Bitcoin Embassy NH’s Presentation/Discussion Regarding the First “Hash War” Starting Today

Bitcoin Embassy NH Logo

Bitcoin Embassy NH Logo

It’s been in the cryptocurrency news over the last several weeks, but many do not know what the world’s first-ever “Hash War” is all about. Thankfully Bitcoin Embassy New Hampshire is now here and Head Ambassador Chris Rietmann scheduled an event that happened yesterday afternoon to talk about it.

What is the history of the conflict brewing between rival factions of the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) community, and what might happen in the all out “Hash War” that’s supposedly to begin this morning at just before high noon today (11/15), Eastern time? If you watch the video, you’ll find out all we know:


2018 Cheshire County Candidate Forum Speech : Ian Freeman

I was recently honored by the Walpole Grange in that they invited me (and the other local libertarians running for office) to their candidate forum event. I was given six minutes to speak about my campaign, where I struck at the root against the entire idea after the state after covering the drug war, voluntarizing taxation, and secession in four minutes. Later, I was given two more minutes to speak regarding the gubernatorial campaign of Jilletta Jarvis. Here’s the video:

You can learn more about my campaign here.

NH is Cryptocurrency Mecca : Panel Discussion

Earlier this month, the 2nd annual Free State Blockchain Digital Assets Conference took place in Portsmouth. The event was a success, intimate and informative. In addition to broadcasting my radio show, Free Talk Live from the event, I was also given the privilege of moderating a very important panel which we called “NH is Crypto Mecca“.

Any Bitcoin conference can have big names in the industry come speak, but only this conference could have this panel. As longtime readers here know, New Hampshire is a special place due to our global lead in real-life cryptocurrency acceptance. The reason is because of the concentration of libertarian crypto activists we have here that are doing the boots-on-the-ground work to make amazing thing happen here, thanks to the ongoing NH Freedom Migration.

For my expert activist panelists I selected Chris Rietmann of the new Bitcoin Embassy New Hampshire, and my fellow Free Keene bloggers Darryl W Perry and Derrick J Freeman, so we had activists representing both of NH’s crypto hotspots, Keene and Portsmouth. The guys did an amazing panel and I think it gives an excellent taste of what it’s like to be here in Crypto Mecca. You can watch the full hour-long panel here:

Helping the Developmentally Disabled: Why Libertarian Solutions are the Most Compassionate

Monadnock Developmental Services Logo

Monadnock Developmental Services Logo

Yesterday evening I was invited along with other Libertarian candidates Darryl W Perry and Jilletta Jarvis to Monadnock Developmental Services for a presentation to political candidates about the frustrations that families with children who have developmental disabilities have with state “assistance” programs. Multiple family members presented their difficult stories to a couple dozen state reps and candidates for office.

I didn’t feel like I was asked there to comment, so I was there just to listen. However afterwards Darryl and I returned to the Keene-based studio of LRN.FM, the Liberty Radio Network, where we were joined by Conan Salada for our live nightly libertarian talk show, Free Talk Live, where we discussed the issues raised in great detail.

If you want, compassionate solutions to healthcare issues that don’t rely on institutionalized violence, you really need to listen to the first hour of last night’s Free Talk Live to find out why Libertarianism and the non-aggression principle is the best way to help our neighbors in need. Here’s the archive:

Keene Sentinel Reports on Libertarian Candidates: Freeman, Jarvis, DiMezzo

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by the editorial board of the Keene Sentinel. We covered a variety of issues that I was able to speak on from a principled voluntarist perspective. It was a very good interview and in addition to a lengthy article about it, they also posted the full hour-long video to their youtube:

However, I’m not the only one they interviewed. They first sat down with Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Jilletta Jarvis. Here’s their video of Jilletta’s interview and the accompanying article. After having interviewed us both, they astutely inquired of me regarding the vast differences between Jarvis’ positions and mine, since she is more of a small government libertarian while I’m a total voluntarist who believes all human interaction should be consensual.

They also recently ran a story about the sheriff candidates for Cheshire county’s positions on immigration which included a comment by Libertarian candidate Aria DiMezzo.

Thanks to the Sentinel’s staff for the continuing, fair coverage.

My Appearance on RT America Friday to Comment on Facebook’s Takedown of Hundreds of Pages

RT America contacted me Friday and asked for a quick comment on behalf of Cop Block regarding this week’s mass page takedown by Facebook. The takedown affected the facebook pages of major police accountability and pro-liberty sites including the Free Thought Project, the Anti-Media, Cop Block and others. I explained that Facebook is their property and they can do as they wish with it. Police accountability activists and other libertarians should be building alternative platforms rather than relying on those provided by political corporate behemoths like Facebook and Twitter. Here’s the segment that aired on RT America yesterday:

The good news is, such a platform already exists in the form of Mastodon, which is a decentralized, federated competitor to Twitter. Unlike Facebook and Twitter which are centralized platforms controlled by corporations, a Mastodon server can be run by anyone and worldwide there are thousands of Mastodon servers. Each server admin decides the rules for their server, including which other Mastodon servers to connect to – this is what it means when Mastodon is described as “federated”. Its decentralized, federated structure is why Mastodon is much more censorship resistant than the centralized, corporate platforms.

Cop Block's new Mastodon!

Cop Block’s new Mastodon!

I recommend you create an account on your preferred Mastodon instance. If you’re pro-liberty, then you should try out Liberdon, which launched this summer and houses various libertarians and voluntarists. I just made a CopBlock account there today, which you can follow here.

I also highly recommend following “The Police State” on Liberdon – they’ve been doing a solid job reporting on police corruption – much better than the mostly-dormant Cop Block.

Facebook’s blog post explaining their takedowns basically admitted they were upset that pages like Cop Block were getting people to leave Facebook and visit their respective websites, meaning potential revenue for the sites in question and potentially less revenue for Facebook. Facebook doesn’t want you to leave Facebook. Whether there were political motivations behind the takedowns is more speculative, but it certainly reeks of it. Regardless of their reasons, perhaps you should consider leaving Facebook entirely and helping build the decentralized alternatives. It’s up to you.