City Appeals Smoke Alarm Case, Spends Hundreds on Transcript

smokeDetector[1]The assistant city attorney from the “City of Keene” is now appealing their smoke alarm case to the Supreme Court. The Keene district court recently tossed out the city’s case against me because the city agents violated their own RSAs, which prohibit the fire chief from inspecting single family or duplex homes. Now, because they hate to lose and have plenty of your tax dollars to spend, the assistant attorney, Leon I. Goodwin III has filed a “mandatory appeal” and ordered up a $275 transcript of the two-hour hearing in district court on the validity of the original inspection warrant.

Here’s Goodwin’s appeal filing with the Supreme Court, which includes the transcript order form. (more…)

Don’t Hose Me Bro!

Dont Hose me BroOn Monday, August 12 2013, at the “Superior” courthouse here in Keene, I was sprayed with water by a man who works for the “local government.” After being cooped up in the court house for four hours, I decided to enjoy the outdoors for a bit during the lunch break of the Robin Hood evidentiary hearing. After enjoying a sandwich outside with friends, I decided to draw some artwork on the sidewalk which prompted a “government” employee to spray me with a hose.

This event demonstrates a lot of interesting things :

Update on the Green Beam Case

As reported here, Manchester police issued a summons for violating a sign / zoning ordinance for using a laser projector during a Peaceful Streets event which warned citizens of the dangers that lay ahead at the suspicionless checkpoint  being operated by MPD. In response we set up a successful go fund me campaign to help with legal expenses.


Attorney Seth Hipple was hired  to handle the case and a letter was sent to the city requesting that they clarify exactly which subsection of the ordinance we were accused of violating. The response we received was unexpectedly positive, the summons has been cancelled. Here is a copy of the letter. MPD LASER LETTER


As of right now, the Green Beam is ready and waiting to deploy at the next event. The law office of Martin and Hipple will remain on retainer in case the planning department decides to pursue the matter or the city devises a new strategy. Any remaining funds will be used to upgrade and maintain the laser. Thank you for your support.

Robin Hood “Evidentiary Hearing” Day1 – Full Court Video + Pete’s Testimony

This is the unedited video from Cheshire superior court where the Robin Hooders are involved in a civil trial brought by the people calling themselves “The City of Keene”. The city people want Robin Hooding (a peaceful activity that saves motorists from parking tickets) to cease. Don’t miss Pete Eyre’s testimony at the end:

Pete’s segment was so good, I even cut it out into a separate video. If you don’t have time for the full 5.5 hours, definitely make time for Pete’s testimony. The CopBlocker speaks truth to power and flummoxes an experienced attorney, who clearly didn’t know to whom he was speaking:

Robin Hood Trial Coverage in Sentinel, UL

In a front-page story from the Keene Sentinel, as well as a small article in today’s Union Leader, the legal saga of Keene’s Robin Hood is documented.2013_08_13_robinhoodsentinel

Spending seven hours in a courthouse is seldom entertaining, but during the Robin Hood of Keene trial which occupied the entirety of Monday, the proceedings maintained general lighthearted hilarity. Attorney Jon Meyer represented five of the six accused of filling meters as part of a conspiracy theory hatched by Prince John and Jester Mullins. Despite fairly condemning affidavits filed by parking enforcement officers alleging harassment, the one full and one partial testimony from parking enforcers honestly relayed that Robin Hooders’ interactions with them are fairly innocuous. For example, all enforcer affidavits claim Robin Hooders invade the personal space of enforcers, yet when asked on the stand if anyone present in the courtroom had bumped into or initiated unprivileged physical contact, parking enforcer Linda affirmed one incident and identified a member of the courtroom audience who was not even named in the lawsuit. (more…)