Newport District Court Allows Hats, Gum – Mark Edge Trial Video

It’s all arbitrary. In Keene, sometimes activists are arrested for wearing hats, sometimes not. Sometimes people are threatened and arrested for using video cameras in the court lobby, sometimes not. Here’s video of Free Talk Live host Mark Edge taking a speeding ticket to trial and being found guilty. You’ll also see court security attempting to intimidate Liberty on Tour’s Pete and Ademo into removing hats and gum. They fail. Chief of security Lance Walton instructs the lumbering goons to back off and let the robed man decide, then the robed man ignores the hats and gum.

Jim Johnson Jailed Indefinitely for Refusing to Fill out a Form

Liberty activist Jim Johnson was fined after being found guilty at a trial several weeks ago. Jim never paid the fine, so the court bureaucrats demanded he show up at a hearing about that. He was told he needs to fill out a financial affidavit so the court bureaucrats could determine if he could pay the fine, or else he’d be charged with contempt. Jim did not fill out the form and was jailed indefinitely.

In addition, court security officers Tebo and Fredriksen attempted and failed at intimidating the audience into standing for the robed man. Tebo also attempted to order me around, violating my right to cover a public hearing as a member of the press. In addition, Tebo actually assaulted me and grabbed me by the arm in an attempt to remove me from the courtroom. He and his security continued to threaten the crowd with arrest. All of this is on video:

Video of Videographer Derrick Horton’s Arrest Yesterday for Recording Video in a Public Court Lobby

DerrickDerrick Horton is a newer mover to Keene from Philly. He was out at the court yesterday doing outreach when he heard his friend Ademo Freeman was arrested for talking to Edward Burke, Keene district court’s robed man. Derrick went to investigate with his video camera, and was threatened and arrested for recording video in the same court lobby where videographers Dave Ridley and Sam Dodson have also been arrested for the same thing. Here’s his video of what happened, which also includes activist Jason Repsher being threatened by the same court security officers that arrest Derrick later. Why was Repsher not arrested when Derrick was? I’d speculate because Repsher is twice the size of Derrick. The court bullies picked on the little guy:

Derrick has been charged (and released) with the old standby, “disorderly conduct”.

Keeniacs Drive to MA to Support Non-Property-Tax-Paying Fireman

Jay NooneLori Stabile from reports from Palmer, MA, where Josh Noone‘s brother Jay, a fireman, has never paid property tax on his home. Or, what he thought was his home. Now the town government people are preparing to steal it and throw Jay’s family out into the street. Activists drove down from Keene on what was supposed to be the day of eviction in a show of support. The government people did not make a move on Jay yesterday, but it’s probably only a matter of them waiting until the supporters drop off. Unlike the government guys who threaten and steal for a living, we actually have to be productive in the market to succeed. Here’s masslive’s story:

PALMER – As the town prepared to hold a tax-title auction on Tuesday at the Town Building, a group of people gathered at the home of Joseph F. “Jay” Noone at 3157 Main St. in Bondsville to protest his eviction notice over non-payment of $23,000 in taxes.

During the auction, two men from Keene, N.H., videotaped the proceedings; beforehand, they asked questions of Police Chief Robert P. Frydryk about what was happening.

Pete Eyre, wearing a T-shirt that said “I don’t talk to police, I record them,” said they are part of, which, according to its website, advocates for self-governance, personal responsibility and consensual interactions. They left the auction after the first sale to join the group at Noone’s. (more…)

LOT’s Beau Arrested In Keene District Court

After sitting in court quietly for around 20 minutes, a court security officer walked up to Beau in the middle of a trial and told him he should remove his hat.

The judge took notice of the hat moments later and called a recess with the ultimatum “If you still have the hat on when I come back, I’m going to hold you in contempt.”

The video picks up during this recess.

He was later brought back before Judge Burke and sent to jail for 5 days for this.