Adam Kokesh’s “Final American Revolution” – Concord, NH

Adam Kokesh called for a “Final American Revolution” where people were to gather at each state capitol and demand secession. This is video from Concord, NH where a man strapped with an AK-47 gave a speech written by Kokesh into a megaphone:

The events nationwide suffered from poor planning, in that Kokesh basically announced the events, created them on Facebook, and then expected others to pick up the ball. They didn’t. One photo from Albany showed two people attending. Concord got 22 without any real organization whatsoever. The poor turnout at the event nationwide speaks to the small number of liberty-loving people willing to take action. It’s a perfect example of why liberty-oriented people need to converge in one place and get active TOGETHER. That place is New Hampshire – the choice of the Free State Project. Concentrating activism works – we already have over 1100 activists here statewide as part of the FSP and have won dozens of elections, repealed bad laws, done epic civil disobedience, and are creating loads of liberty media. Please join the thousands of liberty activists moving to New Hampshire and join the Free State Project!

Peace Ticket Issued in Response to Speeding Ticket

Yesterday, while heading to the Occupy NH “Trespassive Three” trial in Manchester, I was pulled over in Antrim by officer Brian Reopel for allegedly speeding. He ticketed me for 66 in a 50 and I am responding by sending in a Peace Ticket along with their completed ticket.

The intent of the Peace Ticket is to give them warning that if they continue aggressing against me, a peaceful Shire Society member, they should expect a trial which will probably cost them more than they would get if I paid the ticket (which I also won’t do), as well as publicity for the matter. It gives them the chance to do the right thing and withdraw their complaint, settling the issue.

Eventually, if enough people start taking traffic tickets to trial that are also Shire Society members, perhaps the police will learn know better than to pull over people with visible Shire seals on their cars (get your free sticker here). One can dream!

KHS Students Gather for a Free Tibet

tibet_chinaprToday Keene High School’s Students for a Free Tibet chapter stood for hours after noon holding signs and flags in support of the rights of the people of Tibet. The Himalayan region has been occupied by the PRC since 1951, and was more militarized and repressed after an unsuccessful uprising in 1959. March 10 marks the fifty-fourth year since the deflected revolution. Al Jazeera reports that in neighboring Nepal, police have cracked down on Tibetan activists on the eve of the anniversary. On February 13, a Tibetan monk self-immolated at a restaurant in Kathmandu. A sign of the desperation of the people is the widespread practice of self-immolation, with over 100 instances since 2009, resulting in over 40 deaths. Literally around the corner from where today’s gathering was held, a New Hampshire father self-immolated over a custody dispute at the Cheshire Superior Court.