State Prosecutes, Convicts NH Cop Blocker for Harboring “Illegal”

Think you have a right to privacy? Think again. These bureaucrats think they own your dog and will prosecute you over a $4 dog license in New Hampshire to prove it. Cop Blockers Michael and Angie Gordon of Alstead took a ticket for an “illegal” unlicensed dog to Keene District Court. They lost, but made the bureaucrats work to get their coerced money. Kudos to them for standing up against the oppressive police state where not even dogs are safe from state regulation. Here’s the full video:

Video: Conan on Trial for Uninspected Vehicle

Vehicle inspection is nothing more than a racket for auto shops being operated by the people calling themselves the “State of New Hampshire”. As Free Keene blogger Conan Salada points out during his testimony at trial this week, the auto repair shop he went to gave him quotes for what Conan determined were unnecessary repairs in order to pass the vehicle inspection. This happens to people all the time and allows unscrupulous auto repair shops to take advantage of ignorant drivers.

But wait, don’t we need mandatory yearly inspections to keep cars as safe as possible on the roads? Actually, no. Not all really cold states have mandatory vehicle inspections and there’s no evidence those states’ roads are any more dangerous. Turns out, the market handles safety just fine.

Meanwhile, the crime gang known as the State of New Hampshire continues to prosecute and convict people for taking care of their cars how they want. Here’s the full trial video from this week in Keene District Court. Conan is ultimately found guilty and sentenced to a little community service:

Border Patrol Internal Checkpoint VS Camera-Toting Forkfest 2018 Attendees

Border Patrol Agent Salutes Camera at NH Internal Oppressive Checkpoint

Border Patrol Agent Salutes Camera at NH Internal Oppressive Checkpoint

On Friday, several Forkfest 2018 attendees drove an hour South of Roger’s Campground to I-93 around Woodstock, NH – the site of the repeating temporary internal Border Patrol immigration checkpoints. Based on activist reports, the checkpoint appeared to have been operating that day from noon until 7pm. As is typical of these checkpoints, they were stopping every car to ask occupants if they are “US Citizens“. They also had a dog they were walking up and down the line of waiting cars.

As it turns out, a car full of people with video cameras wasn’t welcome in their secondary screening area. After one agent orders me to pull into their secondary screening for refusing to answer questions, his commanding officer intervenes before I can even cross over a single lane of traffic, and even apologizes for not wasting more of our time with their invasive screening! In hindsight, I should have told him to apologize to all the cars without camera-toting occupants for wasting everyone’s time with their oppressive police state checkpoint. Here’s the ridiculous video:

No one in the car was planning to answer the agents’ questions, given one has a right to remain silent (that the US Supreme Court has now required be invoked in police encounters). Obedience to tyrants only encourages them. Besides, as someone who believes in liberty, I don’t believe in government borders. Peaceful people should be allowed to enter a free country. Of course, we all know by now the United States is not a free country, and in fact has been dropping on the various international freedom rankings.

Also this weekend, NH Libertarian Party candidate for US Congress NH-2, Justin O’Donnell also traversed the checkpoint while live streaming to facebook. His friend in the passenger seat obediently answered the agent’s inquiry while O’Donnell debated with the agents, ultimately admitting to having been born in Boston, MA. Prior to this, the agent threatened to detain O’Donnell until he answered the question. (more…)

Dash Force News’ Podcast Interviews Me About DASH Acceptance in New Hampshire

Dash Force News Covers NH Cryptocurrency Activism

Dash Force News Logo

Yesterday while attending the TALKERS 2018 conference in Manhattan, I stepped away for an hour to be a guest on the DASH Force News’ “Three Amigos Podcast” to discuss the amazing success we’ve had getting business owners to accept cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and DASH at retail point-of-sale here in New Hampshire.

In addition, we also discussed Forkfest, the active NH Freedom Migration, and the advertising proposal I made this week to get DASH to renew their sponsorship of Free Talk Live, my national talk radio show. Plus, I announced the public beta of a very cool website where you can create printable DASH tips you can leave with servers at restaurants or give to whoever you want to introduce to cryptocurrency! It’s called and it’s exclusive to DASH at this time. If you love DASH, you should give it a try and feel free to let me know what you think!

Thanks so much to the DASH Force News crew for the opportunity. Here’s the full interview:

Local Business Owner Challenges Parking Tickets & Wins Thanks to New Keene Judge

New Keene District Court Judge Erin B McIntyre Smacks Down Prosecutor

New Keene District Court Judge Erin B McIntyre Smacks Down Prosecutor

Keene, NH business owner Christopher Waid received a parking ticket when he was downtown in late 2017 and immediately went to the parking department in the city building to demand his right to a trial. While inside the building, he received a second ticket on his car! He also immediately filed for his trial on that one. The double ticket trial was slated for early April and would involve two of the three Keene parking enforcers, meaning they couldn’t be on the streets victimizing other peaceful motorists if they are sitting in a courtroom! Even if Chris had lost the trials, just keeping the enforcers off the streets for a couple hours is a win on its own.

Chris entered the Keene District Court to face down the charges on April 9th and emerged victorious, with both tickets dismissed by new Keene judge Erin B McIntyre. (Longtime district court judge Edward J Burke is recently semi-retired and is only doing fill-in work.) Chris brilliantly challenged both parking tickets on technicalities. The first ticket was thrown out by McIntyre because the location of the alleged offense was not correct and the second ticket was tossed because parking enforcer Linda Desruisseaux lazily cited the wrong section of city code. Many judges would have simply allowed the prosecutor to amend the tickets upon request but McIntyre wasn’t letting the prosecutor have any slack! The exasperated Keene police prosecutor, Eleanor Moran, upon the second dismissal vowed she’d be filing a motion to reconsider, however she never did, according to court records. Here’s the full trial video:

There are a couple of important lessons here. (more…)

Vin Armani, Showtime’s “Gigolos” Star, Moves from Vegas to New Hampshire!

Vin in Nevada.  He's gonna need more than that hoodie now that he's in NH!

Vin in Nevada for a photoshoot for Gigolos on Showtime. He’s gonna need more than that hoodie now in NH!

When I spoke at Anarchapulco in 2017 about why liberty-loving people should move to New Hampshire, one of the people in the audience was Vin Armani. At the time, Vin had recently wrapped production of six seasons of the Showtime reality-TV series, “Gigolos” and had launched a live-streamed voluntaryist internet video talk show.

I met Vin after my speech and he was very interested in what was happening here in New Hampshire and the ongoing NH Freedom Migration. I interviewed him from Anarchapulco on my radio show, Free Talk Live and he later was kind enough to invite me on his video show, the Vin Armani Show, which at the time he was producing in his home of Las Vegas, Nevada. Back then, just one year ago, he was very interested in possibly moving to the Shire but didn’t have any immediate plans on the horizon.

Now, the gigolo-turned-television star-turned voluntaryist talk show host and now published author has made the move to New Hampshire!

When I asked him to comment on what pushed him over the edge to deciding to move over 2,700 miles for more freedom, he said, “Your talk at Anarchapulco 2017 first sparked my interest. I ended up meeting [then Free State Project president] Matt Philips the next day and he invited me to speak at PorcFest. That got me intrigued. Then I was invited to speak at FreeCoast Fest and Liberty Forum. With my involvement in crypto and the ability to really ‘live it’, along with people I liked asking me to make the move. I just decided to go for it. I’m glad I did.”

Here’s the first episode of Vin’s show that he’s released since making the move where he and his co-host cover moving to NH, cryptocurrency, psychedelics, and liberty as a spiritual evolution. Great show! Welcome home, Vin.

P.S. You’ll be hearing more from Vin this week as he’ll be guest co-hosting Free Talk Live with me and Mark Edge this Tuesday evening from 7-10pm Eastern. You can listen live at Free Talk Live’s site, or watch our video feed via the LRN.FM Twitch.