Live Tweets from Robin Hood Court Hearing – Day 1

Here are the tweets live from Day 1 of the Robin Hood “evidentiary hearing” that happened all day in Cheshire superior court, thanks to Darryl W. Perry and FPP.CC for the coverage: (They go from newest to oldest, so start at the bottom of the full article for the beginning of the day.)


Darryl W. Perry @DWPerry78
Pete again motioned to be removed from the case #RobinHoodtrial
Darryl W. Perry @DWPerry78
No preliminary relief, case is continued until a later date #RobinHoodtrial
Darryl W. Perry @DWPerry78
Prosecution had 5 more witnesses, plus 5 witnesses for the defense #RobinHoodtrial (more…)

Robin Hood’s Court Challenge

beseeingyou_pjkeeneThe long awaited day will be soon upon us, as Prince John Maclean and his court Jester Tom Mullins take Robin Hood of Keene to court. While the legal wranglers conspired deviously behind the scenes, the Merry women and men prepared for the showdown on the court itself. This morning, the following video was released to AKPF confirming that the resistance is ready to taste victory in the face of the royalty’s bold challenge.

Robin Hooding “Evidentiary” Hearing

On Monday, August 12, 2013 at 9 AM, the “Evidentiary” hearing for the Robin Hooding lawsuit will commence at:

Court Room 1, Superior Court, 12 Court Street, Keene NH 03431.RH

The hearing is allotted seven hours and  will determine if there is any grounds to continue the lawsuit and if a preliminary injunction should be granted against the respondents placing restrictions on their constitutionally protected rights of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly.

As previously mentioned, Jon Meyer is representing five of the robin hooders and Pete Erye is going pro se.

The “city of Keene” has hired a private law firm at an unknown cost to Keene taxpayers to represent “its” interests despite having a city attorney and his own assistants.

It should be interesting to see the supposed evidence that the “city” has regarding all the so-called “harassing” behavior by the robin hooders.

There is a chance that this ridiculous case will be dropped on constitutional issues.

If you can make it, I hope to see you there.

Yours Truly,

-James ‘Robin Hood’ Cleaveland

Wiretapping Secret Search Warrant Revealed

joedirusso_dprkpoliceToday at noon, the secret search warrant sought by the furtive NH state police trooper Joseph DiRusso was unsealed, having been cast into shadow by its robed rubber stamper judge Edward Burke. In the text, we learn several intriguing facts. Prince John himself was involved in the plot to snatch my camera, as well as royal police chief Kenneth Meola, conveniently utilizing a legal means of attack in addition to the frivolous Robin Hooding lawsuit that the Prince and Jester already have levelled against area activists.

princejohn_maclean_akpfIn a previous update, we learned that the original unseal date of July 26 was extended until August 6, with no reason given. On the first page of the secret warrant, we see the request for the extension, which cites a backlog at the NH State Police crime lab of over a year. Specifically for this case, the laboratory search of my property was expedited to be done within 45 days. How important must this wiretapping charge be to Keene city bureaucrats and their minions in the state police? I certainly hope that no evidence pertaining to actual crime had its analysis delayed so that DiRusso could waste time seeking something innocuous that doesn’t even exist.

Reading through the search warrant, nothing included seems to demonstrate probable cause of criminal activity beyond that jester Tom Mullins found my recollection of the conversation accurate in his opinion. Opinion is not probable cause. To back up Mullins’ baseless claim, DiRusso arrogantly fancies himself a witness to the event, despite not even being there (unless he was hiding in the Jester’s office closet at the time). Joseph DiRussio writes, “Throughout the course of my career, I have conducted numerous interviews which required me to take notes of what was said. I have thoroughly reviewed Attachment #1 and would not have been able to create such a detailed interview of said meeting by means of memory and one page of written notes.”

How could a judge possibly have found this pulled out-of-thin-air nonsense to constitute the legal standard of probable cause? Under what authority can DiRusso attest to the accuracy of reports from scenes that he was not even witness to? (more…)