Cynthia Chase & Chuck Weed Not Running for Re-Election for State Rep

cynthia_chase_threatfsp[1]Remember state representative Cynthia Chase who famously said, “Free Staters are the single biggest threat the state is facing today.“? She and state rep Chuck Weed, both “D”-rated by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance, are not running for re-election this year!

In a report by the Keene Sentinel’s Kyle Jarvis both reps cite frustrations with the system and their fellow reps. Weed suggests that he’s upset at his fellow Democrats because they won’t get behind other taxes, like an income tax,

weed“I’m very disappointed with Republicans, but also in the Democrats,” he said. His fellow party members are not willing “to talk about key issues that face New Hampshire … being most important to me, a fair tax structure. They’re afraid to bring it up, or even discuss it, because they think that means you’ll lose the next election.”

Chase also cites frustrations with the atmosphere in Concord,

“I find the situation in Concord frustrating at times. I feel very much like a square peg being forced into a round hole. I just don’t fit the mold up there. I hesitate to point my finger at anyone because it’s not their fault, it’s me.

Naturally, the more liberty-oriented people come here as part of the Free State Project, the more frustrating things will become for those who wish to control others. Already, anti-liberty reps are leaving office because they are having too much difficulty passing increases in government.  Now that liberty media like Ridley Report and Free Keene are on their cases and exposing them publicly, that can’t make things very comfortable for them. So, they’re quitting, which is a big opportunity for liberty-loving people to help elect someone more freedom-oriented!

Liberty is possible here in New Hampshire, but we need your help.

Manchester On Verge of Increased Parking Rates, Hours

RobinHood_sheriffLooks like Keene isn’t the only place where the bureaucrats are getting greedy.  The Union Leader reports that Manchester’s aldermen will next week vote on proposed rate increases and longer hours for Manch’s parking meters.

As in Keene, Manch business owners and downtown patrons are upset.  However, it appears Manch’s political process has come down to the final vote on the proposal, while Keene’s is already facing major opposition and its process has only just begun.  The proposed ordinances have yet to be read to the council or even to the appropriate committee.  Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest.

AKPF #1: Ridley Report Emporium 02

This week’s modern news akpfBarackbadge-Obamacoin installment of AKPF #1 exposes the audience to recent editions of the popular Ridley Report program, bringing the internet to the television. The imperative topic of activism cylinders is expressed nearly fully and articulately.

00:00 – Warning disclaimer to Cheshire TV audience
00:10 – I reject the state just sounds like shrill posturing
04:53 – Ideal activism hits on these 20 cylinders
11:06 – New Hampshire armed videographer confronts authorities but survives to complete 100 boring uploads
18:44 – NH State House Activism (allegedly) trumps most other kinds
24:25 – Ian Freeman is a best activist, but we could sure do better
28:50 – End disclaimer segment

NH to Repeal Adultery as a Crime (UPDATED)

Tim O'FlahertyState representative and liberty lover Tim O’Flaherty of Manchester has put forth a bill that repeals the act of adultery as a crime, which according to the state, hasn’t been enforced in a decade.  It’s amazing that any police resources were spent on such a ridiculous investigation even a decade ago!

The bill was overwhelmingly passed by the NH house in a 268-29 vote.  The senate votes today and according to WCVB, governor Maggie Hassan has pledged to sign the bill if it reaches her desk.

I’ll update this story as the senate vote is revealed.

UPDATE (6:44p) – this has passed the NH senate in a voice vote.  Presuming Hassan signs it as she’s pledged to, the repeal goes into effect on Jan 1st, 2015.

It *is* possible to change the system for more freedom in NH.  Please come here and join us as part of the Free State Project.

The New Cynthia Chase: Suzanne Mercier Vail Claims Freedom “Maxed” in NH

Suzanne Mercier VailIn a recent post to her official facebook page, NH state representative from Nashua Suzanne Mercier Vail claimed that liberty and freedom are “maxed” here in NH.

Her comments are very similar to Keene state rep Cynthia Chase, who made national headlines last year when she called Free State Project participants the “single greatest threat to the State”.

Here’s the full text of Vail’s post:

One rarely considered consequence of the Free State Project, will be the formation of another form of government. The aim is to overpower the state government. The method is to weaken the laws of New Hampshire, creating more freedom and liberty in a state where that is maxed. (more…)

Obamacoin Alternative Currency Accepted by City of Keene

Yesterday was a historic day for alternative currencies in Keene, New Hampshire, as the Aqua Keene Parking Force division of the Democratic People’s Republic of Keene police accepted — with no questions asked — the unique and impressive Obamacoin. Obamacoins were introduced to the world several years ago through fabulous infomercial campaigns which ran on both late night and daytime television. Viewers of Cheshire television may be familiar with the elaborate art film inspired by and crafted with actual Obamacoin testimonials, RENDER UNTO OBAMACOIN.

The currency consists of varying forms of artwork imitating coin design orbiting around the profile image of Barack Obama, applied to real-life united states government federal reserve coins, often quarters, nickels, dimes, half dollars, and dollar tokens. In some cases, the raised profile of the 2014_04_16_dprkakpfobamacoinpolitical figure emblazoned beneath the Obama sticker is vaguely visible through the creative addition. In yesterdays test payment of Obamacoin to cover the cost of a $5 parking ticket issued by the AKPF, only a brief admiration and inspection of the new currency was given before a receipt was promptly being printed up and the citation’s debt eliminated. With the coins’ potential as collectors items to bring the value to the moon, who knows at what price the city of Keene was able to auction the individual coins for? Not only is the introduction of Obamacoin into the local economy an encouraging development, but it is also a promising sign of a willingness to adapt on the part of city officials that they retain a great deal of openness to unexplored concepts such as alternative currency. Given the booms and busts of other monetary alternatives, the individual is at a loss to predict what possible exchange rates Obamacoin will establish itself at as businesses begin accepting and trading with this new system.