NH State Rep Interviewed About Secession

Dan Itse

State Rep Daniel Itse

State Representative Dan Itse has been interviewed about New Hampshire declaring independence for an article appearing on righty website World Net Daily.  It’s nice to see support for the idea of secession already coming from people within the state house.  Hopefully we’ll see some legislation to put forth the idea sooner rather than later.  Itse says in his interview,

“Thinking on this, and as they drafted the Articles of Confederation, would they have entered into a union, a perpetual union, if they could not also withdraw from that union when that union became injurious to their liberty?” Itse asked.

“The answer is categorically no,” he told WND. “And I have never posited that question to anyone where they didn’t come up with the proper conclusion.”

The federal government is definitely injuring our liberty, not to mention murdering people worldwide in our name.  It’s time New Hampshire and every other state government declare their independence and end this failed United States.  The feds bring nothing of value to the table and only siphon off our valuable resources into bombing raids and more killing and record imprisonment of our people.

Stop the insanity.  Learn more at the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence and get the conversation started at the workplace, family dinner table, and with your friends.  Already one in four Americans supports the idea of their state seceding from the US.  Many more are undecided.  Let’s move the numbers to a majority favoring states leaving the union.  It’s long past time for this to happen.

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 71

The hell is brutalist philosophy? • Setting up an anti-recruiting table on career day • Militarism in the US and the business of war • Live calls on the show? • Jimmy from AZ approves • Conformity and the Asch experiment • Josie not susceptible to hypnosis • Jay, Josie Wales, and Rapsher join • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 70

Freedom folks running for office in Keene • Free woman project, Brazil.  Getting along just fine • Stephen Hawking – still not Ok with the show • Keene city council – Still a bunch of pansies • Jay and Darryl join • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org

Leverett & River Street Residents Compete for Worst Neighbor Award

When hearing stories about how high tensions have risen in Keene regarding activist adventures, one ponders the many indicators of derision. There’s the fear and hate mongering at STOP FREE KEENE!!!, which when boiling over to violent rhetoric or threats thereof, occasionally gets censored. Then there’s the realistic incidents of actual violence in Keene’s streets regarding activist related activities. Two violent clashes on consecutive evenings tangentially related to Central Square chalkings led to one person’s hospitalization and earned another a felony charge. It would be nice to believe that the xenophobic posturing that has been aimed at individuals were to have reached its climax long ago, but judging by a shouting match in the streets of an otherwise quiet suburban neighborhood, it seems there are those who are making it their life’s effort to embody the forces of antagonism.

This synthesis of negative energy came together after recent re-mover to Keene Christopher Cantwell decided to have a word with neighbor Matthew (more…)

Rebel Love Show ep: 22 Independence is not Impossible.


Rebel Love Show comes back from hiatus with in studio guest Mattheus von Guttengberg.  Topics discussed include recent Cop Block activism in Manchester, recent Free Staters being elected in the primary, Scottish Independence, getting new signers on the west coast, future NH Independence outreach, Keenevention, FreeCoast Festivial, current price drop in bitcoin, and an announcement on Joel’s future plans. All Rebel Love Show archives can be found at RebelLoveShow.com 

This month’s Keene Nanny Award goes to…

As many of you may already be aware, last month saw the passing of funnyman Robin Williams. He will be missed.  In response, his fans chose to honor his life by setting up a memorial at the Parrish Shoes wall in downtown Keene.  Parrish Shoes was a fictional store in the William’s movie, Jumanji, which was filmed in the area.  The shrine which includes portraits of the late actor, personal letters, and candles has stood for six weeks through rain and shine.

Now, as reported by the Sentinel, the regional coordinator for Monadnock Voices for Prevention and all-round local busybody, Polly Morris has petitioned the city to have it removed. Her reasoning? It may present potential health risks to the mentally unstable. Seriously? I have no doubt her intentions deep down are good, but her actions highlight exactly what is wrong in this world. People trying to control other people. Until the nannies of the world learn to live and let live we will never know peace.

So with that, this month’s Keene Nanny Award goes to Polly Morris. Thank you Polly for your hard work and dedication. Doubtless, without your motherly meddling society as we know it would plunge right back into the Dark Ages. And we can’t have that, so thank you.

Update: The great and wise city Nannies have spoken. Of course, they know best. And for some reason, what they say goes even though they are only a small few. The Robin Williams memorial will be removed 3 days before Pumkinfest (10/15/14). Perhaps the memorabilia will be saved for some library wall? Perhaps it will go straight in the trash? Who knows? Ultimately the cities bureaucratic elites have decided to piss on the free speech of the peasants of Keene. “Get back in line. Pay your taxes. And stop causing a ruckus. We know best.”

Man Hangs Self to Escape Endless Persecution by Winchester Gang

Gary Chase

Gary Chase

I am sad to report that Gary Chase allegedly hung himself in his home last week.  Longtime readers of this blog will remember that Gary was constantly under attack by bureaucrats in the notoriously corrupt town of Winchester, NH. Gary and his former wife owned a valuable piece of property in the heart of downtown and Gary believed the town gang wanted to take his land for their downtown redevelopment “master plan”. Years ago, the town thugs made their first move against Gary and his wife by targeting the property for zoning violations, claiming it was a junkyard and ultimately coming in and stealing over $300,000 of various construction equipment, and allegedly appropriating some of it to themselves and their buddies.

The endless court struggles and follow-up threat against his home led his wife to leave him. Despondent, he reached out for help, but no one wanted to stand against the corrupt goons calling themselves the “Town of Winchester”. On top of this stress, he also was suffering the physical pain of a spine injury. No compassion came from the “town” – they continued to press him. He pleaded to the Cheshire superior court to listen to him. Ultimately, more of his property was stolen by the town gang and liens placed on his home.

"Town of Winchester" Gang Members Smirk as Gary's Property Is Stolen

“Town of Winchester” Gang Members Smirk as Gary’s Property Is Stolen

The constant harassment pushed Gary over the edge into paranoia. At one point he told me that he believed that the town criminals were hacking into and reading his emails. Of course, when they really are out to get you, you can’t blame someone for being paranoid. Gary met with me in person and spoke to me by phone – his case was persuasive, but there was so much to it, it was hard to really grasp it all. I wanted to do more for him, but I’m not an attorney so I brought the story out here on the blog in three posts (linked here in this article) over the last couple of years since I first met him in early 2013.

Now Gary is gone from this world, dead by allegedly hanging himself in his own home. (more…)