Keene High School Warden, Lynne “the Witch” Wagner, Resigns

Lynne Wagner

Lynne Wagner, Now-Former KHS Warden

Local independent newsman, Jared Goodell has broken news about Keene High School warden Lynne Wagner resigning, scooping the Keene Sentinel.  Here’s Wagner’s alleged letter of resignation as posted to Goodell’s facebook account that cites both micromanagement and unprofessional tactics as reasons for leaving the helm of the day prison.

Goodell calls Wagner a “witch” on his facebook profile and tells me that he’s kept in touch with several Keene High staff since graduating and has heard many comments about Wagner, including that she is crass and narcissistic. He described an incident involving one of Wagner’s first-implemented changes when arriving at KHS:

a1318[1]“A group of students created a super student parking spot near the front entrance of the high school. The parking spot was painted with the “Superman” symbol, meant to represent “Super Student.” The spot was further marked by a sign, much like a handicap sign, that read “Reserved for Student of The Month.” When Wagner arrived at the school, she had the parking spot’s artwork painted over with black paint and the sign was replaced with one that read ‘Principal Parking Only’.”

Current KHS inmate and incoming 2015 Senior Sophie Shatzman said of Wagner, “She talked to the students like they were too young to understand anything important in life, which didn’t get her a lot of respect.” (more…)

Free Manchester Raw Youtube channel

Myself,  fellow Free Keene blogger Joel Valenzuela, activist Andrew Vermiglio (Shire Dude), and other Manchester activists have been uploading content to our raw unedited youtube channel called Free Manchester Raw.  Some video is great for stock footage other content covers activism and life in from our perspectives living in Manchester and traveling the Shire.  All content that we upload is intended to be used by any one who wishes to edit videos.  Below are playlist from the last two DUI check point Cop Blocking efforts in Manchester as well as footage taken at Porcfest 2014 and Operation Arcadia – NH Independence.

Porcfest playlist:


AKPF #1: Checkmark Charliepoint

This week’s installment of AKPF #1 is entitled Checkmark Charliepoint and features footage from on the ground in Manchester, New Hampshire on the evening of a controversial police traffic control checkpoint. ALso featured are the latest updates from the Shire Dude series and news from Derrick J, Rich Paul, and Dave Ridley.

0:00 Cheshire TV warning disclaimer
0:10 Obamacoin southbound on I-93 in Hooksett take em to the bank
1:22 DFW DUI checkpoint in Manchester inquisition
4:49 All the people holding signs
5:50 Decending into the checkpoint charlie
6:55 Captain Hopkins at your protect and service
11:48 Heading back on foot
16:20 Shire Dude episode post-doge 03
21:16 Derrick J interviews Rich Paul after his release from jail after 36 days for alleged violation of probation
24:31 Ridley analyzes the camera seizing activities of police in Cheshire County, Keene, New Hampshire’s North Korea DPRK
28:50 End credits disclaimers

Take Keene Police to Court Over CCW

On July 9, 2014, Keene Police Chief Ken Meola sent me a letter denying my application for a Concealed Carry Permit in New Hampshire. As his reason for denial, he said I, “have had several contacts with the police for assualtive or threatening behavior.” None of my arrests disqualify me from owning a firearm, however the law allows the police to exercise discretion by denying a person “who is unsuitable”. That could mean anything!

I am an activist who runs his own peace-centric podcast twice a week and blog at I am obsessed with peace, and have never been assaultive or threatening in my life! If I can be denied because of this baseless accusation, so can you! Please donate today to pay for my attorney because this is a precedent-setting case. Can the “suitable person” clause be used to disarm peaceful activists? If I lose, the government will have even more reason to deny people their rights. If I win, the police will have to walk out of court with their tail between their legs, and they’ll think twice before denying the next activist.

I have already put up my own personal money ($2,500) as a retainer for the best lawyer in the business, Evan Nappen. He’s defended countless others and has a track record of success in cases of this type. A simple Google search of his name will show that I have chosen the right man for the job. I’m in this to win, so if you care about securing and enhancing gun rights in New Hampshire, please donate now!

Bitcoin: 17CMtf86297jB7sdDDqUH51Xy7xkkwcT4a

Union Leader Covers Suicide Video Controversy

keene1_2014-07-02-05h13m37s243Free Keene blogger Garret Ean has made a controversial stand for the free press, even in the face of threats from angry and grieving friends and family of a man who shot himself and died shortly thereafter. Garret had recorded video of the scene and posted it to Free Keene.  Youtube recently pulled the video, but it was subsequently uploaded to Liveleak.  The Union Leader’s Meghan Pierce filed this report on the free speech controversy.  Did Garret go too far?

KEENE — The Free Keene Blog is taking heat for posting footage of a recent standoff that ended with a man shooting himself to death.


“Most of the heat’s online,” said Free Keene blogger Ian Freeman, who started the blog in 2006.


Free Keene blogger Garrett Ean shot and posted the footage.


Community members, especially family members of the deceased, are upset about the posted video, City Council member Randy Filiault said Monday.


Rebel Love Crew playing catch up from Porcfest

Its been a busy exciting past month for the Rebel Love Crew.  Below are the last four episodes in video and podcast form for you enjoyment.  Pre, during, and post Porcfest epsiodes.  There is also a lot more content on the way soon.  Special content from Porcfest, Operation Arcadia, and the DUI check point party in Manchester will be released soon too.

Episode 12: Porcfest Eve with Theresa Eudaimonia


Episode 13: Recorded at Porcfest with Ian Freeman (more…)