Statists on social media are freaking out over the thirteen heroic state representatives who voted in favor of the historic NH Exit constitutional amendment, CACR 32, which would have simply placed the question of peaceful independence from the United States federal gang on the ballot.
Of course, the lying pro-Empire reps and mainstream media are acting like CACR 32’s vote was a vote on secession, when it was just a vote to let the people of NH vote on the question. That means the 323 reps who voted it down are telling the people of New Hampshire that, as democrat representative Tim Egan admitted in an email, “legislators can absolutely not trust voters with this decision”.
Sadly, there were a bunch of so-called “liberty reps” who had nothing but excuses for why they didn’t support CACR 32. Nonetheless, bill sponsors Mike Sylvia and Matt Santonastaso spoke in favor of freedom from the tyranny of the evil federal goons, as you can see in the full video from the house floor yesterday:
Here are some of the hysterical reactions by the Empire Loyalists on Twitter. Click the names above the images to find the actual post on their profiles:
NH Senator Lou D’Allesandro (D), Manchester:
NH Senator Cindy Rosenwald (D), Nashua:
State Rep David Meuse (D), Portsmouth:
State Rep Rosemarie Rung (D), Merrimack:
State Rep Sherry Frost (D), Dover:
State Rep Tom Loughman (D), Hampton:
State Rep Manny Espitia (D), Nashua:
@sophiabeetweets NH High School Democrats Expansion Director:
Timothy C @granitepolitics:
“PT – get vaccinated!” @pt35mm:
Kathy Sullivan, former NH Democrat Party Chair:
Finally, here is a list of the thirteen heroic reps that voted to stop CACR 32 from being killed:
Abramson, Max
Aldrich, Glenn
Bailey, Glenn
Bershtein, Alan
Dodge, Dustin
Green, Dennis
Howard, Raymond
Kelley, Diane
Santonastaso, Matthew
Sylvia, Michael
Terry, Paul
Warden, Mark
Yokela, Josh