ACLU Sues Alton Board of Selectmen for Arresting Activist for Free Speech

According to a recent press release from the NH ACLU, Alton town selectmen had a local activist arrested for daring to speak out at a meeting. Jeffrey Clay was supposedly given five minutes to address the board, but two minutes in was interrupted by the rude selectmen who voted to close public input when they did not like what Clay had to say to them. He was demanding they resign, accusing them of corruption, so they proved his claim and had him arrested:

The Laconia district court threw out the obviously illegal charge of “disorderly conduct”, and the ACLU has filed suit in civil court. As NH ACLU head attorney Gilles Bissonnette points out in their press release announcing the suit,

Sadly, these types of free speech violations still occur in 2015. In a free society, governmental officials are required to tolerate harsh criticism and even a demeaning attitude towards them—including viewpoints that can feel like “character assassination”—and cannot discriminate based on these critical viewpoints. As the U.S. Supreme Court has held, “[a]s a general matter, … in public debate, our own citizens must tolerate insulting, and even outrageous, speech in order to provide adequate breathing space to the freedoms protected by the First Amendment.” Thus, speech directed to and about the government is singled out for protection because speech—including opinions about how well or badly officials carry out their duties—lies at the very heart of the First Amendment.

NH Activists Reach 6 Courthouses with Jury Nullification Outreach in 2 Days

Jury nullification outreach efforts reach new heights in NH

jury activistsOn August 3rd and 4th, New Hampshire activists (organized by Joel Valenzuela of Rights Brigade) reached an incredible six courthouses with jury nullification outreach information supplied by Activists canvassed much of the state, reaching locations in Dover, Laconia, Brentwood, Concord, Manchester, and Nashua, sharing with jurors the knowledge of their age old right to nullify bad laws.

Tax Assessors Deny Shire Free Church 2015 Tax Exemption

At last month’s public tax assessors’ hearing, Shire Free Church minister Mark Edge gave a rousing speech and then the Keene tax assessor board refused to explain their reasons for denying the Shire Free Church a tax exemption in 2015. Next step is an appeal to superior court. We dropped our case from last year so we could bring attorney Brandon Ross on to assist from the beginning in 2015. Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on this attack on religious freedom. Here’s the video:

War on Chalk Escalates at Cheshire County Fair

Today I chalked a hopscotch on the sidewalk in front of the bitcoin booth. The first person to enjoy it was a man in his 60’s who asked, “May I?” before hopping along with the pattern. Children and adults alike opted to jump through the chalk squares. For about twenty minutes.

Laurie, the woman who appears to be in charge of the vendors at Cheshire County Fair, came over to me and told me that it had to go. She said that we can’t have children slowing down the foot traffic. She also informed me that we were “already on probation” because of our previous violations (stepping out of our booth to meet people who were walking over to talk to us, wearing a gun, and not wearing a shirt). She later returned and poured water on the chalk.


Several Bitcoin Wallets Installed At Cheshire Fair Thus Far

Local liberty activists are manning a bitcoin outreach booth at this year’s Cheshire Fair, going on through Sunday. Thus far several bitcoin wallets have been installed, already surpassing the three we had installed last year.  Many folks have asked questions and still more are open to accepting an informational flier about the awesome cryptocurrency.

If you’ve been wondering about bitcoin, drop in and see us at the fair!  We’ll get you hooked up with a free bitcoin wallet for your smartphone and if you want, you can try out the original Keene bitcoin vending machine!


Cheshire Fair 2015

Derrick J helps two interested young men install bitcoin wallets on Friday morning.

RLS 055 – Live From Polyfest(Porcfest) 2015


Recorded live at Polyfest (Porcfest) on June 26th, 2015 from Rogers Campground in Lancaster NH. Topics this week include hitting the strip club at Porcfest, pro male nudity, Shire days at Porcfest, Carlos Morales playing us out of our trip, preparing for the Big Gay Dance Party, Poly Party review, hippie flipping, Cody considers the move to Manch Vegas, the Porcfest vortex, the wide range of groups at Porcfest, and Luke and Murdoch discuss their Porcfest experience. Guests this episode include Derrick J, Ellen Ball, Cody O’Conner, Murdoch Pizgatti, and Luke Rudkowski.  The Rebel Love Show airs every Tuesday night at 10 pm EST on LRN.FM