Citizen Cain – 23 – One Way Ticket

One-way destination moving truck rentals to Keene on the rise • Is Keene on its way to becoming a retirement/medical hub? • Edgewood residents up in arms over city’s tree cutting plans • Does the NH constitution actually guarantee the right to a public education for every child? •

Liberty Lobby – Week 3 – Videos

Liberty Lobbyist Darryl W Perry and his fellow libertarian activists once again drop in on a bunch of hearings at the state house legislative offices. Here are multiple videos of full hearings and a bunch of clips:

HB 436 would carve out an exemption for bitcoin and other virtual currency users from the money transmitter regulations, but there are some problems. Here’s the full hearing video:

HB 377 would give the state a monopoly on selling cannabis (the liquor commission), should it be legalized. Here’s the full hearing video: (more…)

New Mover Heather Mullins Makes Splash in NH Media

Heather Mullins on WMUR-TV's Cannabis Hearings Coverage

Heather Mullins on WMUR-TV’s Cannabis Hearings Coverage

New mover to New Hampshire, Heather Mullins has had a whirlwind tour of the state house and legislative offices. Two weeks ago, on her first visit to the state house, she testified on a hemp bill and immediately got a job offer as a paid lobbyist. Last week she attended the state house hearings to expand access to medical cannabis and testified in favor of the legislation, attracting attention of NH media including the Union Leader newspaper and WMUR-TV.

Heather knocks it out of the park with her comment appearing at the end of the Union Leader piece:

Marijuana saved my dad. He would not be here today if not for it,” she said. “He has PTSD and chronic pain that the VA tried unsuccessfully to treat or years. Who are we to deny my father who served this country for 30 years access to the medication he needs? The data is out there that this stuff works. To deny people access is criminal in my eyes.

You can listen to Heather, every Thursday night on Free Talk Live, 7-10pm Eastern.

Liberty Party Endorses Libertarian Party of NH

NH Liberty Party + Libertarian Party of NH

Joining Forces for Liberty!

Today at the annual convention of the New Hampshire Liberty Party, the co-chairs resolved to endorse, with cautious optimism, the current direction of the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire (LPNH).

Our original reason for forming the NH Liberty Party was to provide the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire with some much-needed competition. The national party had strayed from its principle of non-aggression and the state party was basically dead in the water for many years. Plus, we wanted a party that would focus on secession in addition to liberty, therefore in 2012 the NH Liberty Party was born.

In late 2016 a major change took place in the LPNH. NH Liberty Party co-founder Darryl W Perry and member Rodger Paxton were elected unanimously to chair and vice-chair of the LPNH. After they got in, their executive committee voted in support of peaceful secession. The party also achieved a major political success by regaining full ballot access statewide for the first time in twenty years.

Things are definitely back on track at the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire. Given their recent refocusing and success, we the co-chairs of the NH Liberty Party agreed today to endorse the LPNH’s current direction and recommend our members to join the LPNH and help them stay on track and stay true to the principle of nonaggression as well as openly support secession for New Hampshire.

This endorsement comes with some caveats: (more…)

VIDEO: NH Cops Use Excessive Force In Front of Angry Crowd

Social media is abuzz as video has been shared of Kristopher Kristolaitis being attacked by police Sunday night at Mr. Mike’s convenience store in Winchester, NH. According to an interview for Free Keene with Kristolaitis, his assailants included officer Michael Paul Laska of Winchester Police, as well as corporal Joshua Murray of Hinsdale police and a third as-yet-unidentified officer. Both Laska and Murray are former Marines. The victim says that WPD’s Laska was the hothead in the video, shouting at the frustrated, angry crowd at one point to “GET BACK!”.

Witnesses say Kristolaitis was arguing with another man, Billy Hillock, when someone called over police. Police eventually responded once Winchester firemen came over to see what was going on. Apparently the firemen were there already on an unrelated situation. As Hillock attempted to leave, police questioned him and let him go, prompting Kristolaitis to ask why. (Hillock is an auto mechanic who happens to work on Winchester PD’s cruisers. Things that make you go hmm…) A Hinsdale officer then asked him his name, to which he responded by saying he’d provide once the officer explained why he let the other man leave. During this interaction, officer Laska approached Kristolaitis from behind and handcuffed him on one wrist without ever telling him he was under arrest. The witness says this is when the video begins. (more…)

Citizen Cain – 22 – Wither and Dry

School talk: warrants, budget, & labor contracts • “Do you even have any kids in this school?” • Why do progressives hate the voucher system so much • Right to work coming to NH •

NH’s Liberty Lobby – Week 2 – State House Testimony Videos

Liberty Lobby‘s Darryl W Perry and other libertarians converged once again on the New Hampshire state house and legislative offices last week for more testimony on various bills. Here are some video highlights as well as full hearings:

First up, liberty democrat Elizabeth Edwards’ HB 287 would merely create a study committee to look at decriminalization of prostitution, but NH police and prosecutors packed a two-hour hearing to plead with the house criminal justice committee to stay ignorant and reject even STUDYING the issue! Luckily, there were some stalwart advocates of freedom also in attendance who spoke in favor of the legislators having more information, not less. Here’s the full hearing video:
