Incumbent Sheriff Victorious as Police Supporters Steal Over $1,000 Worth of DiMezzo Campaign Signs

Aria DiMezzo Keene City Hall

Aria DiMezzo poses outside Keene city hall.

Over the weeks running up to the election, desperate pro-police supporters have been stealing Aria DiMezzo for Sheriff campaign signs from around Cheshire county. DiMezzo reports over 150 signs – over half of the approximately 250 signs she had out – have been stolen at a cost to her of over $1,000. Keene Police have received reports from people who witnessed some of the brazen thefts. At Tuesday’s general election, she was defeated by incumbent sheriff Eli Rivera. According to the wildly inaccurate numbers from the Secretary of State, 17% of voters chose DiMezzo, but we’re not real sure how over 7,000 votes were registered for Rivera in Westmoreland where there are not even 1,700 people supposedly living there. So it’s likely her real results were closer to 20%.

DiMezzo, a self-described “Anarchist She-Male” and high priestess of the Reformed Satanic Church of Keene, made international headlines in September when she became the general election ballot-qualified republican candidate for Sheriff here as she handily won the republican primary against the usual republican candidate, Earl Nelson.

It’s ironic that the police supporters, who surely would describe themselves as “law and order” people, are committing theft and potentially facing up to a year in jail per sign stolen and up to $1,000 fines. If the amount stolen hits over a thousand dollars, felony theft charges are possible. DiMezzo however did not call the police regarding the thefts, opting instead to post surveillance video of two of the criminals from outside her church parsonage on Route 101 in Keene. You can see those videos here and here. If you can identify the men in the videos, please contact Aria.

Aria 4 Sheriff Sign

Yard Signs Available via

On October 10th, Keene Police’s James Cemorelis reached out to Aria regarding a man in a grey truck witnessed stealing multiple DiMezzo campaign signs in Keene, asking for her personal information for a report he was working on. She declined to provide the information, telling him she did not wish to pursue charges, though she did confirm the takings were unauthorized and said the attack had affected nearly every sign of hers on the highways and even some private property, finally thanking Cemorelis for his great work. Cemorelis subsequently has closed the investigation.

DiMezzo, a vocal advocate of practicing forgiveness, also did not report to the police earlier in the campaign when her convertible was vandalized in an overnight attack. The $2,000 fundraiser to help her with repairs has exceeded it’s goal. Supporters assisted her with the paint removal and she paid cryptocurrency to Wilder Automotive in Keene to replace the slashed tire. She’s currently working on getting a quote on the slashed cloth top. Updates will be posted to the fundraiser.

Hers is probably the most successful pro-liberty campaign to happen so far due to the New Hampshire Freedom Migration. While others have been elected across New Hampshire, none of them had the major media coverage DiMezzo received including multiple international press outlets and over forty interviews including multiple leftist podcasts. It’s likely many millions of people became aware of DiMezzo and her principled pro-liberty message of police accountability. It was the perfect campaign for the year 2020 where more people are paying attention to the criminal, corrupt, and violent acts of the police and she was the ideal candidate. All the right things came together at the right time. Thank you to everyone who helped with publicizing her message. Stay tuned here to Free Keene to see what she decides to do next. Also, if you haven’t read the excellent posts on her blog, I recommend them. She is also selling autographed leftover campaign signs, so get yours before they are sold out!

Aria DiMezzo to Speak at Mask Freedom Rally Monday 10/19 in Keene

World-renown republican candidate for Cheshire County Sheriff and self-described “Anarchist She-Male”, Aria DiMezzo will be a featured speaker at the mask freedom rally in Keene’s Central Square on Monday October 19th. The event will be taking place between 4pm and 6pm. The rally is being held by “Absolute Defiance” and organizer Footloose will also be speaking.

Bring a sign and let the world know you will not contribute to this medical authoritarian nightmare by wearing a mask, or that it’s your right and medical necessity to breathe, or that it’s your free speech right show your facial expressions. Or, whatever message of mask freedom you find true to you. See you there!

Aria DiMezzo Keene City Hall

There’s a new sheriff in town…

ACLU-NH Online Town Hall with Libertarian Candidate for NH Governor, Darryl W Perry

Darryl W Perry, Speaking at the State House

Darryl W Perry, Speaking at the State House

Kudos to the ACLU-NH for playing fair and inviting all the ballot-qualified candidates for governor of New Hampshire to their online series focusing on civil liberties. The New Hampshire ACLU chapter has long been a strong advocate of various freedoms and Libertarian for governor Darryl W Perry did a great job in the hour-long discussion. They covered ending the war on drugs, police reform, and various other issues.

You can watch the event at this link, just fill out the form at the bottom of the page to get access.

Segregated Voting @ 2020 NH State Primary + Voting With No ID

Here’s what it was like voting in Fear World as a mask-free individual in 2020 at the New Hampshire state primary on September 8th. Republican gubernatorial candidate “Nobody“, and state rep candidates Matt Roach and me headed down to Keene’s Ward 4 polling location together where we discovered that mask-free people were made to vote outdoors. This was fine as it was a nice day out, but it’s likely going to be very cold come November.

After the poll worker falsely claimed we needed to show ID to vote, we informed her that was not the case and were allowed to vote without ID, though all three of us had differing experiences in this area. This short video is an interesting look at the various voting options available to those who aren’t willing to go-along-to-get-along:

Haters Spraypaint Penis & “FAG” on Aria DiMezzo’s Convertible, Slash Top and Tire in Overnight Attack

On Friday, Free Keene broke the news about the self-described “Anarchist She-Male”, Aria DiMezzo who made it through the primary as a republican candidate for Cheshire County Sheriff. On Saturday, after NH Journal’s Damien Fisher ran his story, FOX News published a front-page piece. From there, it went international, FAST. Early this morning some hater and likely cop-supporter targeted Aria’s campaign car, a Mitsubishi convertible, with multiple acts of property destruction including slashing a tire, the cloth top, and spraypainting a huge penis with “FAG” written inside it on the passenger side:

Aria DiMezzo's Car Vandalized

Aria DiMezzo’s Car Vandalized: Slashed top, tire, and tagged.

They say if you don’t take flak, you’re not over the target. It’s clear that those who are supporting the status quo are feeling threatened by her campaign and there’s also a good chance the perpetrator is uncomfortable with his or her own sexuality and is lashing out rather than coming to grips with his likely secret attraction to she-males. When I asked her to comment on the attack, DiMezzo said, “I find it rather funny. Imagine being so motivated by hate that basic morality flies out the window. But, all in all, rather funny, though I have to admit they’re lucky all my guns were lost in that tragic boating accident.”

The same night as the attack against her car, someone stole the “Fuck ’em Both” presidential campaign sign from her front yard, but left the “Aria DiMezzo for Sheriff…F*** the Police” signs standing.

You can donate to Aria's car repair GoFundMe

You can donate to Aria’s car repair GoFundMe

Estimates at repairing the damage to her vehicle go as high as thousands of dollars for a new paint job, new tire, and new cloth top. A GoFundMe has been launched to help her out as she works full time at a local pizza place.

With this terrible act of vandalism against her, the haters have proven that DiMezzo is relevant and a threat to the status quo. Kudos to her for her courage to continue forward despite the waves of hate coming against her from multiple fronts. Media interested in interviewing DiMezzo can reach out through her campaign email, Supporters can follow her on social media including her Twitter and Mastodon and also join the public campaign chatroom here on Telegram.