by Ian | Apr 23, 2013 |
You’ve seen the videos. Now you can join up with Robin Hood and the Merry Men and Women and help rescue the motorists of Keene from the King’s men and their ransom!
Friday and Saturday shifts will be available all day for you to plug in to the most successful form of activism and outreach in Keene to date. Hit the streets with a roll of coins and cards and do some good for the community! As a bonus, you get to have fun as you deny the local government gang the hard-earned dollars of the good people of Keene by preventing parking tickets from being issued! You’ll also experience the value of being able to do liberty activism in groups – the reason why the Free State Project is the key to liberty in our lifetime.
This is just one of the activities that will be happening outside the hotel – stay tuned here to the Keenevention blog, the facebook page, or the facebook event for continued announcements and news.
You can get your tickets to Keenevention now for the earlybird price of just $35 for the whole weekend on Nov 1st-3rd.
by Ian | Apr 9, 2013 |
As Rich Paul’s trial looms, he has called for the return of the 420 celebrations in Keene’s Central Square.
True to form, a group of hardcores came out this afternoon and enjoyed a smoke commenced after Rich’s iconic, “We smoke these in remembrance of lost liberties and in hope for a day where the people no longer fear their government because the government fears the people! Smoke ’em if you got ’em!”
Much conversation was had and a lovely afternoon was enjoyed by the near half-dozen in attendance.
420 celebrations will continue in Central Square through (and beyond) April 20th when a larger event will take place at the state house in Concord. (There will still be a Keene 420 that day as well.) However, the Concord 420 is expected to be well-attended, as it is every year. Here is a facebook event for the Concord 420 on 4/20.
by Ian | Apr 9, 2013 |
Several activists came out to Cheshire “superior” court yesterday morning to perform jury outreach with fliers encouraging jurors to learn about jury nullification – your right as a juror to judge the law itself and vote your conscience.
Hopefully jurors will take the information to heart and use compassion for their peaceful neighbor in the upcoming trial of heroic 420 celebration founder Rich Paul. Rich is facing multiple cannabis distribution charges that could result in 81 years in prison. Rich has been offered a plea deal of a year in jail and has refused. He wants to be the first person acquitted for the peaceful, victimless “crime” of selling some cannabis to consenting adults. Most people would have taken the deal. Rich is standing firm on his beliefs – he has done no harm. No victim, no crime.
Here is a facebook event for the trial which begins Tuesday April 16th at 9am at Cheshire “superior” court at 12 Court St. Jury nullification sigh waving begins at 7:50am. Please come out and support Rich!

by Ian | Apr 1, 2013 |
Dave Ridley is back in disobedient mode as he prepares for a showdown with corrupt Manchester officials. From Spirit of Arcadia:
Dave Ridley vows civil disobedience at an April 8th demonstration after attempts by Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas and a security guard to restrict him from recording in the very public lobby of City Hall.
On March 26th, Ridley was trying to interview local officials including Gatsas who told the independent journalist that he must get permission from the City Clerk’s office before recording. According to Ridley, “an enraged security officer shortly appeared and made similar demands.” He describes the upcoming demonstration:
“In the absence of some major unexpected event, there will be an anti-censorship demonstration outside City Hall starting 6 p.m. on Monday, April 8. Then I intend to enter the lobby *with* my camera recording and *without* asking permission. I’ll try to record, non-disruptively, the outskirts of a City school-committee meeting. I’ll likely remain until arrested or until 7:30 p.m…whichever comes first! I invite all peaceable folk to join me.”
by Ian | Mar 30, 2013 |
When talking to people about the Keenevention, the top question asked is, “Is there an earlybird discount?”
Well, there is now!
From now until June 24th (the day after PorcFest 2013), when you sign up for Keenevention 2013, your ticket is only $35. You can register online here at Eventbrite.
Also, please let us know you are going via the Keenevention 2013 Facebook event!
by Ian | Mar 21, 2013 |
Manchester occupiers are on trial for criminal trespass today in superior court. Video is being recorded and updates are being posted on the Free Talk Live Facebook page. Here’s the twitter feed for those updates: