Parking Rate/Fine Increase Proposal Tabled By Committee

Parking Meter Fail Good news!  The Keene Sentinel’s Martha Shanahan has a comprehensive article up describing last night’s FOP committee meeting where all five city councilors on the committee voted to table further discussion on the proposed parking fine & rate increases indefinitely, apparently.

I wouldn’t expect to see this back on the table until after the council election this fall.  Thank you to Dorrie O’Meara and the good people who signed her petition as well as the courageous business owners in downtown who spoke out against this.

Of course, no city councilor really seems to know what to do about parking, though the answer is simple:  turn over ownership of all spaces to the property owners adjacent to them.  Then, let the property owners decide on their own the best way to handle the situation.  The big lots could also be sold to the highest bidder.  Then, the city’s parking department could be abolished entirely.

Further, there has been much discussion in town about a panhandling ordinance, that were it to be enacted, would violate free speech and be struck down at great cost to the city’s taxpayers.  However, if you take my parking suggestion to the next logical step, and also cede the sidewalks to the private property owners adjacent to them, that turns them into private property and if a private property owner doesn’t want panhandlers, it’s fully within the owner’s rights to have them removed.

Private property solves parking issues and panhandling issues.  I wonder if any city councilor is brave enough to suggest it?

New Forum & Commenting Software!

I’m happy to announce major changes to the Shire Society forums and the Free Keene commenting system!  First, please visit the all-new Shire Society Forum – it’s now being run by modern forum software that should make posting and responding easier than ever.  Plus, social networking capability is built-in!  That means you can login with your facebook or twitter and easily share interesting posts via your social network!

In addition, I’ve changed out the Disqus comments here on Free Keene with a new provider, Livefyre.  Don’t worry, all your old comments made on the Disqus system are still present in the new system.  Hope you enjoy the changes!

RLS 46: Tech Therapy


Stephanie Murphy & Brian Sovryn join us in studio this week. As per usual we go into life issues. Stephanie opens up the show with dating site activism. From there, other topics discussed include recent Manch activism including the Rebel Love Pub Crawl, talking podcast shop, the studio’s origin story, the return of Porc Therapy?, the need for different types of liberty content, Stephanie’s desire for tit pics, podcast groupies, sci-fi tv geek out, balding, Telegram app for encrypted group chats, and we almost kill Stephanie. As bonus content after the LRN feed, we go in depth with Stephanie and Brian about our polyamory life styles. The Rebel Love Show airs every Tuesday night at 10 p.m. EST on LRN.FM

New & Improved Bitcoin Vending Machine Launches in Keene!

Lamassu BVM

The Lamassu’s First Customer, Lauren Canario.

Keene’s 101 Deals Thrift Store is now home to New Hampshire’s first public Lamassu Bitcoin Vending Machine! If you’ve tried the previous machine at 101 Deals and had a frustrating experience, the Lamassu will solve that. Come give it a try! 101 Deals is open seven-days-a-week 10a-6p Mon-Sat and 10a-4p Sundays and is located at 661 Marlboro Rd. in Keene.

Not only is the Keene BVM New Hampshire’s first public Lamassu, it’s one of only two publicly operating Bitcoin Vending Machines in all of Northern New England!  Once you’ve got your bitcoin, check out CoinMap to see several local businesses that accept the exciting, international, decentralized cryptocurrency.  (Or spend it at thousands of online sites like Dell, Wikipedia, Overstock, and countless others.)

Want to meet with other bitcoiners in the area? Maybe you’re new to bitcoin and have questions? Join us at the Keene Bitcoin Network online on facebook or in real life at McCue’s at 5:30pm, on the first Sunday of each month. Next meeting date is May 3rd – here’s a facebook event for it.

The Keene Bitcoin Vending Machine is provided as a non-profit service to the community by the Shire Free Church.

Activists, State Legislator Smoke Cannabis at NH State House Front Door

Dylan Gingues and Kyle Tasker

Dylan Gingues and NH state rep Kyle Tasker with a big jar of primo cannabis outside the State House.

For the sixth consecutive year, activists smoked cannabis out in front of the New Hampshire state house on April 20th at 4:20pm, in heroic defiance of the state’s draconian drug laws that consider cannabis possession to be a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail and up to a $2,000 fine.

Dozens of New Hampshire’s inhabitants braved constant rain and cold to come out for the epic event, which also featured state representative Kyle Tasker toking up.  Tasker later said in an interview exclusive to Free Keene, “The message sent by law enforcement and heard loud and clear by protesters was police have more important things to do than harass otherwise law abiding citizens over marijuana possession and public use even when it was clear there were amounts present at the protest that could be charged as a felony. The New Hampshire senate needs to consider how productive it is to keep an unenforced, indeed nearly unenforceable law on the books with which the public disagrees.”

No one has ever been arrested at these events despite mass civil disobedience of the cannabis possession laws taking place right outside the state house’s front doors. In fact, obvious police presence was near-zero this year, with a lone state trooper sitting across the street idling in his cruiser for a short time. In previous years, troopers have stood inside the state house windows, watching with crossed arms. This year, nothing!

Rich Paul kicked off the ceremony with his traditional invocation and a short speech. Afterwards the megaphone was open to anyone with something to say, and several attendees spoke out on various subjects. See the raw video here, courtesy Garret Ean. Here’s an edited clip of the beginning of the event:

Even mainstream media is speculating that cannabis decrim may pass in NH this year. 80% of the house voted for decrim already and now it awaits its turn in the NH senate. However, the state’s governor, Maggie Hassan has promised to veto it. This, despite the fact that she admitted to having used it when she was younger. Do you think Maggie would be better off today had she gotten a misdemeanor on her record had she been caught with her pot in her college days?

Unless Maggie finds her conscience, the senate would have to pass cannabis decrim with a veto-proof margin (as did the house – solidly) to protect the legislation from her veto. Now is a good time to contact “your” state senator and talk to them about how they feel about decriminalizing cannabis.

The next event for 2016 is already on facebook.

Concord Monitor Reports on Rainy 4/20 Celebration

richpaul420_2015A lack of sunshine did not deter the roughly forty individuals who were present for the annual 4/20 celebration at the New Hampshire state house. Multiple outlets captured video and photography of the scene, including a feature published this morning in the Concord Monitor. Attached below is the Monitor article by Nick Reid. For full raw coverage from Fr33manTVraw, check out this playlist.

A group of activists exercised civil disobedience yesterday by smoking marijuana on the steps of the State House and decrying the war on drugs through a megaphone.

At 4:20 p.m. on April 20, the unofficial pot holiday, about 30 participants huddled away from cold rain under the awning at the front of the State House while the event organizer, Rich Paul, kicked things off.

“We smoke these in remembrance of lost liberties,” he called out, “and in hope for a day when the people do not fear the government, because the government fears the people.”
