Keene Property Owner Remains Undeterred Despite Ongoing Harassment from “Authorities”

Keene Cop Block invited Ian Freeman, a six -year inhabitant of Keene, NH, to share a bit about the ongoing harassment he’s faced from so-claimed “authorities” for his efforts to simply live free from their supposed “legitimate” coercion.

In this video Freeman, host of the nationally syndicated Free Talk Live and blogger at and, among much else, touches on the latest iteration of threat levied at him before speaking candidly about his motivations and the real impact had as the peaceful community emerges.

Instead of cowering, Freeman, knowing full-well that he’s not harmed anyone, has opted for transparency. His actions have undoubtedly embolden others – both in and outside of the ‘shire – to see the gun in the room, and speak out as well.


Camera Robbery Coverage on FTL

Chicago-police-punch2It’s been a hectic 36 hours since my camera was seized from my person by two armed men, one of whom rifled through my pockets with his bear mitts. In that time period, I’ve organized videos regarding the encounter into one source on Fr33manTVraw, and have followed up with legal professionals on how to move forward. The next step is finding out where the missing affidavit is, and if it even exists. I’ve since received a backup recording device from a friend, which I used today as I went Robin Hooding with visitors in town from Michigan. Fortunately, I have not been accosted by law enforcement since the robbery. I’m am still operating under the impression that myself or my property may be seized at any time while I am about, as there is no deadline on the surviving portion of the search warrant that was executed on myself yesterday morning.

Last evening, a good portion of Free Talk Live focused on the peculiar encounter with law enforcement, as I occupied the guest chair on the program, beginning at 0:21:34. In addition to the incident, we discuss AKPF #1, Robin Hooding, and toward the end of the show, the war on chalk is examined. The full episode is linked below, courtesy of the soundcloud.

NH Bureaucrats Conspire to Censor Garret Ean

Is having an accurate recollection of a conversation criminal?

An hour ago my good friend Garret Ean had his videocamera stolen as he bicycled toward downtown Keene. The theft was perpetrated by two men wearing NH State Police badges identified as Joseph T. DiRusso and Aaron Gillis, who, upon spotting Ean, drove their unmarked silver Dodge Charger toward him and demanded his property.

DiRusso and Gillis claimed their actions just per some text on paper signed by Edward Burke based on allegations made by Thomas Mullins [see below]. It should be noted that all four of those men involved in this conspiracy to censor Ean subsist on stolen money.

Ean in his own words:


AKPF #1 – Monolith

If you loved last week’s debut of AKPF #1, you’re going to be anxious for next week after you see the latest episode of Cheshire county’s hottest new variety series. Now available through AquaKeene, Free Concord is pleased to present episode 02, Monolith.

1. 00:10 Opening AKPF/ATHF Crossover Ska Theme
2. 01:40 Graham introduces the first submission by Trotting Bear Studios Martial Arts and Fitness CenterAKPF1_02A
3. 02:22 Nintendo Mario Super Robin Hooding Video Game
4. 06:07 Fancy Pants People’s science universe hour with special guest Michio Kaku
5. 14:09 The latest from the Rich Paul trial courtesy
6. 28:22 Closing credits with Sarge Stern and MJ

Special guest host Graham Colson reps the AKPF #1. Ep. 03 premieres May 27 2013.