Robin Hooding Spreads to Poland!

Robin Hooding has made such an international impact that a group of libertarian activists in Kraków, Poland have taken up the heroic activity!

On their first foray into the streets they successfully saved six good people of Kraków approximately $100 USD in tickets from a very sad parking enforcer! Here’s video (click the “cc” at the bottom right to turn on english subtitles):

One Month Until Keenevention 2014 – Schedule Posted!

fbheader1The countdown begins! Keenevention 2014 kicks off on HallowKeene, October 31st! The near-final schedule has been posted. Dozens of NH-based liberty activists are lined up to speak on our various panels and keynotes – come and meet some of the amazing doers we have here in the biggest, most effective liberty movement in the world. Full panel speaker announcements are still-to-come.

You’ll enjoy various activities inside and outside the hotel and keep in mind more can be added to the list before the event hits, plus the schedule is subject to change.

Don’t miss Keenevention 2014 this October 31st through November 2nd – tickets are available now for $60 USD or BTC. Pre-event ticketing is limited to just 100, so don’t wait until the day-of to buy!

Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog, the Keenevention facebook page, and the facebook event for the latest.

City’s Attempt to Dismiss Shire Free Church Appeal DENIED

CoexistThe Shire Free Church’s appeal of the city’s denial of their tax exemption for the Keene parsonage will move forward now that judge Kissinger has denied the city’s attempt to dismiss the case.

The city’s attorney, Thomas Mullins, had argued in his motion to dismiss, that the church had filed their appeal too early. The Shire Free Church objected, pointing out the statute allows for filings immediately after the tax assessors’ decision. In an order issued on September 25th, the court agreed with the Church, denying the city’s motion. The case will move to the next stage. Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on this case.

Weare Corruption Continues – Officer’s Firing Rescinded, To Receive Back Pay

Sgt. Joseph Kelley

Sgt. Joseph Kelley

Thug cop Joseph Kelley of Weare, NH is now no longer fired, according to a recent Concord Monitor article.  Not only that, the officer, who previously had been terminated for falsifying documents (the tip of a corruption iceberg), will be receiving back pay for all the months he’s been gone and all mention of his termination will be struck from his record.  While he’s no longer fired, he’s also not yet back on active duty, so he’ll continue to collect paychecks for doing nothing until at least May 2015 and at any point until then he could be reinstated.

Here’s what Carla Gericke, the president of the Free State Project, who also received over $57,000 from Weare for their illegal arrest of her for recording the Weare police, had to say to summarize the corruption in Weare:

Weare is where I got arrested and charged with wiretapping. They dropped the charges, I sued them for violations of my 1st amendment rights, fought them all the way to the Appeal’s Court, and won. The town settled for $57,500. This took 4 years, in the meanwhile, the police chief retired early, 3 officers involved left the department, including Joe Kelley, who is one crooked cop (he took me out back, with 2 other cops, the night of my arrest, encircled me nice and tight, and threatened me, telling me to: “Get out of here before someone gets hurt.”) (more…)

There is blood on Maggie Hassan’s hands

maggie and claytonMaggie Hassan has blood on her hands. You might not see it at first, but it’s there. Look closely, you’ll see it.

On July 23, 2013, New Hampshire became the 19th state to legalize medicinal usage of cannabis. The original version of the therapeutic cannabis bill would have allowed qualifying patients to grow their own medicine if certain criteria were met. However, Maggie threatened to veto the legislation if this provision wasn’t removed, despite the fact that she voted FOR a similar provision in 2009. This is a freedom enjoyed by therapeutic cannabis patients in Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, and a dozen other states. Now, over one year later, qualifying patients are still not able to legally obtain the medicine they need. The process is so arduous that it may be another 18 months before therapeutic cannabis patients in the Granite State will be able to legally obtain their medicine from one of four alternative treatment centers. (more…)

Ian Found Guilty on ID “Crimes”, Facing Up To Two Years in Prison

Earlier this year, I was surprised by the state police with an arrest for “unsworn falsification” and “prohibitions”.  Essentially, they were charging me with two class A misdemeanors for filling out their driver’s license application incorrectly.  As it turns out, had I filled it out the same way two days prior, it would have been completely legal.  Despite referring to me as a “customer”, they treated me like a criminal rather than simply helping me correct the mistake, as any actual business would who cares about their customers.

They alleged I used a “false” name, my given name of Ian Bernard, to apply for their license when I apparently should have used my now “legal” name of Ian Freeman.  At no point until my arrest was I given any indication that this was illegal.  The ladies at the DMV were aware of my use of both names, and happily processed the application.  I attempted to make it clear during the trial that I did not knowingly use a false name, as I don’t consider my given name to be false, nor was I attempting to defraud anyone.  No one has claimed I’ve defrauded them, ever.  I honor my word, regardless of the name I use.

None of that mattered in the decision that came by mail after the trial, which found me guilty on both counts.  Sentencing is still to come, but I’m facing as much as two years in prison.  The last time I was in jail was 2011 for the civil disobedience of blocking a police car when they were attempting to arrest a peaceful woman for drinking alcohol in Central Square.  In that case I was sentenced to 90 days in jail and nine more months suspended for two years.  Will judge Burke decide that these ID “crimes”, which have no victim, deserve a more serious punishment than civil disobedience?  Stay tuned here to Free Keene to find out.

Meanwhile, here’s the trial video along with my just-filed motion to reconsider the decision.

Front-Page Feature Article on Keene Copblock in KSC Equinox

KSC Cop Block

Original Illustration from the Equinox

Last week’s Keene Equinox featured a major above-the-fold front page article on Keene Cop Block, complete with an original graphic which dominated the header of the paper.  Equinox journalist Alexa Ondreicka wrote the well-researched piece.  She was genuinely interested in the subject of holding the police accountable, as her friends had already been harassed by Keene police for victimless crimes.  Plus, Keene Cop Block has been regularly down in the college neighborhood handing out thousands of know-your-rights fliers.   I had the honor of being interviewed for the piece  while Keene Police declined to comment.

While we discussed students’ rights when dealing with the police in detail, the head of college security did comment correctly that when students sign up to go to school there, that they surrender their right to privacy while on campus, which is unfortunate.

It’s a very informative piece, and I’m grateful I was given the opportunity to comment.  Here’s the full piece: (more…)