After Pastor Dies in Fire, Grafton Allows Church Tax Exemption

Peaceful Assembly Church Burning

Peaceful Assembly Church Burning in Grafton, NH – Photo Courtesy Peter Bosse

In early January of this year, Peaceful Assembly Church pastor John Connell died inside his church as it somehow set ablaze. The alleged cause of the fire has still not been publicly announced by the fire marshal, several months later. Speculation on the cause of the fire ranges from accident to self-immolation to murder. Given that the town of Grafton was planning to steal the property via tax sale just days after the church caught fire, it’s possible that Connell set the fire himself so as to prevent the town from getting anything of value out of the coming theft.

Regardless of the origins of the flames, the latest results were unexpected. The Valley News reported yesterday that Grafton has come to an agreement with the Peaceful Assembly Church to give them the tax exemption they have been denying the church for more than half-a-decade!

According to the Valley News’ story:

Under the agreement, the parties agreed that Peaceful Assembly “is a regularly recognized and constituted religious creed and sect” and that the town will abate the full amount of taxes owed on the property at 860 Main St., also known as Route 4.

In return, Peaceful Assembly Church board members agreed to make the building weather tight by December; shingle the roof and complete all exterior work except windows by December 2017; and complete all exterior work by December 2019.

Peaceful Assembly Church is the first church in NH founded and run by liberty activists and was a major influence in the formation of the Shire Free Church. This is huge news in favor of religious freedom – it’s a shame the pastor had to die to make the right thing happen.

RT’s Libertarian Presidential Debate Features Darryl W Perry!

Free Keene blogger Darryl W Perry‘s presidential campaign got a major boost this week as RT included him in their Libertarian Presidential Debate. The debate was broadcast live on global free-to-air satellite, online, and on various cable networks:

Hosts Tyrel Ventura (the son of Jesse Ventura) and Tabitha Wallace asked thoughtful questions covering a wide range of issues. The debate was excellent and Darryl knocked each question out of the park and was the clear winner on the stage.

Will the Libertarian Party get back to its principle of non-aggression and nominate Darryl or will they continue their recent history of being watered-down, and select a different candidate?

Only time will tell. Meanwhile, you can donate to Darryl’s campaign of civil disobedience (he’s not filing with the FEC and only accepting alternative currencies like bitcoin) and learn more on his campaign website.

Alleged Cop Shooter Believes He Has A GPS Computer Chip In Brain

Hours after the police shooting in Manchester, NH today the Department of Justice released the name of the suspect as Ian MacPherson.

The suspect appears to be the same person as this Facebook profile based upon the following facts:
1) Same Name
2) Same Location
3) A comparison of the following photos (first from police, second from his facebook profile:

Upon researching the suspect, it appears that he was convinced that he had a computer chip (Brain Computer Interface or BCI) implanted in his brain. Here is a video where he appears to be detecting the “illegally implanted […] silk BCI and a long-range wireless radio-frequency transmitter-receiver” with a “RF detector meter.” He also appears to have posted a link where to buy the detector.

It is very difficult to figure out exactly what MacPherson believed. On his page he posted multiple documents that appear to state his concerns. One document, “Genocide – Enemy Combatants in USA Witness Testimonial” is a 682 page document in which MacPherson appears to be providing a “witness statement” and reaching out to government workers to try to warn them about genocide, brain computer interfaces, surgical implants being implanted in civilians, the “Axis Terrorist Faction,” “Terrorist plans to assassinate police and military,” “Italian-axis complicity in the 9-11 Terrorist attacks,” and other concerns. In this document, he claims to have had a chip implanted in his skull, “later during 2007 : a ‘liquid Potassium supplement’ was given to me at a Hospital which later turned out to be a sedative ; this was an orange milky substance that tasted like orange-creamsicle but was a sedative. After this dixie-cup of liquid sedative was fed to me : I was Human-Vivisected by a NeuroSurgery team whom implanted a prosthetic NeuroCircuit Patch in my skull which grafted on to the surface of my brain and a Surgical-Implant Router & Battery which sum-total is a Brain-Computer-Interface.” (more…)

Police State: Manchester & Nashua

Manchester Police State

Manch Cops Unnecessarily Intimidate Innocent People in Search for Suspect

Late last night, a police manhunt began for a suspect who allegedly shot two Manchester police officers. Even after the man was found, police set up checkpoints, pointed guns at innocent motorists, and searched vehicles. Manchester liberty activist Carla Gericke posted this rundown to her facebook today:

This morning my Manchester neighborhood was locked down with a “shelter in place” warning as armed law enforcement officers roamed the streets, purportedly in search for a white man with long hair in a trench coat who shot two officers around 2AM. Both officers are in non-critical condition. One was shot in the calf, haven’t seen any reports about the other wound yet. I wish them a speedy recovery.


Helicopters whirred overhead for hours. Cars were searched. Schools were closed. Blocks were closed down. There were reports that houses were being searched. I contacted my attorney to understand my 4th amendment rights should I be approached to have my house searched. I put my dog in her crate downstairs as a precautionary measure to ensure she didn’t get shot if I refused unconstitutional entry to my home.


Scary stuff.


But here’s what I want to know. According to this NH1 report, the suspect was taken into custody at 6:55AM.


MORE THAN THREE HOURS BEFORE the “shelter in place” was lifted around 10:15AM (although I still had a helicopter overhead about 30 minutes ago).


WHY? What was the purpose of having a show of force with armed men roaming the streets IF THEY ALREADY HAD THE SUSPECT IN CUSTODY?


The only conclusion I can come to is they wanted to be on the streets. They wanted to scare ordinary people. Maybe they wanted to remind us of their militarized equipment, their BEARCAT, their guns.


Maybe they wanted people to forget about the beat down their compatriots gave a man a few days ago who was lying face down on a street with his arms outstretched?


A full inquiry should take place to explain to residents of the West Side why OUR lives should have been disrupted like this if we still live in a free and normal society. Please explain Mayor Ted Gatsas why this happened. It is unacceptable to treat ordinary law abiding citizens like pawns in these police state games.

This, less than forty-eight hours after NH State Police viciously attacked a suspect after a chase in Nashua:

Keene Activism & State Reps Dominate NHPR Interview About Free State Project

inthenews-nhpr[1]The Free State Project migration of liberty activists to New Hampshire continues to be a topic of discussion in NH media, because we’re making an impact, unlike libertarians pretty much everywhere else in the world.  Most libertarian groups never or rarely get press, but liberty activists in New Hampshire get coverage frequently.

On this morning’s “The Exchange” on New Hampshire Public Radio, former FSP president and current board member Carla Gericke was the in-studio guest.

Dan Eaton, also an in-studio guest and a state rep from Stoddard called Free Staters in the state house “obstructionist” and accused them of hiding their true political affiliations.  He also insulted Keene’s Robin Hooders, calling us “rude” and suggested that we are un-civil.  Eaton trotted out the claim, long since proven false, that Robin Hooders “harass” the parking enforcers.  Gericke let this slander slide by with no response.  Overall, Gericke did well in the interview and did defend independent media when Eaton accused us of “intimidating” senators with our video cameras from the NH senate gallery.

Carla Gericke Keenevention 2014

Free State Project President Carla Gericke Keynoting Keenevention 2014

Eaton and a caller accused Free Staters of hiding their true beliefs to get elected.  While some people may not be being honest in politics, no one can accuse Keene libertarians of hiding.  One caller did point out correctly that Free Staters are running as republicans and democrats because the ballot access for third parties in NH is very difficult and was made that way by the very same people who are complaining about the Free Staters “hiding”.

Eaton specifically attacked Free Keene and suggested that we somehow set up the topless open carry event from several years ago, which we didn’t – we just reported on it.  Eaton (or maybe it was Union Leader’s Drew Cline who was also a guest on the show) also called for the FSP to purge its rolls of all anarchists and Carla did not respond.  While I personally don’t identify with the term “anarchist”, as I am a voluntarist, I am pretty sure that Carla has referred to herself as an anarchist in the past.  Is Carla now a “minarchist” (a supporter of small government) or is she also hiding her true beliefs?

Exchange host Laura Knoy has been made aware in the past that Keene’s Robin Hooders would be happy to appear on her show to address the lies told about us, and she’s never taken us up on it, instead allowing the slander to continue, interview after interview.  Carla, despite knowing the truth about us, sits silently rather than defend the peaceful Robin Hooders that brought the Free State Project millions of dollars in good publicity internationally.  Further, Carla even labels Keene activists as “shock jocks”.  Is that a term only for those of us doing talk radio here or all the controversial activists?

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