Citizen Cain – 21 – More Cursive!

Feds say no to painting a thin blue line. Will Keene comply? • NH bills: Russian vodka ban, Rolling back the smoking ban, School districts to clarify their annual Default Budgets • more School stuff • Keene considers new art policy •

State Rep Dick Marple Returns to Court, Schools Judge on Jurisdiction, Corporate Government, & More

Judge M. Kristin Spath

Judge M. Kristin Spath of Concord District Court

Just a few weeks after his last appearance in Concord district court, state representative Dick Marple returned Friday afternoon for a nearly 40-minute hearing where he explains his views on why the court does not have jurisdiction over him, among other things.

Marple was arrested as he was campaigning for re-election at the polls in Hooksett, on a “failure to appear” charge relating to a charge for driving while his license is suspended. Marple believes he is not subject to the motor vehicle regulations, as they only apply to automobiles used for commercial purposes. He has citations to back his case (click for PDF of his legal brief filed with the court), but so does the state’s prosecutor.

It’s one of the most interesting cases in recent memory because for a long time we’ve heard all manner of similar claims to what Marple is saying, but virtually none of the courtroom theorists like him have any evidence they’ve actually tried their theories. (Longtime readers of Free Keene may recall I was arrested in Keene district court for “contempt” a decade ago for trying some unusual legal theories out.) At his last appearance, in front of a full courtroom of average court victims, Marple got away with things for which most people would be arrested for “contempt”. Friday, he once again refused to cross the bar, and raised his voice with judge M. Kristin Spath multiple times. However, this time the court scheduled the hearing for 3pm on a Friday when no one else would be around to see it. Thankfully, liberty activists had been given a heads-up the night before, so a small crew headed up from Keene to witness and record the hearing:


The Epidemic of Passable Arguments

When an organization claims a monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force, it is a ‘state.’ The state is violence.

That argument, originating from Max Weber in ‘Politics as a Vocation‘ [PDF] isn’t wrong. The argument itself, and the lecture it originates from is a well-formulated description of and perspective on politics. If you argue on the premise that the state is a monopoly on violence, your argument won’t fall apart. But it may have a precarious balance.

Give the video below by Nerdwriter a watch. It’s about movies that might be good.. but not really. They do everything right, but they don’t connect. What Nerdwriter sees in movies, is also in arguments for libertarianism.


NH’s Liberty Lobby – Week 1 – State House Testimony Videos

After years of testifying for liberty at the New Hampshire state house on his own dime, Free Keene blogger Darryl W Perry launched Liberty Lobby LLC last year to accept financial support from others for his mission. This year, Liberty Lobby has kicked off it’s state house testimony season, with Darryl appearing at multiple hearings and delivering a principled message of liberty to the state representatives, every issue, every time.

Here are videos of Darryl and other libertarians testifying before various committees on different bills in Week #1 of the Liberty Lobby series:

HB 249 – Repealing the prohibition on “Ballot Selfies”:


Keene School District’s New Transgender Policy Unnecessary

Keene Sentinel  Letter to the Editor

Video of 1st reading

Surprisingly late to the table, the social engineers over in the Keene school district have joined 6 other NH school districts in presenting a policy addressing the needs of transgender and gender nonconforming students. Transgender is defined as a person whose gender identity is different from their gender assigned at birth. The policy recognizes the privacy of transgender students as well as sets protections against possible harassment.

No doubt these protections are meaningful. But they are unnecessary. NH law already protects against discrimination based on sexual orientation and I don’t believe there is a public school out there that doesn’t already have some sort of anti-bullying policy in place.

Those two points aside, the policy gets a bit more controversial in its statement concerning restroom accessibility: “A student shall have the right to access the restroom or locker room that corresponds to the gender identity consistently asserted at school.” So in other words, boys who identify as girls would have the right to use both the girls bathrooms and locker rooms and vice versa.  The policy also permits transgender students to participate in competitive sports in a manner consistent with their gender identity.

Undoubtedly, this move by NH schools and many others across the country is fueled by the Obama administration’s directives in May 2016 forcing schools to allow students to use the bathroom of the gender that they identify with or lose federal funding under Title IX; thus proving how easily the federal government manipulates the political climate in our country not by force of law, but force by checkbook. (more…)

Concord Monitor and NH1 Pick Up Bitcoin Vending Machine Story

Area 23's Bitcoin Vending Machine

Area 23’s Bitcoin Vending Machine

Kudos to the Concord Monitor’s Granite Geek column and to NH1 for covering the story posted here about the new Concord Bitcoin Vending Machine!

David Brooks at the Monitor did a detailed writeup which included him visiting Area 23 to take photos and interview A23 owner Kirk McNeil. It’s a good piece, but whoever wrote the headline got it wrong. NH is not the leader in BVMs for the nation, but we do outperform all of the rest of New England combined.

NH1 did a quick piece just based off of Free Keene’s exclusive article, but they did interestingly include the excellent 90-sec “What is Bitcoin” video from WeUseCoins, which I didn’t have in my original story, so thanks for going the extra mile with that, NH1!

Citizen Cain – 20 – Double Tap

School budget going up. Again • Pedestrian crosswalks and signage out of control in Keene • Boss targeted for firing New Year Baby’s dad • Robin Hood wins free speech case, loses in court of public opinion •