The Joke of a “Justice” System

BurkeThe joke is on you if you still think the “justice” system actually renders any. Case in point: Eight activists were charged with misdemeanor trespassing at the county jail earlier this year. (That one can “trespass” on property that is open to the public is another ludicrous issue, but I digress.) All eight activists were arrested together, so the circumstances of the cases were identical. The activists’ trials were broken up over multiple months. First, in August, was Jim Johnson. Jim was convicted of misdemeanor trespass and is currently appealing to a jury trial. Then, in September, was a multi-defendant trial involving yours truly, Lauren Canario, and fellow Free Keene bloggers Sean Murphy and Dale Everett. In this trial, the same man in the robe, Edward Burke, admitted that we couldn’t be found guilty of misdemeanor trespass, meaning it was not proven that it had been adequately communicated to us that we needed to leave. However, he convicted us all of violation-level trespass. Of course, this wasn’t what we were charged with at the start of the trial and unlike the misdemeanor charge, the requirements for conviction of this charge revolve around the defendant supposedly knowing he or she was not supposed to be in the place in question. Of course, we thought we could be there, as we’d been to the old jail countless times doing the exact same thing and had never been told to leave. However, we were not allowed to ask questions that would have been relevant to such a defense, because at the time of the trial it was still a misdemeanor, so the robed man ruled against those questions, saying they weren’t relevant to whether or not we were told to leave and didn’t, which is what needed to be proven by the state gang for a misdemeanor conviction.

If that wasn’t inconsistent and arbitrary enough for you, we come to the trial of Menno Troyer, who was quietly found NOT GUILTY of violation trespass a few days after his trial! (more…)

The Trouble With Selling Tribbles

The Trouble With Selling Tribbles

Click to Enlarge

In one of the most famous episodes of the original Star Trek series, The Trouble with Tribbles written by David Gerrold, much of the crew is convinced to buy these adorable little cooing furballs known as tribbles.  A crafty salesman manages to unload quite a few of these before the crew realizes that they reproduce faster than Mormon bunnies overdosing on Viagra.  Would he have managed to sell so many had the customers known they could make many more of their own by just over-feeding them a bit?

The trouble with selling tribbles is they just aren’t a scarce commodity.  It’s built into their nature.  The shifty Star Trek character wasn’t just selling tribbles.  Every tribble he sold was also a tribble factory!

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Why I Support “Free Keene”

You know….  as I read all the insults and hatred that is directed at both myself and fellow Free Keene contributors, I can’t help but think the vast majority of you making these rude remarks haven’t the slightest clue as to what exactly this blog is about.  I think this because I’m fairly sure that if people really knew the logic behind things here that we would be supported, joined, and encouraged.

I think this because at one time I vehemently disagreed with Ian Freeman’s (the owner of this website) view of how a society can function without institutionalized violence.  Not only do I now agree with him, I volunteer to help him by writing for his blog.


If Police Really Wanted To Make Communities Safer

… they would strike at the root of the cause of so much crime that plagues their communities: drug prohibition.

In Farmington, NH there has been a rash of burglaries:

Police have nabbed three men and continue to make headway on an investigation into a burglary and theft spree plaguing the town.

Farmington is a town that averages 35 to 40 burglaries annually, Willey said, but in a monthlong period from early June to early July, there were nine reported break-ins, he said. Between June 1 and June 6, there were additionally 15 reported thefts from motor vehicles, he said.

I feel I must repeat myself continuously here for the truth to hopefully one day sink in: Why, oh why, are these innocent people being victimized?


Merrimack Man Grows Plants, Faces Seven Years of Caging

I wonder how many people reading this blog see news like this and find that it is acceptable to put someone into a cage like an animal for the innocuous act of growing a plant.  I wonder how many of those people think that it is acceptable to seize steal his house (which the state can do) in a “civil forfeiture” proceeding.  There really is nothing civil about a “civil forfeiture” proceeding.  If the state wins the “proceeding,” men with guns will enforce the “ruling.”

Men with guns coming to throw someone out of their own home really is anything but “civil.”

Men with guns killing someone who refuses to be thrown out of their own home is definately not “civil.”
