Black Sheep Rising – Episode 43

This week: 5 Gum = Illuminati propaganda • Need to play more Muse • Matthew Bellamy = Freddie Mercury • Bill Hicks = Alex Jones • Why conspiracy theories matter • Government kills agorism • Fire those sucky teachers • Vote week in Keene • School district breakin the law • Spends $23,000 on advertisements • Still more on Keene pedestrians • Anarchy flag = 16 year old delinquents • Rapsher recommends The Sopranos.  James and Rapsher join.  Show notes at:

DPRK Parking Proposals Rebuked by Civilians at Committee Meeting

Last evening, the finance subcommittee of the Democratic People’s Republic of Keene 2014_03_14_parkingariclecentral committee heard numerous proposals related to city functions, before finishing the meeting with a symposium on proposed changes to the notoriously contested parking system. Following discussions on a new Cheshire TV channel and lacking airport business operations, the parking policies attracted the most attention from the civilian audience, with numerous individuals speaking in favor of modesty in fee hikes. Other specific points addressed were the egregious mandatory minimums proposed, in which meters would not register any time until at least twenty-five cents worth of time is purchased. Another idea tossed about was extending the hours of enforcement forward by two into the evening on weekdays, while removing one hour of enforcement from the morning. The Keene Sentinel’s Kyle Jarvis reported on the exchange of parking ideas in a front-page feature in today’s print edition. Video was recorded by numerous independent videographers and activists from the area, and is available from the Fr33manTVraw youtube channel.

A chalking that appeared near the Wells Street parking garage in downtown Keene:


ESSAM Explains the NYC Drone Art Campaign

tumblr_essam_500The 2013 New Hampshire Liberty Forum was host to a special presentation which has not, until now, been publicly broadcast. New York City street artist Essam was facing 56 counts of criminal possession of a forged instrument, grand larceny possession of stolen property, and weapons possession. Last November, all felony charges previously filed by the state’s attorney were dropped, and some were reduced to misdemeanors. Word broke March 6 that all remaining charges against the dissident artist were dropped regarding State v Essam Attia.

july24-essamnypdIn this presentation, the audience hears directly from the source how a guerrilla art project was planned and executed throughout New York, the motivations behind the pieces, and the potential penalties for the subversive signage. Release of video from the talk has been delayed pending resolution of the criminal case, as there is incriminating information provided which defense attorneys understandably would oppose providing directly to the prosecution. One motivation for the state’s decision to cease prosecution of the case may have been to avoid the constitutional questions raised as to when street art intersects with protected speech. An article from chronicles the most recent update and has been following the story from its breaking.

Anti-FSP Hitpiece Mailer Sent to All Households in Bedford

1234006_10152032239402989_1527376460_n[1]More proof of how effective the Free State Project is: the political establishment has teamed up to attack the FSPers running for town council and school board.

A hitpiece mailer has gone out to every household in Beford in a direct mail campaign with a two-sided, full-color flier that likely cost thousands to print-and-mail. This, after the duo of Matt Philips and Aaron Day were attacked on cable access television and in online emails. It’s a nonstop attack against the FSP that merely vindicates further the strategy of combining activist efforts in one geographic area – the establishment is freaking out and the official move for the FSP has not yet begun!

I also love that the state-worshiping opposition has now paid to advertise the Free State Project to every household in Bedford. Awesome!!

If you love liberty, please join the Free State Project now and help us reach 20,000 participants sooner, rather than later so we can trigger the official move. Join the fun and the amazing community.

WMUR even ran this report:

Voting Recommendations For Keene School Board Election Tuesday

Here are recommendations from the NH Freedom blog for Tuesday’s vote. Keep in mind that if you are not registered to vote, you can show up at the polls on the day of the election and get registered right then!

Candidates for Office:
School Board Member (one-year term) – Ian Freeman
School Board Member (three-year term) – Steven William Lindsey (ONLY VOTE FOR STEVEN, not any other candidates)
School District Clerk – write-in Conan Salada
School District Moderator – write-in Darryl W. Perry

Ballot Questions: Yes on 2, 3, 4 and 5. No on all other Questions. (more…)

Grafton Liberty Activists Get NPR Coverage

NPRThe Free State Project is getting national press from NPR over several participants moving and getting active in the small town of Grafton, NH. Of the entire libertarian movement worldwide, the FSP is making the largest impact. Here’s the story from NPR.

Maureen O’Reilly beams with pride as she shows a visitor around Grafton, N.H., a town so small it doesn’t even have a traffic light.

“Have a look at this,” O’Reilly says, pointing to a postcard view of hilly rural New England. “How beautiful is this? It’s really pretty in the fall, really, really pretty.”

But behind the beautiful view, locals are dividing into opposing camps. About 50 Libertarians have moved into Grafton from around the country, splitting the town over their push to shrink its government. (more…)