Red Arrow Diner Nashua Adds Bitcoin Vending Machine + Keene BVM Moves

New Bitcoin Vending Machine at Red Arrow Diner in Nashua

New Bitcoin Vending Machine at Red Arrow Diner in Nashua

Bitcoin Embassy New Hampshire has launched another Bitcoin Vending Machine (BVM), this one in Nashua at the brand new Red Arrow Diner. Located at 149 Daniel Webster Hwy, the Red Arrow’s Nashua location is just the latest opening in the New Hampshire family of diners that stretches back nearly one hundred years to its founding in Manchester in 1922! The small NH-based chain recently opened restaurants in Concord and Nashua in addition to its downtown Manchester and Londonderry locations. However, Nashua is the only one with a Bitcoin Vending Machine on-site.

Earlier this year, during the COVID-related crackdown on freedoms that attacked local businesses and continues to harm them, the Embassy’s long-running BVM at Murphy’s Taproom in Manchester became very hard to access. This was due to Murphy’s shutting down as a result of the insane restrictions and threats against restaurants from the governor’s gangsters. It looked as though Murphy’s was going out of business as its owner, Keith Murphy had posted a goodbye note to his social media. Sadly, I immediately started looking for a new venue to house the Bitcoin Vending Machine and the first place I thought of was the Red Arrow. Pre-COVID it was always a highly renown 24/7 diner with locations across the most populated areas of New Hampshire. Lots of people are familiar with Red Arrow’s friendly brand and their humongous menu.

Two-Way CVM at Campus Convenience

Two-Way CVM at Campus Convenience in Keene

As it turned out, Red Arrow’s co-owner George Lawrence had heard of Bitcoin and was interested in taking on the machine at the just-opened-in-May Nashua location. Located just across the border from Massachusetts, the Nashua restaurant is an ideal spot for a BVM. It would be even better if Red Arrow was 24/7 again, but unfortunately due to the fear being perpetrated against the populace by the government gang and its media sycophants, it’s hard for Red Arrow to find the workers needed to return to 24-hour operation. That said, the Nashua location is open as early as six am to late-night seven days a week and hopefully will eventually get back to it’s once-prominent position of being New Hampshire’s premiere 24/7 diner.

Thankfully, Murphy’s was able to re-open in Manchester and so instead of moving the machine from there to Red Arrow, we upgraded the machine in Murphy’s to a newer model and installed another brand new General Bytes BATMTwo unit at the Red Arrow in Nashua.

In other New Hampshire BVM news, the top-of-the line unit that was located at Thirsty Owl in Keene has moved across Winchester Street to Campus Convenience, which has even better hours as it opens in the morning all seven-days-per-week.

More exciting local crypto news to come. Please keep watching this blog for the latest.

Aria DiMezzo to Speak at Mask Freedom Rally Monday 10/19 in Keene

World-renown republican candidate for Cheshire County Sheriff and self-described “Anarchist She-Male”, Aria DiMezzo will be a featured speaker at the mask freedom rally in Keene’s Central Square on Monday October 19th. The event will be taking place between 4pm and 6pm. The rally is being held by “Absolute Defiance” and organizer Footloose will also be speaking.

Bring a sign and let the world know you will not contribute to this medical authoritarian nightmare by wearing a mask, or that it’s your right and medical necessity to breathe, or that it’s your free speech right show your facial expressions. Or, whatever message of mask freedom you find true to you. See you there!

Aria DiMezzo Keene City Hall

There’s a new sheriff in town…

ACLU-NH Online Town Hall with Libertarian Candidate for NH Governor, Darryl W Perry

Darryl W Perry, Speaking at the State House

Darryl W Perry, Speaking at the State House

Kudos to the ACLU-NH for playing fair and inviting all the ballot-qualified candidates for governor of New Hampshire to their online series focusing on civil liberties. The New Hampshire ACLU chapter has long been a strong advocate of various freedoms and Libertarian for governor Darryl W Perry did a great job in the hour-long discussion. They covered ending the war on drugs, police reform, and various other issues.

You can watch the event at this link, just fill out the form at the bottom of the page to get access.

Segregated Voting @ 2020 NH State Primary + Voting With No ID

Here’s what it was like voting in Fear World as a mask-free individual in 2020 at the New Hampshire state primary on September 8th. Republican gubernatorial candidate “Nobody“, and state rep candidates Matt Roach and me headed down to Keene’s Ward 4 polling location together where we discovered that mask-free people were made to vote outdoors. This was fine as it was a nice day out, but it’s likely going to be very cold come November.

After the poll worker falsely claimed we needed to show ID to vote, we informed her that was not the case and were allowed to vote without ID, though all three of us had differing experiences in this area. This short video is an interesting look at the various voting options available to those who aren’t willing to go-along-to-get-along: