A Growing Concern

ConanatMeetingFor the past four years now I have challenged the local school district here in Keene to reign in their out-of-control spending with no real success. Mind you, this is a huge, $65 million dollar a year welfare machine that many of the residents of Keene have grown completely dependent upon; sadly, a conundrum shared widely throughout the country.

This year I’ve introduced three petitioned warrant articles, or ballot initiatives, that would reduce school spending and one article that would direct the district to opt out of Common Core. In previous years my warrants have always been amended completely ineffective at the first Deliberative session made up primarily of teachers and school admins who oppose any types of cuts. I expect no difference this time around. Convincing people to come out early on a Saturday morning to sit through a long drawn out meeting is much more difficult than collecting their signatures. However, judging by the turnout of disgruntled residents at the first informational meeting this past Tuesday and the fact that The Keene Sentinel chose to include the story on the front page the next day, leads me to believe that more apathetic voters are beginning to wake up. Here is the full Sentinel article:


Free State Project Reaches 19,000 People: 95% of Goal

According to the https://freestateproject.org/blogs/95-less-1000-signers-go, the Free State Project now has 19,000 signers, and needs only 1,000 to complete it’s task, for a completion rate of 95%. The last 5% has been accrued over the course of only about 15 days, indicating that we may reach our goal before our next Liberty Forum in February of this year.

Thanks to all those who are making it happen!

“Evolve or Die” — Portsmouth Uber Documentary Features FSP Early Movers

An amazing short film released today by local independent filmmaker Zach Cusson chronicles the Uber in Portsmouth saga, including the Free Uber campaign. Footage of one of our Free Uber rallies, with multiple Free State Project early movers, begins around ~9:00.

The film concludes on an optimistic note with a great synopsis by the narrator and some smack-talk by yours truly.

But for Christopher David, this goes beyond just a $25 fee and Uber. As technology continues to advance, he believes that the role of the government is going to become more and more obsolete. More peer to peer networks like Uber and AirBnB are going to continue to pop up, and we won’t need the government to regulate so many aspects of our lives. The heart of the issue is technology moving faster than the government.

“…that this is the future, that people should have the freedom to connect. And you government, you dinosaurs, you’re in the way. So evolve or die.”


The Eighth Most Dangerous City and Math

According to this article Keene is the eighth most dangerous city in New Hampshire.

According to the State of New Hampshire, there are 13 cities in New Hampshire.

Math is required to properly evaluate statistical statements.

There are 13 cities in NH. 7 of these therefore, will in both the “best 10 cities” and the “worst 10 cities” by any measure.

Keene, NH is the 8th most dangerous city in NH. It is also the 6th safest city in NH. It’s all a matter of how you look at it.

Logic is the life-blood of the human spirit.

A message from the Church of the Invisible Hand

RLS 066 – The Psychedelic Block Chain


Recorded October 13th, 2015
Long time regular guest Mattheus Von Guttenberg joins us in the new Rebel Love Studio this week. Topics include MVG giving cop blocking advice based off his first hand account of Amanda BillyRock being arrested, Rob and The Rebel Mistress will be at Keenevention doing a total of four different panels, Bitcoin activism, and how to be a responsible drug using parent. The Rebel Love Show broadcasts every Tuesday night at 10 pm EST on LRN.FM and Rebelloveshow.com