Robin Hood Evidentiary Hearing Record Restored

Shortly after the conclusion of the three day Robin Hood of Keene evidentiary hearing,cdaudiocourtrh1425 which led to the dismissal of civil lawsuits against the Merry People, nearly complete video records of the hearings were posted online to Fr33manTVraw and the FreeKeene youtube channel. Unfortunately, due to a technical malfunction midway through day two of proceedings, approximately sixteen minutes of direct examination of a witness was excluded from publication.

To restore the public record, the Merry People have obtained an audio record of the entire hearing from the court. The corrupted file was re-edited with audio from the missing segment affixed in the proper location and inserted into the raw video playlist. Enjoy the now complete record of the Robin Hood of Keene civil trial, which was performed on August 12, September 30, and October 01 of 2013, and currently awaits appeal to the NH supreme court.

Robin Hood Opposition Distributes Second Pro-State Proclamation

For the second Monday in three weeks, anti-Robin Hood proponents have issued a 2014_03_17_rhoodflier1denunciatory printout, distributing the flier to car windshields around the downtown portions of Keene. This week’s flier is less profane than the last, which included the ‘f’ word uncensored. Perhaps in response to negative feedback, the flier now bowdlerizes the language with asterisks and includes seldom accurate information listed sequentially following pronouncements declaring the content, ‘Fact’.

One goal of the flier’s author seems to be consciousness raising directed at the home address of myself (Garret) and at least one other Free Keene blogger. I can’t imagine too many of the recipients of the flier will be delighted to read what amounts to a distasteful rant posturing as though it were a serious critique of community activists. In all honesty, could one ask for a more useful opposition?

No Parking Meters in Laconia, Businesses Doing Fine

dt2[1]Robin Hooders visited Laconia, NH’s downtown yesterday.  Not a single parking meter in sight, but yet there are plenty of businesses in their bustling downtown.

How can this be?  If the city of Keene’s claims are to be believed, parking meters are necessary to help businesses – what a crock!

The city people are lying. Either that or they are seriously misinformed about parking meters.  Plenty of towns and cities are doing just fine without them.

Instead of raising the rates, parking meters should be abolished entirely.

AKPF #1: Robin Hood’s Direct Action Panel (2/3)

akpf_patrioticThis week’s AKPF #1 installment is the second of three parts of Robin Hood’s Direct Action Panel from the 2014 New Hampshire Liberty Forum. This never before seen edit of the panel includes b-roll embedded to better illustrate the scenes as painted by the panel. This footage will air on Cheshire TV at 7:00pm on March 17, as per the usual AKPF #1 timeslot.

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 43

This week: 5 Gum = Illuminati propaganda • Need to play more Muse • Matthew Bellamy = Freddie Mercury • Bill Hicks = Alex Jones • Why conspiracy theories matter • Government kills agorism • Fire those sucky teachers • Vote week in Keene • School district breakin the law • Spends $23,000 on advertisements • Still more on Keene pedestrians • Anarchy flag = 16 year old delinquents • Rapsher recommends The Sopranos.  James and Rapsher join.  Show notes at:

DPRK Parking Proposals Rebuked by Civilians at Committee Meeting

Last evening, the finance subcommittee of the Democratic People’s Republic of Keene 2014_03_14_parkingariclecentral committee heard numerous proposals related to city functions, before finishing the meeting with a symposium on proposed changes to the notoriously contested parking system. Following discussions on a new Cheshire TV channel and lacking airport business operations, the parking policies attracted the most attention from the civilian audience, with numerous individuals speaking in favor of modesty in fee hikes. Other specific points addressed were the egregious mandatory minimums proposed, in which meters would not register any time until at least twenty-five cents worth of time is purchased. Another idea tossed about was extending the hours of enforcement forward by two into the evening on weekdays, while removing one hour of enforcement from the morning. The Keene Sentinel’s Kyle Jarvis reported on the exchange of parking ideas in a front-page feature in today’s print edition. Video was recorded by numerous independent videographers and activists from the area, and is available from the Fr33manTVraw youtube channel.

A chalking that appeared near the Wells Street parking garage in downtown Keene:
