Cannabis Civil Disobedients to Converge on NH State House at 4:20pm Today!

Rich Paul Addresses the Concord 420 in 2014

Rich Paul Addresses the Concord 420 in 2014

For the sixth consecutive year, activists will be taking to the State House lawn today, Monday, April 20th at 4:20pm to demand the repeal of the continued war on cannabis consumers. Some will likely engage in civil disobedience. Despite roadblocks put up by NH governor Maggie Hassan, we hope that this will be the year that we win more liberty for our people. Please join us today at the State House lawn at 4:20pm!

Here’s a facebook event with 150 confirmed attending. Come on out, rain (likely) or shine!

Bitcoin Bus Tour Launches from Keene!

Bitcoin Bus Parked at the LRN.FM Studios

The Uncoinventional Family & Bitcoin Bus Parked at the LRN.FM Studios

In the long tradition of interstate, large-vehicle liberty tours launching from or traveling through Keene including Motorhome Diaries and Liberty on Tour, the Bitcoin Bus kicks off an “uncoinventional” tour across the Eastern United States!  Free State Project participants John Bush, Cat Bleish and their two kids have taken possession of the Unschool Bus and have converted it into the Bitcoin Bus!

Today, the family rolled out from the Shire to their next destination in New York and will stop in other places along the way to their home of Austin, Texas.  Along the way their goal is to spend only bitcoin.  This is the family’s third bitcoin-only tour, but the first for the Bitcoin Bus!

LRN.FM is sponsoring the bus (with bitcoin, of course) as are some other great sponsors including the super-cool new WageCan, which is finally offering a bitcoin-based Mastercard tied to a bank account in Hong Kong.

You can follow them along via their Uncoinventional website which features a podcast and plenty of photos.

Inside the Bitcoin Bus

Inside the Bitcoin Bus

“Boston Strong” Threatens Cop Block’s JP Freeman on Video

Matthew “Boston Strong” Schmidt believes “everyone loves” it when he lays on his horn as he drives by the Keene Activist Center. That’s what he did last week, while Keene Cop Block‘s JP Freeman was on the front porch. Once Boston got back to his house a few doors down, he taunted JP, which led to an unfortunate shouting match between the two. Then, Rich Paul went over to chat and following that, Boston came into the street and told JP more than once that he was going to “rap your head with a ratchet”, while brandishing a set of tools. Here’s the video:

To Boston’s credit, he’s a pretty dedicated activist. He recently even acquired a megaphone, which you see used in this video. He really doesn’t understand how to be a good neighbor, but he sure is an entertaining one. A little while back, Matt “Boston Strong” Schmidt was subpoenaed to a no contact hearing called for by JP at Cheshire superior court. At the hearing, Boston admitted to having been laying on his horn, which JP, who lived in the neighborhood at the time, claimed had woken up his small children. At the court hearing, Boston agreed to an order by the robed man which specifies Boston and JP should not have contact with each other and that Boston will not honk or blare his horn after 4pm. He’s been honking his horn in civil disobedience ever since the order was written. Personally, I find his antics amusing, but JP takes them personally.

While both men are responsible for creating the scene last week, (as JP did not have to react in-kind), Boston definitely instigated it, and escalated it. (more…)

TSA Agents Cooperate to Sexually Assault 12 Men

CBS4 in Denver is reporting a scheme between two TSA workers to allow one to sexually assault men during screening. The accomplice, a female, flagged the gender of the passenger as female, causing the machine to report an anomalous penis shaped object, and giving the male an opportunity to take his time “examining” said member with the palms of his hands. This happened at least 12 times. The scheme was uncovered when a supervisor observed the assault on the last victim. No complaints had been filed by the (at least) 11 other victims.

Let that sink in a moment.

Think about it.

The other 11 victims didn’t even know that they had been assaulted, because they somehow thought it appropriate for a government employee to touch them that way. That, to me is the most disturbing part of this case. They thought it was OK.

It is a metaphor for modern life.

Ordinary people go through their entire lives, getting raped by the government, and never even realizing that anything is wrong. They pay their taxes, and never ask who gave government a right to the fruits of their labor. They obey the morass of laws under which America staggers, as best they can, and never ask who gave government a right to control their lives. They watch their spouses and their friends and their children caged and crippled by the system, and never even consider rising up against it.  They justify this by saying that the majority wills it, and never wonder what gives half of the population to impose its will on the other half.

Of course it goes without saying that no charges will be filed in this case.

Wake Up; That uncomfortable feeling you’re experiencing should be telling you something!

Rich Paul devotes as much time as he can spare from making a living to his activism. He supplements his income with tips, which allow him to devote more time to liberating mankind. Please click here to donate, or to find links to his other projects.

Shire Dude’s Parking Ticket Pre-Trial

Earlier this morning at the Manchester City Courthouse, fellow Free Keene blogger Shire Dude had a pre-trial over three parking tickets that he received during the winter in Manchester NH. According to Shire Dude, the entire goal of taking these tickets to court is to “Not fund the City of Manchester”. He also hopes to at least at minimum have the funds be donated to a private charity instead. There is a court date of June 16th set and I will be there recording the trial of Shire Dude.

Decriminalization News Conference and Testimony

This last Tuesday there was a Senate Committee meeting on Decriminalization. Here is footage of the press conference held prior to the meeting:

And here is my testimony in the hearing:

If others want their testimony included here, please send me a link.

I had to take a day off work to do this testimony. I am not paid for this work, but I do have expenses. Please consider leaving a tip in my jar or sending a paypal donation. My donation page is here: