Governor Hassan & Executive Council: Free Rich Paul Immediately

Rich Paul remains incarcerated for exercising his right to have a peaceful revolution against unjust laws.  “Unjust laws” in my humble opinion are those laws that are unsupported by science, immoral, and completely unchangeable by democracy.

I find this completely unacceptable.

I (like everyone else) have the right to ignore RSA 311:7‘s oh-so-mysterious “commonly” reference (wink, wink) if it means peacefully practicing law in court to reform the government.  The law belongs to The People…  not a private monopoly organization beholden to the government and centered on control and profit.

Rich Paul is a good man who has been following the direction given him in Part I, Article 10 of the New Hampshire Constitution.  He has been doing it even though he has never sworn an oath to the document.

If I’m not mistaken… all of you all have.

I demand the NH Constitution be followed and Rich be released by 05/13/13.  If Rich does not walk free, I will be taking on his appeal.  Pardon him, commute his sentence, leave the back door unlocked, let a bird fly up to his window with a key…  it really doesn’t matter to me.

Let him go.

What Is ‘Joint Terrorism’ the FBI Investigates?

2013_04_20_freerichFBI Bomb Technician Phil Christiana spent the day following the attack at the Boston Marathon at the trial of Rich Paul in Keene. He gave the least consistent testimony of any of the state’s actors, and even altered specific facts as his cross examination evolved. At first, it is alleged that the investigation into Rich had nothing to do with the Joint Terrorism Task Force that Christiana is employed by. It ends with Christiana admitting that he wanted Rich to cooperate with a JTTF investigation in exchange for the dismissal of charges against him.

Free Rich Paul and All Peaceful Prisoners!

jail2013-05-05Sundays at 4pm, join us on 101 across from the jail in Keene for a rally to support Rich Paul, jury nullification, and the release of all peaceful prisoners. Bring your own signs, or you can use ours.

Rich Paul also called in to Sunday night’s live edition of “Free Talk Live”. You can listen to that here.

Rich Paul, from Trial to Appeal and Beyond

Greetings to all! To those who are following the Trial of Rich Paul, the saga continues. . .So much gratitude is going out to each individual for the overwhelming flood of loving support for Rich that is flowing his way! It has come in many forms, food, prayers, visits, mail, cash, paypal, bitcoins, oh my! Most important has been the activism supporting Rich with juror outreach and education, and the independent media coverage done by Rich’s friends right here in Keene, where history is being made and the world is able to watch thanks to them! A very special thank you goes to Ian Freeman for the incredible feat of filming the entire trial! Please tune in to this documented display of this cast of prohibition enforcement characters weaving a tangled web in the attempt to make a martyr out of Rich Paul.

Ian also did juror outreach every day of the trial (and for the last five years!), filmed Rich’s jurors as they left the courthouse after the verdict, and also filmed Rich’s interview from jail and posted it on Thank you also to for covering Rich’s story before the trial began, and for also posting the interview with Rich from inside the jail. (more…)

Why is Graham Illegal in Central Square?

The New Hampshire legislature never passed a law stating that Merry Man Graham Colson was banned in the Keene Common known commonly as Central Square. Despite this, Graham was issued a ‘No Tresapassing’ order from the square, which he believes is because he was riding a skateboard there. In an order issued by KPD’s Jason Short on May 10 2012, Graham is explicitly banned from ‘the common referred to as Central Square Keene NH 03431’. Aside from this ban, Graham has been neither charged nor convicted of a crime related to the town common. Last Thursday, he was arrested on a warrant while in the downtown for allegedly having been in the common on the previous day.ctpd_001

On April 22, Graham and I took an adventure into legal land to accomplish two tasks. First, we travelled to the Keene police department to obtain a copy of the original order, which was refused when originally issued last year. Then we crossed town to drop off a discovery request with the district court clerk at city hall, and the prosecutor’s office at the county courthouse. Demonstrating how common violations of petty rules on the common are, during the drive we observe a youth casually longboarding through the square. (more…)

Somber 4/20 Celebration Follows Founder’s Incarceration

420_2013_mohawkchalkA crowd of about 100 people gathered to celebrate the 4/20 holiday at 4:20pm in front of the state house in Concord this evening. This years’ event was hosted by the NH Teapot Party, covering for the usual organizing of the 420 Foundation. Rich Paul, founder of the 420 Foundation and outspoken opponent of the war on drugs was convicted on Thursday afternoon by jury on multiple counts of cannabis distribution. He remains detained while awaiting sentencing, and today marked the first annual celebration without Rich since the rallies began in 2010.

While Rich was blasting his ideas through a bullhorn last year, the New Hampshire Drug Task Force as well as the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force were conducting an investigation into Rich’s not-so-discrete sale of cannabis. Multiple purchases totaling 81 years of prison time were made through a confidential informant who himself had been busted for heroin distribution. Despite the questionable ethics and honesty of the DTF, FBI, and the confidential informant, the jury did not find Rich’s victimless crime worthy of nullification. Unlike many involved in the drug trade, who profit from actions that they hide from public scrutiny, Rich’s openness made him an easy target, though he was incorrectly profiled as an easy mark. When told that his charges would go away if he would incriminate others for the FBI and DTF, Rich courageously stood on principle and said, ‘No’. In a way, Rich is going to jail in place of the unknown others whom he chose not to involuntarily substitute for his position. (more…)