Full Video: Robin Hooders Return to Cheshire Superior Court for ROUND 2

After the NH supreme court ruled mostly in Robin Hooders’ favor, they sent the injunction request by the “City of Keene” gang back to the Cheshire superior court for it to be considered separately from their failed demand for financial damages.

Hence, we were back in court yesterday for round two of the “evidentiary hearing” (the original was three days long in 2013). The evidentiary hearing looks and feels like a trial, but actually isn’t. We’ve never even gotten to the trial, since the judge dismissed the city of Keene’s case before that could happen.

Once again, Robin Hooders were represented by top-tier free speech attorney Jon Meyer, and he did a spectacular job.

Thankfully, the hearing only lasted one day, and boy are there some amazing moments captured on video. Don’t miss when Jane claims Garret is “taunting” her no matter what words come out of his mouth, even if he were to talk to her about the weather! No kidding – she really says that.

The icing on the cake had to be both Jane and Linda expressing having “anxiety” (Jane even likens her experience to PTSD) due to not knowing when Robin Hooders were going to pop up. Hey Jane and Linda, how do you think the innocent people that park downtown feel? They never know when the parking enforcers will pop up and ruin their day with a ticket.

Now the case is again in the hands of judge John C Kissinger. He ruled correctly the first time around but this injunction portion of the case was remanded back to him by the NH supreme court on a technicality. Did the parking agents’ sob story convince him to issue an unconstitutional injunction against Robin Hooders? Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest in this ongoing saga!


Keene city candidates for mayor and city council 2015

Click on any candidate to read his/her answers to the Keene Sentinel Questionnaire. Answers are being updated as they are printed.



Kris Roberts

Rick Blood

Kendall Lane

Ward 1

Darryl Masterson

David Crawford

Steve Hooper

Ward 2

Toby Tousley

Brian Hansen

Carl Jacobs

Ward 3

David Richards

Joseph Losh

Ward 4

Bob Sutherland

James Duffy

Ward 5

Jerry Sickels

Thomas Powers

Live Tweet Archive from Robin Hood Evidentiary Hearing, ROUND 2!

Robin Hood of KeeneThe Robin Hood court hearings were back in Cheshire superior court today. Thanks to Darryl W Perry for live tweeting the hearing. Here are his tweets in reverse chronological order:

@DarrylWPerry 2h2 hours ago
Correction: there is no hearing scheduled for the 19th #RobinHoodTrial

@DarrylWPerry 2h2 hours ago
Court is over #RobinHoodTrial

@DarrylWPerry 2h2 hours ago
Judge asks both sides to address floating buffer zones in their memoranda #RobinHoodTrial

@DarrylWPerry 2h2 hours ago
Discussing procedure from here. Both sides to file legal memos, there is a hearing tentatively scheduled for Oct 19 #RobinHoodTrial (more…)

Road calming project unnecessary

FreeMoney-01In my latest LTE to the Keene Sentinel I address my concerns over a ridiculous road project funded by federal grants that the city is trying to execute in my quiet neighborhood in north Keene. Because, you know, free money.

Well, they’re at it again. The federal grant-chasers of America are doing what they do best — finding expensive projects to invest in that we didn’t know we actually needed. Enter the Jonathan Daniels Road Calming Pilot project, an initiative to get more kids riding their bikes to school by adding more safety features to our already safe roads. Never mind the fact that this is the last year of JD Elementary. To get a better idea of their proposed plan I attended their Tuesday night meeting for questions and comments.

In order to receive the $132,000 grant, the project must be carried out by outside contractors. The city, which could probably perform this same project for a fraction of the cost, cannot be involved in the hands-on labor. Sounds fishy already. Some of the costs listed included $2,000 stripped road crossings, $5,000 radar speed signs, and $6,000 raised crosswalks.

“But it’s free money.” No. There is no such thing. Someone is picking up the check. In this case it’s getting tacked right on to the federal credit card.

“But think of the children.” I am thinking of the kids. Like my daughter, who stands to inherit this massive credit card bill.

“But this project could prevent future accidents.” What accidents? Between 2007-10 (the stats that were included in the project plan) there were 15 total accidents. All of them were minor, including the school bus that hit a parked car, and all occurred on Maple Ave. or in the school parking lot. Not a single accident occurred in Maple Acres, where the proposed project will be implemented.

“But more signs will make us safer.” No. This city is already suffering information overload from too many signs. Drivers should be paying attention to the roads, pedestrians and other vehicles, and not be lambasted by some sign every 20 feet. If anything, the city of Keene should be emulating the street system we have in Maple Acres: wide-open streets with limited street signage and road markers. (more…)

Illegal UBER Driver Christopher David to Keynote Keenevention 2015!

Christopher DavidThis summer, Portsmouth, NH regulated UBER and other ride-sharing services out of the city. UBER’s regional spokesperson described the regulations as, “Draconian” including prohibiting anyone with a misdemeanor conviction within seven years from being able to drive, among other restrictions which have nothing to do with a person’s ability to drive safely. UBER refused to jump through the arbitrary hoops, and as a result is now prohibited from operating in Portsmouth, its drivers facing fines of $500 – $1,000 per day.

In a heroic act of ongoing civil disobedience, Free State Project early mover Christopher David decided to keep driving anyway. Free Keene broke the story when it happened, and he’s since gotten some mainstream media coverage and has launched FREEUBER.org, a site encouraging Portsmouth inhabitants to take action on the issue by contacting city councilors, riding UBER, and driving for UBER. He has even posted fliers promoting his site all over downtown Portsmouth.

Now, he’s coming to speak as our Saturday night Keynote at Keenevention 2015!

Keenevention is Hallowkeene weekend, October 30th through November 1st. Tickets for the third-annual Keenevention are just $60 or BTC for the whole weekend, including the Hallowkeene costume dance party! Pre-event ticketing is limited to 100, so lock yours in now.

Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog for more speaker announcements (you can sign up for emails when the blog has new posts using the signup box in the right column). You can also follow the new Keenevention Twitter, Keenevention’s facebook page and join the official facebook event here.