Oh, and you are invited to the next “Don’t Strip Our Rights” event at MHT, 2/24 at 5:30pm. It will also be a “Live Free or Dance” party. Here’s the facebook event.
City council wants a BEARCAT.
Uncle gives ‘em out for free.
They’re telling us that it’s to catch the terrorists,
But they’ve set their sights on you and me.
They’ll be using it on you and me.
That’s why we’re singing:
Thanks–but no tanks.
Thanks–but no tanks.
Thank you for nothing city bureaucrats.
Thanks… but no bearcat! (more…)
There will be an Anti-BEARCAT meeting today at Colony Mills Food Court at 3PM. More details on Facebook (and while you’re there, please like Thanks But No Tanks).
After the over-capacity BEARCAT meeting last Thursday at Keene City Hall, the community has been organizing to stop the city from accepting what current Keene Mayor Kendall Lanecalled a tank. Weapons manufacturer LENCO tells us that BEARCAT stands for Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck which doesn’t sound any less terrifying than “Tank.” Especially in the hands of a police department that has proven it’s willingness to initiate violence against our peaceful friends and neighbors.
Please join us to oppose the further militarization of the local police department. The website thanksbutnotanks.com has been launched in addition to the comprehensive overview of Keene’s unprecedented Anti-BEARCAT campaign here on FreeKeene.com. Former Keeniac Sam A. Robrin even penned the following song after being inspired by the local resistance. It’s to to the tune of ”Joy to the World” by Three Dog Night. It’s called, what else, but… (more…)
Sign the online petition to keep Keene Bearcat-free!
LENCO has pulled their BEARCAT promotional video offline completely. In the video, militaristic cops fire weapons, release gas into a home, and do other maneuvers that prove this product is NOT marketed as a rescue vehicle, all to an AC/DC soundtrack.
Isn’t it interesting that LENCO decided to pull the video offline this week? Do you think they’ve ever experienced pushback from a community like they have from Keene? They REALLY don’t want the city council to see this.
Luckily, it appears a helpful individual had the forethought to rip the video before they could pull it. So, perhaps you know someone who would like to upload this video to Youtube, Metacafe, or Liveleak? Here it is in MP4 form.
This is the video LENCO doesn’t want you or the city council to see. If you find a link to it on a video sharing site like the above-mentioned, please let me know so I can post it here.
Nemi is pulled over on the way back from Concord by a statie for her outdated inspection sticker. The statie attempts what is becoming a common intimidation tactic: claiming to a cameraman he’ll be arrested if recording continues. I continue anyway and he backs down from the threat, just like happened to Ademo and Luthor & Derrick recently in other incidents.
Back in 2010, on a visit to the NH Attorney Genital’s office, we met “investigator” Dick Tracy. More recently, Copblock’s Ademo and I were in the area so we dropped in again with some more questions, this time meeting “investigator” James Brown. Neither man was interested in speaking on the record and Brown attempted to intimidate us into not recording. We did not stop. Here’s what happened:
Remember, it is supposed to be your right to record government bureaucrats in public places. Though, we know they don’t care about what your rights are, so there’s always a chance you could be aggressed against and caged. Sometimes it can be scary when they threaten you, but if you have backup also willing to not back down, your odds of walking away without being caged increase.