Realizing that every law enforcement and intelligence agency from the FBI to the FSB now reads this blog, I have a question for the honest and good people who enforce or support the drug war:
If the drug war was really about keeping people from using drugs, would this be official American policy?
How is that compatible with being a good person?
Have you read the Constitution?
PS New Hampshire: WMUR flatly refuses to cover the shameful judicial corruption that exists in New Hampshire. I used to trust the mainstream media, but now it’s obvious to me why people shouldn’t.
New Hampshire is home to many honorable judges. There are several that really need to be fired for, you know, corruption.
Just like in the police world, bad cops give the good a bad name.
The NH Police Academy taught me to “police (my) own,” literally. Perhaps the Judicial Branch needs the same?
This Wednesday at 1pm I’ll walk into district court in Manchester, New Hampshire so a judge can decide when I’ll go to jail. Why? Well the start of all this was June 4th, 2011 when I used children’s chalk on a police station. Since then I have been found guilty at a trial by judge. Wanting to speak to a jury, I appealed.
Well, Obama has won the battle for mandatory healthcare in the US. SCOTUS has let the people down again. It is burning me up that most people disagree with this law, but since the Obama administration has labeled it a tax, SCOTUS upheld the law. Had the administration not labeled it a tax, it would have been a violation of the Commerce Clause and would have been struck down. This would and could have been a win for Freedom, but SCOTUS and POTUS don’t give a crap about the people nor do they care about freedom. The US just gets less free and less free every day. Every one of us will be forced to purchase health insurance by 2014, I will not comply. Will you?
Mitt Romney comes out today and says the only way to repeal Obamacare is to elect Romney…hmm…guess he totally forgot Romneycare! What an ass! He should be in the Democratic party, since he plays the same shit they do! Actually, there is zero difference between any of the crappy, fascist politicians and bureaucrats under them. Woe to us all!
Republicans are going to try once again to repeal Obamacare in a few weeks at the start of the next legislative session. How many times are they going to try this and fail? LOL, maybe they should have thought of that before nominating (soon to be official) Mitt Romney. Such hypocrisy! Why do people still fail to see the hypocrisy that is almost slapping them in the face? Argh, the American masses are doomed.
It’s not like he has to answer anyone’s questions. He knows you’re going to keep paying whether he answers or not. I mean it’s not like his officers murdered that fleeing suspect when they shot at him as he was running away or anything. Dave Ridley reports:
It’s been brought to my attention that the FBI has been snooping around the Keene area for several months. First they called in a fellow Free Keene blogger (who asked not to be identified) and asked him if violence was advocated amongst those who frequent the Keene Activity Center. The Free Keene blogger clearly told them they had the wrong people and that if violence was ever advocated, it would be rejected as a means to the end by any real “Free Stater” (a term I use only as a way to identify a group, it should be understood that ‘free staters’, like everyone else, are individuals responsible for their own actions and thoughts).
Top this off with a few sketchy visits from new movers, who I now believe to be FBI agents or informants, and it’s almost comical – if not so scary – how pathetic the FBI’s attempts are at infiltrating the Keene Activity Center (KAC). One guy, ‘Michael’, came to the KAC for a visit (which is typical of new movers) and after a long conversation – where I asked him directly if he was an agent of the state (he said he was not) – it was decided that “Michael’s” views are not acceptable to those who frequent the KAC and he was asked to leave. He has never attempted a return but it should be noted that this man may still be trying to infiltrate liberty groups.
Fast forward a couple a months and the FBI – Phil Christiana – decides to interview another liberty minded person, Rich Paul. Known for his self ownership activism, relating to the war on drugs – particularly marijuana – Rich was targeted for allegedly making voluntary exchanges of substances the government deems illegal. Funny thing is, Phil and the state agent that was assisting him didn’t even care about the drugs. What did Phil and the FBI want? They wanted Rich to wear a wire into the Keene Activity Center. (more…)