Woops! NH Police Forgot to Expunge Records

A year ago, I filed to annul my record. 5 arrests and 16 charges would be wiped away with $100 and some time filling out paperwork. Okay, not bad. Then there was a final charge of something like another $100 to the NH State Police for them to go into their system and make the changes that the judge ordered. And they did. Except they missed some.

Fast forward to today, and I opened up a letter from the NH State Police with the results from my criminal history check. Again I paid $25 to the police for them to run my name through their records and report back to me what they have in their system. If all was correct, I expected to receive a letter saying, “You have no records.”

But that’s not what happened.

Instead, I saw a record of one arrest and two charges. Uh oh! How could this have happened? They erased all the other charges except for these? I have the documents to prove these charges were annulled, but they are still showing up in the criminal history database. What do I do now?

Trans Candidate Files for Cheshire Sheriff as Republican, Taking on Incumbent

Aria 4 Sheriff SignLongtime democrat Cheshire county sheriff Eli Rivera better look out – there’s a new challenger this year in the form of “the Anarchist Shemale”, Aria DiMezzo. In 2018 she ran as the libertarian candidate for Cheshire sheriff in a three-way race against multiple term incumbent Rivera and his longtime losing republican opponent, Earl Nelson. This year, 2020, Nelson did not file and Aria, who’d been planning to run for state rep as a republican decided instead to file in the sheriff’s race. It’s going to be epic, for sure! Stay tuned to Free Keene for the latest.

Here’s a quick campaign announcement showing her filing for office at the NH state house last month:

Want a yard sign to show your support? They are available now! Reach out to Aria directly via the contact info at her campaign site, Aria4Sheriff.com. Don’t miss her previous video, which was all about how to sell Bitcoin online.