150+ Reasons to Move to Keene, Updated for 2016

keene-postcardInspired by the Free State Project’s 101 Reasons to Move to New Hampshire, in 2008 the original 101+ Reasons to Move to Keene was released, then later updated to 130+, and finally 150+. The list is a collaborative effort by local early movers for the Free State Project and describes many of the things that make Keene a unique activism opportunity and great community in which to live.

With the FSP reaching its goal of 20,000 pledges to move to New Hampshire, it’s time for future-movers to start seriously looking at their destination options.

Keene is big enough to have the conveniences of a city, but small enough to be walkable. For activists of all stripes, it’s easier to have a larger impact here because the population is smaller than Manchester. Check out the 150+ Reasons to Move for details on the area’s conveniences and demographics. Plus, liberty activists already have a major footprint here. Free Keene is not only an international source of news of activism across NH for Google News, but locally we serve as a much-needed third news-and-opinion destination for Keene area inhabitants.

Liberty activists here have built bridges with the community through volunteering, sponsoring local charity, and even working to assist Keene police when they are doing the right thing.

DJVCS PosterThough many more people move to the big city, Manchester, for obvious reasons like more jobs, Keene is high on the list of destination choices for many people planning their move. That’s likely because of the historic, publicity-generating activism that has transpired here over the years. There’s even a feature-length documentary about a year of activism here, “Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree“.

Recently, Keene activism has become more political with multiple candidates for office, petitioned warrant articles for school board, and election media generated by FSP early movers, like Darryl W. Perry’s excellent mayoral debate, which received accolades for its fairness.

As a result of the loads of media, both internal and mainstream that we’ve generated over the years, more people in Keene know about us – for better or for worse. That means there are a segment of people who fear change that have and will continue to lash out at liberty activists here. However, as the Free UBER activists found in Portsmouth, that’s what happens ANYWHERE the state is threatened and that activism is publicized. People form strong opinions for/against said activism.

Keene’s not without it’s challenges, but it’s the challenge that attracts so many here. Keene is the Western outpost of the Shire and we are shining the light of liberty to keep the encroaching statists from NY, VT, and MA at bay. Consider Keene as your destination for the Free State Project. Here are 150+ reasons why you should.

VIDEO: Free State Project Officially Announces 20,000 Signers – 100% Reached

FSP Founder Jason Sorens Speaks to Nearly 100 This Morning

FSP Founder Jason Sorens Speaks to Nearly 100 This Morning

Nearly one hundred liberty-loving early movers were in attendance for the press conference this morning held by the Free State Project at the Radisson in Manchester. FSP founder Jason Sorens spoke on the creation of the FSP and why the first 5,000 participants chose New Hampshire as the destination. Jason said,

“The free state project is working because it gives people hope”

That’s definitely true for me. When I moved here as an early mover for the FSP in 2006 I was pretty angry about the government. I felt very lonely in Florida, with little more than a handful of libertarians in the area. Now there are more liberty-minded people living at my intersection in Keene than there were in the entire city where I’m from.

With over 1,600 having moved across NH from all around the globe as early movers, (the official FSP move begins today) and having a major impact, it’s clear that there is hope for liberty here in the Shire. I’m not angry anymore and haven’t been for many years. I expect other libertarians who feel isolated or cornered where they live will have a similar transition when they are surrounded by people who actually care about liberty and are willing to do something about it. It’s quite encouraging to be here. Here’s the full video of the press conference:

After Jason Sorens’ speech, FSP president Carla Gericke got up to address the crowd and journalists in the room, officially announcing that the FSP has reached its goal of 20,000 liberty-minded folks signing and promising to move to New Hampshire within five years of today, Feb 3rd, 2016. It’s now been dubbed “Porcupine Day”, and happens right after Groundhog Day. (The porcupine is the mascot of the FSP.) Once here, the FSP movers are to put forth the maximum practical effort to achieve liberty in our lifetime. Carla explained to the audience what it took to get the project to completion, including a sustained, expensive ad campaign on Facebook, for which much credit was given to Vince Perfetto who is well known in the NH liberty community as the producer of the excellent documentary, “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire“. (more…)

FSP Reaches 20,000, Closes Signups, to Hold Press Conference at 11am Eastern

Free State Project president Carla Gericke announced that the 20,000th signer had been reached at last night’s Early Movers party in Manchester. It was the final such party, as all future movers would no longer be considered to be early! Here’s the video of her impromptu speech in front of a crowd of liberty activists from across the Shire:


Today at 11am, the FSP will be holding a press conference in Manchester to announce the good news. I’ll be there and do my best to tweet it live here via the Free Keene Twitter:

Mother Jones’ Follow-up Piece on the Free State Project’s Coming Completion

motherjonesWith less than 75 signers to go until its goal of 20,000 signers, the Free State Project’s looming completion is starting to hit the media. First up, Mother Jones, who published a feature piece on Keene activism in 2011 is back to follow up on the FSP in this article by Madison Pauly.

The original piece in Mother Jones in 2011 was written by Tim Murphy and called Keene activism a “hybrid of Gandhi and Project Mayhem”. I was impressed with Mother Jones – they actually had a fact checking person call me separate from the reporter to verify the facts in Murphy’s submitted piece. It was a well-researched piece.

The new piece, published today overviews the project and interviews several participants moved and yet-to-move. Check it out!

Free State Project Reaches 99% of Goal, to Complete This Week!!

Will you join us?

Will you join us?

It’s been fifteen years in the making – the official move for the Free State Project will be kicking off this week! With fewer than 150 signers to go, the FSP has reached 99% of its goal of convincing 20,000 liberty-loving people to move to New Hampshire and get active.

Once 20,000 is reached this week, the early mover phase ends and the official move begins. The 20k will have a five year window to get here and get active.

I’ve you wanted to wait until the last minute to see if we’d make the goal, it’s now the last minute. It’s clear now at around 50 signers per day, the FSP is happening! Don’t miss out on helping make history. If you love liberty, you should join the Free State Project now and start planning your move!

If you thought the activism here was awesome and record-setting, you are right, but just wait until thousands more join us! The fun has just gotten started. As shown clearly in the excellent documentary, “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire“, we have a liberty community unlike anywhere else in the world.

Questions still remain. What will happen to the FSP organization after the 20k goal is reached? Will they continue to recruit signers past the goal? Will the organization dissolve after five years? Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on the coming mass migration of liberty activists to the Shire.

Free State Project Reaches 98% of Goal – Sign Up Now and Help Make History!

FSP 98%

Don’t miss out!

For those who don’t know, the Free State Project is the most successful liberty migration in the world.  The goal is to reach 20,000 people who have signed the FSP’s “Statement of Intent” saying they pledge to move to New Hampshire and get active to help achieve liberty in our lifetime.  Once 20,000 is reached, they’ll have five years to make the move.  However, over 1,600 couldn’t wait and moved early – sometime in the decade-plus since 2003.  I moved in 2006 and it’s been one of my best decisions in my life.

Today, the FSP crossed 98% of its goal of 20,000 signatures, with less than 400 to go before the move is triggered!

If you want to be part of history and actually join a successful libertarian movement, there is no other viable option.  Get over your fear of the cold and join the Free State Project.  If you need more on why you should, check out the 101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire documentary here.