NH Libertarians Officially Recognized as Party For First time in 20 Years + “Free Staters” Win 15+ State Rep Races

NH State House

Libertarians Had Major Successes in NH 2016 Elections

The national election is just a sideshow. Nothing of substance in DC will change in the next four years and I predict Trump will ultimately disappoint those who think he’s somehow an “outsider” or “anti-establishment”. Meanwhile, the left is MAD and secession will grow into a serious idea for many of them as they begin to see the value in breaking away from the United States. Indeed, Californians already held a #CalExit rally on the Sacramento statehouse grounds today!

Many watching the libertarian migrations to New Hampshire are probably wondering how the libertarians did here in the Shire, specifically both the Libertarian Party candidates and those libertarians running as Republicans and Democrats for state house and senate.

First, Libertarian candidate for NH governor Max Abramson got a higher vote percentage than every other Libertarian Party candidate for governor across the United States in 2016’s election. He did better than Gary Johnson did in NH, in fact. Beyond the feather in his cap, the 4.3% of the vote he received is significant because it qualifies the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire for equal ballot access with the Republicans and Democrats for the first time in 20 years! That means Libertarian candidates no longer have to worry about petitioning to gain ballot access – a costly and time-consuming process. Now we can pay the same affordable filing fees ($2 for state rep) that the Rs and Ds pay.

Why has it been twenty years since we’ve had this status? In 1990, the LP gained official party recognition for the first time. They held it until 1997 when the state legislature (specifically a group of Republicans) decided to raise the vote threshold from 3% to 4%, disqualifying the LP from official party status. Their candidates for governor since that time were unable to reach the new, raised bar.

Darryl W Perry in RT's 2016 Libertarian Presidential Debate

Darryl W Perry, Chairman of the Libertarian Party of NH

Until now. Riding on a national wave of frustration with the big parties, Libertarian candidate for governor Max Abramson managed to score 4.3%, (30,959 votes). This despite being excluded from the debates and also after making headlines for being a peaceful felon for defending his property with a gun.

The news couldn’t come at a better time for the LP of NH, which for many years has been languishing under a do-nothing chairman. That chair was replaced at a special convention called just weeks beforehand, where Free Keene blogger Darryl W Perry was unanimously elected chairman by those attending the convention. In addition, principled former Arkansas LP chair Rodger Paxton was elected vice-chair along with former independent candidate for governor Jilletta Jarvis taking the secretary position – much-needed new blood was transfused into the NH Libertarian Party, just in time for this epic win by Abramson. The gates are now open for libertarians to storm the ballots in 2018 with candidates statewide.

The second big win last night was the election of libertarians running as Republicans and Democrats statewide, despite active and expensive campaigns by haters to out them as “Free Staters”. As they did in 2014, the big-government lobbying group “Granite State Progress” published a well-researched list of the state rep and senate candidates they believed to be “Free Staters”, aka libertarians running as Rs and Ds. Of their list of 39 such candidates in 2014, 15 were elected. This time, in 2016 they identified 32 candidates as “Free Staters”. Of those 32, there were 15 winners! (more…)

Libertarian Candidates Under Attack Statewide As Election Looms

Keith Ammon Hitpiece Flyer

This Evil Man Wants You to Be Free

Across the state, libertarians are under major attack from the powers-that-be. This sort of thing doesn’t happen to libertarians anywhere else but New Hampshire. In other states the republicans and democrats in the establishment can safely ignore the libertarians, but in NH we are a real threat to the status quo. This year (as in previous years), untold thousands of dollars are being spent to publicly out candidates statewide as “free-staters” via blog posts and even fancy full-color direct mail propaganda flyers. Despite the haters’ efforts to stop us, our share of the legislature continues to grow.

As they did in 2014’s state elections, statist group “Granite State Progress” has published names of the people they believe to be “Free Staters”, aka libertarians who are running as republicans and democrats for state rep and state senate.

Granite State Progress did the same thing in 2014. They thought they were going to hurt the Free Staters, but all they really did was inadvertently promote the libertarians’ campaigns! The haters are publishing attack blogs and spending who knows how much money to mail hitpiece flyers to households in various towns. For a recent example, check out this year’s attack on incumbent state representative and Free State Project early mover Keith Ammon. They try to make the liberty-loving family man look like he hates families. Of course, anyone who knows Keith knows that’s not true. He loves liberty and the freedom to choose.

Carla Gericke Keenevention 2014

Former Free State Project President Carla Gericke Calls Out the Haters

In their 2016 blog expose, Granite State Progress outs dozens of alleged “Free Staters”, but as with the previous year they miss some and misidentify others. Technically, a Free Stater should be defined as someone who moved to New Hampshire as a participant in the Free State Project, but over the years the people who want to protect the status quo have turned it into a pejorative meaning anyone active at reducing government. No matter. The candidates who were named should thank GSP for the free publicity for their campaigns. They’ve effectively published a handy voter’s guide for liberty! (more…)

Open Debate Demonstrations at NH1

photo1251496523539261357On Wednesday & Thursday nights NH1 held a pair of debates for the Gubernatorial & Senatorial candidates from the Republican & Democratic Parties. The Libertarian Party nominees for those offices as well as independent US Senate candidate Aaron Day were not invited to the debates. The Ballot Access Fairness Coalition in conjunction with the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire held a pair of protests outside the NH1 studios to protest these closed debates.

Despite ballot retention requiring 4% in the general election (i.e. the vote threshold needed for a party to retain ballot access without needing to collect a burdensome number of petitions), Libertarian Gubernatorial nominee Max Abramson polling between 4-6% 14695463_10154592488493419_5179680641474970355_nand Libertarian US Senate nominee Brian Chabot polling at 4%, NH1 only invited candidates polling over 10%. In short, NH1 set the threshold at a level that only the Republican & Democratic Party nominees could meet.

The protests – including one on a cold rainy Thursday night – served to bring awareness, not only to the candidates excluded from these debates, but also to the media bias that often serves to protect the ruling duopoly.

Open Debate Demonstrations Planned

Why is NH1 excluding the libertarians?

Why is NH1 excluding the libertarians?

We are currently less than three weeks from the 2016 general election, and the Presidential debates are behind us. You can now, if you haven’t already, begin looking at the other races on the ballot, and learning about your options. NH1, which has previously given somewhat favorable coverage to alternative candidates, will be hosting a Gubernatorial debate on Wednesday Oct 26, and a US Senate debate on Thursday Oct 27. Despite ballot retention requiring 4% in the general election (i.e. the vote threshold needed for a party to retain ballot access without needing to collect a burdensome number of petitions), NH1 has only invited candidates polling over 10%. (more…)

Bill Weld Says He Agrees With Non-Aggression Principle – Video

Bill Weld

Bill Weld Confronted in Keene About the Non-Aggression Principle

For those who are new to libertarianism the most important thing to learn about is the non-aggression principle, which says that it’s wrong to initiate force against others for any reason.

To libertarians, the use of force is only acceptable in defense of yourself, others, or property. As former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld told me Friday, it’s the “bedrock principle” of the libertarian movement.

Given Weld’s public statements that have been very unlibertarian, I was surprised when not only did he acknowledge its existence, but even claimed to agree with it. Is this video the first time Bill Weld has talked publicly about the non-aggression principle during the whole campaign?

Since Weld and Gary Johnson were nominated in May by the national Libertarian Party, many libertarians have been sharply divided by the decision.

Some, like Free Keene blogger Darryl W Perry have criticized the national LP for watering down the message of liberty. Darryl even recently reactivated his campaign for president as a write-in candidacy in several states to give principled libertarians a choice.

Others, like Free Keene blogger Rich Paul are enthusiastically behind the Johnson/Weld campaign, excited that their “pragmatic” approach will bring more votes and publicity to the LP. (more…)

National Libertarian Party Attacks “Rogue” New Hampshire Chairman in Press Release

Darryl Presidential QuoteAs was reported previously here, Free Keene blogger Darryl W Perry was recently elected as chairman of the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire. A member of the LP’s “radical caucus”, Darryl holds a supposedly “radical” belief: he does not support or advocate the use of the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals.

That belief, which is still the statement one must sign to join the national libertarian party, has made Darryl into an enemy of many within the national LP. There’s a whole group of so-called “libertarians” who disagree with this “Non-Aggression Principle” and have called for the party to eliminate it from the membership requirements.

Darryl was recently blamed by these party-over-principle people for the Seacoast LP’s resolution to ask their representative on the Libertarian National Committee “to remove Gary Johnson and Bill Weld as the LP candidates for President and Vice President”. However, Darryl was not attending the Seacoast meeting. The motion was made by Rodger Paxton, who was recently elected to vice-chairman of the LP of NH along with Darryl being elected chair.

A couple of days ago, Darryl announced he is reviving his libertarian campaign for president, this time as a write-in candidate. He says people frustrated with the LP’s embarrassing presidential and VP picks of former republican governors of New Mexico and Massachusetts Gary Johnson and Bill Weld had contacted him asking him to run again to give true libertarians a choice. Johnson and Weld’s public statements since their nomination have frequently been unlibertarian and at odds with the party’s own platform. Weld has even appeared to endorse Hillary Clinton rather than his own running mate!

Libertarian Party Logo 2016

The sad, unprincipled Libertarian Party

Now, rather than do the principled thing and follow the Seacoast LP’s request of officially withdrawing Johnson and Weld as their candidates, the LP’s National Committee has issued press release attacking Darryl by calling him a “rogue” and saying further that they are, “committed to fully supporting the nominee of the delegates at convention and will continue to do so with all available resources.”

No one should be surprised to see the national LP double down on their unprincipled hack candidates. It’s the lowest point for the party in more than a decade of falling away from their principles. In 2008 I publicly resigned my life membership in the national Libertarian Party out of frustration with their lack of principle – then they nominated Bob Barr (another republican who has since re-joined the republicans) as their presidential candidate.

The LP of New Hampshire, long in a membership and activist slump, recently received an injection of much-needed new blood in the form of Darryl W Perry and Rodger Paxton’s elections to chairman and vice-chairman, respectively. This is the first real exciting news to come out of the LP of NH in the last decade I’ve been here.

Hopefully we’ll see the LP of NH separate eventually from the ridiculous national LP. Goddess bless those who have tried to save the national Libertarian Party, but the patient’s been dead for years. If you’re a real, principled libertarian, just give up on the national LP, move to New Hampshire and get active to help us achieve liberty in our lifetime. With the thousands of libertarians moving here for the Free State Project and Shire Society, you won’t want to miss the fun!