Imprisoned Over a Hat

Two of my friends were arrested yesterday. One was arrested for refusing to comply with a rule to remove his hat. The other was arrested for asking questions about the rule. They both failed The Slave Test.

I’m already anticipating the apoligists for the tyrants, those who will defend the violent enforcement of this arguably trivial matter. It’s silly, right? I ask, which is sillier? Refusing to obey a rule about trivial items of clothing on your own body or putting someone in a cell for said trivial item of personal clothing? When the judge asked for Jesse’s specific religious reason, he said he refused on moral grounds and that morality and religion are one and the same to him.

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The Slave Test

Are you a slave? Recently I wrote about how governments manufacture and evoke powerful symbols to essentially brainwash us and keep us obedient. I used an analogy of similar tactics in the past to efficiently maintain the obedience of household slaves. I have a friend who claims my language is far too strong. He says I overuse words like “violence” and “slave” to artificially infuse my arguments with emotion when I’m talking about governments. I can’t really recall his exact argument but I think it amounted to “Nuh uh!”. But I thought of a way that he, and others who agree with his assertion could prove me wrong. They can take the slave test!

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Seize the White Knob

Do not touch under penalty of a severe lashing!

Do not touch under penalty of a severe lashing!

I had a guest over in my house in Keene, New Hampshire this weekend. He saw an old black doorknob on the basement door and asked me if many of our old doorknobs had been replaced. When I expressed my curiosity, he explained that some older houses had a mix of pitch black and pearly white doorknobs and that slaves were allowed to touch the black ones but not the white ones. (Read on…)

Thank You Mr. Burke

The video below shows Ian being ordered arrested by Mr. Burke within a minute of walking into the room and within seconds of Ian opening his mouth to speak. Free speech, be damned. Then Ian is led into another room where nothing can be filmed or audio recorded. Public trial by one’s peers be damned. Then Ian is sentenced to 90 days for one of the most vague and sweeping of charges– contempt of court. Just punishment be damned. He got 3 days for the charge that he was there to answer for, a code violation for failing to force his tenants to remove their couch from their yard.


8 years and a new face

Obama, President Elect Obama.  I’m not surprised.

The old puppet is old.

Time for a new one and this time its the face on the other side of the coin.  If you have been watching the reactions to this election you will find a great many people around the world are happy besides those in the U. S.

This monster that has been destroying the world while choking it’s own life is now a good friend who simply went astray…

The government preformed it’s 4/8 year ritual and said, “I’m sorry.”  And we the people forgave it, like we always do.


Pathetic Propaganda

This past weekend I went to the theater to see the newest Batman movie, The Dark Knight. The movie was pretty good, very dark but good. The Joker was played by the late Heath Ledger and I must say he did a great job of getting across the psychosis and madness of the character without going all campy. One metaphor I took from the movie is the fact that government could not solve the problems plaguing the city. It took a private entity, The Batman, to get the job done.

This blog post isn’t about the movie or my weekend but rather something I saw before the movie that I just had to comment on. Call me jaded or cynical but I am always looking for the hidden meaning/agenda behind advertisements and messages in general; it can be quite interesting once you get past the high gloss façade. Most of the time these messages are very obvious and other times, more sinister.

During the preview roll an advertisement came on for the National Guard in the form of a Kid Rock song, co-starting Dale Earnhardt Jr. The song is called Warrior and can be found on Youtube. What follows is my unapologetic critique.
