Court Denies City’s Motion to Reconsider on Smoke Alarm Case!

smokeDetector[1]Here are a couple of updates on my various court cases:

First, Keene district court judge Runyon has denied the city attorney Thom Mullins’ lengthy motion to reconsider that he filed after the court issued an order striking the fire chief’s testimony and his inspection of my tenants’ home. Here’s is Runyon’s order putting the smack-down on Mullins’ motion to reconsider.

Also, in the Robin Hood case, very little has come from the hearing on the superior court bailiffs’ bad behavior and media restrictions, however judge John C. Kissinger did issue this order creating a “staging area” for media interviews in the lobby.

AKPF #1 – Dolus

akpfbadge_surveillanceDebuting for the masses the propaganda hitpiece of unintelligible video produced by the CoK staff, AKPF #1 episode 08 Dolus opens with a global news update before delving into the ridiculous media production attempt of the local reigning royalty. The program is rounded out by wonderful original videos from the 2013 Porcupine Freedom Festival held annually in Lancaster, New Hampshire. Speakers included renowned anarchist author David Friedman, courageous police accountability activist Antonio Buehler, and compassionately insightful author Mary Ruwart. Numerous allied comrades of many admirable causes converge, coalesce, and codify. In the end, Peter ‘Sturdy’ Thomas becomes a rejuvenescent participant in AKPF antics.

1. 00:10 Opening Soul Makossa Music
2. 01:48 president Barack Obama dismisses allegations of his vigorous efforts to capture Ed Snowden
3. 02:00 James and Garret present the city’s failure of an attempt at video editing, doctored garbage
4. 03:29 Excerpts from the city’s distasteful garbage, tallied in doctors by AKPF comrade Dan
5. 17:01 Chalking for AKPF #1 at PorcFest 2013 segueway segment (more…)

Open Letter to Clerk Larry Kane

NH Secret Police vehicle, captained by trooper Joseph DiRusso

NH Secret Police vehicle,
captained by trooper Joseph DiRusso

One week after having my property stolen from me by a secretive enforcer for the New Hampshire state police, I have written a letter which I have submitted to Larry Kane, the clerk of court for the Keene district. I entertained the idea of writing to the judge in this case, but ultimately decided to address the clerk of court. Not being charged with a crime, I cannot file a motion relative to a charge, so I instead exercised my free speech and relayed my issues and requests to the court’s president of paper.

Dear Mr. Kane,

I, Garret Ean, am a member of the Keene, New Hampshire community. On the morning of June 26, I was bicycling in my neighborhood when I was approached by two men claiming to be acting under judge Edward Burke’s authority. One of them handed me paperwork before penetrating my pants pockets with his bare hands, looking for all sorts of items to deprive me of, ultimately settling on confiscating only my valuable videocamera.

When I was free of the undesired captivity of the two strangers, I searched to find out why it was that my property was taken, and why such a warrant exists. As I flipped through the documents, I discovered that at least one attachment cited in the partial search warrant was missing. Specifically missing was the explanation of what constituted probable cause to violate my state and federal constitutional, as well as human rights. (more…)

Renown Free Speech Attorney Jon Meyer Joins Robin Hood Case!

Attorney Jon MeyerJon Meyer is a Manchester-based attorney whose normal focus is on employment-related cases, however he is also renown as one of the best lawyers in America on the subject of free speech.

Formerly an attorney with the NH Civil Liberties Union, in recent years Meyerwon a major free speech case at the NH Supreme Court involving a man in a bigfoot costume on Mt. Monadnock. Additionally and more recently he trounced then-Cheshire-Sheriff Dick Foote in court and had Foote’s no trespass orders against local liberty activists (banning us from court property) overturned as unconstitutional.

Robin Hood of KeeneNow, Meyer has made the time in his busy schedule for the Robin Hood of Keene case where the people calling themselves “the city” are suing several Robin Hooders in hopes of creating a 50ft anti-freedom radius around the meter maids. Meyer filed his appearance today in Cheshire superior court on behalf of five of the six defendants, with‘s Pete Eyre deciding not to opt-in to having an attorney.

To be clear, Meyer is donating his valuable time to the cause, pro-bono, and is up against the city people’s hired gun (paid by your tax dollars) private attorneys, including renown civil rights attorney Charles P. Bauer. Bauer and his partner Eric Moskowitz have filed this “Memorandum of Law” on the constitutional issues in the case, as the judge requested. I’ll post Jon Meyer’s memorandum when it is ready, likely in a couple of weeks, as he just signed on to the case.

AKPF #1 – Danjaywhite

DJWakpfOn the cusp of continued revolution the world over, AKPF #1 Ep. 07 brings perspective to the goings-on in Keene, New Hampshire. Royalty continues its legal civil assault on the Merry women and men, while the globe collectively laughs at the prospect of Robin Hood of Keene being a joint terrorist organization as alleged by agitators in support of city force. Propaganda videos and documents circulate as anonymous antagonists subvert power structures. Where will it end? Tune in next week for even more outrageous updates from the underground.

1. 00:10 Opening Beethoven Credits AKPF
2. 01:52 Where’s the Video of Robin Hooders Hassing Meter Maids? by Ridley Report
3. 06:58 Free Keene audio video blog chronic ling segueway
4. 07:04 Excerpts from the Robin Hood initial hearing shenanigans
5. 19:14 Derrick J’s Peace News Now segment on Robin Hooding
6. 20:22 Darryl wins a parking ticket examination courtroom procedure
7. 24:13 Derrick J video records Robin Hood in action and gets attacked by Daniel J. White (more…)

Concord Monitor Rails Against Wiretapping Law

Attorney Jon MeyerFirst, the Concord Monitor tells the story of Joe Hamel, who recorded a Concord city bureaucrat and had his home searched by police, was charged with “wiretapping” and eventually had the charges dropped. The story also features quotes from heroic first amendment attorney Jon Meyer. Then, they editorialize in favor of the police no longer arresting people for recording government workers. Both articles are very good.

Here’s the story about Hamel: (more…)