. She passes the buck to the judge, and I go back to the courtroom to keep handing out fliers. The judge never says a word about it.

Hours of arraignments transpire before they get to my trial – not a single person in the courthouse has been accused of hurting another person. All of the charges were pot, alcohol, other drugs, or driving-related. I was able to hand out dozens of fliers, including one about jury nullification to a hippie-looking lady facing felony cannabis growing charges. I explained nullification to her and her husband and told them about the rastafarian Doug Darrell who was set free thanks to jury nullification. They were very interested. After a lunch break, my trial for speeding began:

Aqua Kzheckpoint Patrol Fortification #1

2013_09_09_akpfmasscopThis week’s fulfilling installment entered into the AKPF #1 timeslot on CheshireTV is Aqua Kzheckpoint Patrol Fortification #1, offering a unique perspective into a suspicionless checkpoint established on Route 12 in Walpole in addition to following up on AKPF #1 episode 10 Staatspolizei. Included in this episode are editorial videos by Dave Ridley, which do not represent the views of this channel, its staff, board of directors, or underwriters. Plus, you wouldn’t want to miss the unconstitutional anticamera tirade of Barnstable MassCop Gretchen Allen as captured by journalist Robert Bastille.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_lt0dF0WX0 (more…)

Attorney Jon Meyer Motions to Dismiss Robin Hood Case

robinWhile the “evidentiary hearing” in the Robin Hood case is set to continue this fall, heroic free speech attorney Jon Meyer has filed his motion to dismiss and memorandum of law in Cheshire superior court.  In the memorandum, he outlines his reasons:

Meyer points out that the city’s claim of “tortious interference” on the part of the Robin Hooders fails to meet the requirements of a tort and if the city were successful in their case, the resulting order would violate the Robin Hooders‘ free speech rights.  Even if the activists were not pleasant towards the parking enforcers, it would still be within their free speech rights, and the enforcers – as public employees – should not be shielded from criticism.  Meyer is also an employment law attorney and points out employees have no right to work in a non-hostile work environment, as the city’s attorneys claim.

What will the city’s hired-gun attorneys say in response?  Will there be a hearing on the motion to dismiss?  Will the city’s precious case be tossed out?  Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on the Robin Hood saga.

City of Keene Executive Branch Acts as Legislative & Judicial, in Clear Violation of Separation of Powers

Attorney Jon MeyerAs previously blogged here, attorney Jon Meyer recently proved in court that the people calling themselves the “City of Keene” have been illegally issuing “no trespass” orders to people they don’t want in Central Square. Now Meyer has filed a motion to dismiss the criminal trespass case against Robin Hooder Graham Colson. In the well-written motion, supportive memo, and supplemental memo, Meyer lays out his case about why the city’s no trespass orders are unconstitutional. In essence, they have no statutory or ordinance-based authority to issue a no-trespass order in response to a skateboarding violation, because receiving such an order is not listed as the punishments for skateboarding in city ordinance – this act is basically KPD making their own law! In addition, the order that was issued by KPD and “the city” violates Graham’s right to due process:

the act of prohibiting Colson from Keene Central Square violates the Due Process Clause because Colson did not have any notice that skateboarding in the Keene Central Square would result in a police order prohibiting him from entering the square.

Meyer also argues the order is an unconstitutional violation of Graham’s free speech rights as it bans him from a public common, historically used to express ideas.

Finally, in the supplemental memo Meyer points out that the no trespass order was issued without any conviction of Graham for his alleged skateboarding violation. In fact, it was issued instead of charging Graham with violating the skateboarding ordinance. This the executive branch, via the orders of Keene boss John Maclean, acting as the judicial and legislative branches. The city council never authorized such a penalty for skateboarding and a charge was never brought before a court, meaning Graham’s due process rights were clearly violated. Legally, Keene police officer Jason Short is only allowed to allege a violation – those charges need to be proven in court. Instead, Short found him guilty on the spot and imposed punishment in the form of the illegal “no trespass” order.

The amount of government malfeasance in this case is astounding.  Thank you Jon Meyer.