University System of New Hampshire Misleads Openly About Weapon Regulation Authority

Regarding my blog on 12/02/11 regarding the University System of New Hampshire illegally enforcing a firearm and knife ban, I recently was contacted by a government official who suggested I make you aware that quite openly in the media the University System of New Hampshire is claiming that they HAVE the authority to do what state law pretty clearly says they do not.

“New Hampshire is one of 25 states that allow individual campuses to set their own rules on weapons, though the policies are close to identical. All of the campuses ban firearms and most other weapons, and that’s the way education officials want it to stay.”

Incorrect. No political subdivision can regulate knives or firearms without the express permission of the NH General Court.

“Private businesses can put in place any rules about firearms they want, “but as long as UNH receives taxpayer money, they are a subdivision of the state and they are completely disregarding the law,” said Republican state Rep. J.R. Hoell of Dunbarton.


Check out the article here.

Sarah Palermo is the Concord Monitor reporter who has been covering the story.

Download your Chronic Carols Songsheet!

As you know if you’ve been reading here, the Shire Choir has been performing anti-drug-war carols written to the tunes of classic Christmas songs by wordsmith Richard Onley.

Most recently we have been performing at the state monopoly liquor stores. Those performances will continue, so stay tuned for more about them.

I wanted to share with you the song sheets we’ll be handing out at future performances. Feel free to print them out and form your own Shire Choir, wherever you are:

Front Side (.jpg)
Back Side (.jpg)

Torture/Murder a Federal Employee, Receive Verbal Warning

Really. No, wait, not really. 

It has been several months since I contributed to the Free Keene blog regarding my transition to liberty or my opinions about stuff that is happening in the government world. In fact, my second to last post here was about how I, for the first time in 30 years crawling this planet, got arrested.  I was arrested at the US/Mexico border in Nogales, AZ by United States Customs and Border Protection for exercising the 5th Amendment.

My blog was titled “I Sat in a Cage to Defend the 5th Amendment.”

Well, I finally got my “arrest report” from the feds (after 4-5 months of notarizing forms, mailing things back and forth, and begging) and it sure looks like they let me off easy for the pure evil I unleashed at the border station. It looks like I misled you in my July blog in that that I failed to mention that I, according to the federal officer who arrested me, murdered one of their co-workers.

Among the two things I “could have been arrested” for were 18 USC 111 and 18 USC 1114. That would be forcibly impeding and murdering a federal officer. Now verbal warnings are given out every day for things like speeding and rolling through a stop sign… but I never imagined I’d get a verbal warning for violating a law that I could get the federal death penalty for. I went straight from never having been arrested or convicted of anything to the lethal injection.

Here’s the report.  It is so ridiculous, I believe it deserved its own meme.

Now, having written a police report or two myself, I’ll point some things out that are happening in CBP Officer Aldrich’s weak attempt of a report he came up with.


Shire Choir Performs in State Liquor Store

CONCORD – After a spirited rally in front of the New Hampshire State House, liberty activists opposed to the ongoing prohibition and prosecution of peaceful people marched to a nearby State-owned liquor store to point out the hypocrisy of a State that sells one type of drug while caging people for selling another. Ironically this state’s motto is “Live Free or Die,” though it is surrounded by other states that have more lenient drug laws, many having enacted some form of decriminalization for the possession of cannabis.

The first song that the Shire Choir sang at State Liquor Store #1 was “A Lay of Anslinger.” The words of both songs are by Richard Only. This song is to the tune of “Away in a Manger”:

Shire Choir sings “Violent Blight” at State Liquor Store #1 to the tune of Silent Night:

Courtesy of NH Liquor & Wine Outlets

The opening song is Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains) by Arcade Fire and is dedicated to the men and women employed by the New Hampshire Liquor Commission. These workers should find common cause with the message of the Shire Choir. Our main concern this holiday season is that all peaceful people should be released from N.H. and U.S. cages. 80 years ago, people selling liquor were killed or caged for doing the very same activity the employees of the New Hampshire Liquor & Wine Outlets do today.

Here are the lyrics to the opening of the song:

They heard me singing and they told me to stop
Quit these pretentious things and just punch the clock
These days my life, I feel it has no purpose
But late at night the feelings swim to the surface

Courtesy of NH Liquor & Wine Outlets

I hope these State employees find purpose along with the Shire Choir and support having the freedom to trade drugs like liquor, coffee, cannabis or whatever else an individual decides to put into his or her body. I’m not much of a drinker but if someone wants to drink responsibly then I have no problem with their choice. The same goes for cannabis consumption which has been found to be far less harmful than alcohol consumption.

The puzzle is why does the State lock up one type of drug dealer, as they allege Beau Davis to be, while the New Hampshire Liquor Commission employs others? Some tell me it’s because the State brings in over 1/2 a billion dollars. But if this money is spent to lock up peaceful people, like cannabis merchants and consumers, then what is the point?

Lauren Pays Ransom to Armed Gang for Jim’s Release

JimAfter three weeks of being jailed for not filling out a court form, then ultimately for being morally opposed to paying money to aggressors, Jim Johnson is among the semi-free again!

Generous people donated to Jim’s wife Lauren Canario, and she and Jim made the choice to pay the ransom. It is good to have Jim out of the cage, and outrageous that he was put there in the first place. The man in the robe, in an “ORDER”, claims he doesn’t have “statutory authority” to instead of a fine, impose jail time at $50/day, or community service. (See that ORDER, as well as the original one that Jim was imprisoned on here.

Can the robed man, John P. Arnold, be held responsible? Word is that some activists are pursuing the new “grievance committee” option in Concord against both Keene judges, Arnold and Burke. How successful it will be is another question. JJ and I also put in a message with John Lynch, “the governor”, who is the man who appoints all the judges. Thus far, he has not called back.

Other shenanigans related to this case:

The hearing where John P. Arnold threw Jim Johnson back in a cage was about as secret as you can get. (more…)

Edward Burke Committed a Crime

In this state it is a crime to falsely report to law enforcing authorities that an individual has committed an offense.  Specifically RSA 641:4 “False Reports to Law Enforcement” prohibits this type of conduct.

The law reads in part:

A person is guilty of a misdemeanor if he:

I. Knowingly gives or causes to be given false information to any law enforcement officer with the purpose of inducing such officer to believe that another has committed an offense; or
