Grand Opening & Free Talk Live Broadcast from Shoppe

Wow, what an incredible day. It began at noon, when a man who had walked in weeks prior to buy his first bitcoin, returned to spend some on a 3D-printer kit to build with his son. Then, nationally-syndicated radio hosts Ian Freeman, Mark Edge, and Darryl W. Perry arrived and set up microphones to record an episode of their show Free Talk Live. Finally, we all headed over to the Seacoast Repertory Theatre for the 5-year Anniversary Screening of Victimless Crime Spree!

Here’s what you missed:

Broadcasting From the Free State Bitcoin Shoppe’s Grand Opening in Portsmouth, NH :: Operating the Store :: Is Bitcoin the Best? :: Bitcoin and Banks :: World Famous Bitcoin Tour :: Derrick J’s Favorite Customer Stories :: Joel Valenzuela from Dash Force News Joins Us :: Cryptocurrency Acceptance in Other Countries :: Bitcoin Vending Machine :: Victimless Crime Spree Fifth Anniversary

Victimless Crime Spree Comes to the Big Screen… Again!

The Seacoast Repertory Theatre in Portsmouth is screening Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree Sunday, September 17, 2017 at 7pm. All are welcome and admission is FREE – first come, first serve! Drinks and concessions are available for purchase with bitcoin (and DASH). One of five existing DJVCS movie posters will go home to one lucky raffle winner!

Here’s a facebook event. Some adult language. General admission seating.

This month marks the 5-year anniversary of the theatrical premiere of DJVCS. Here are some trailers for the movie.

Trailer #1:

Trailer #2:

Raising Voluntary Children in Community

Why critical mass makes all the difference

This is a cross-post from, and was posted in an effort to raise awareness for the Fourth Annual Freecoast Festival. Hope to see you there!

From 2010-2014 I ran a summer camp on the Northern shores of Oneida Lake in Upstate New York. We had 850 acres and a private 45 acre lake to ourselves for most of the year, and during the summers we welcomed in hundreds of children to help them understand what it meant to live in a community that put consent and voluntary interactions ahead of everything else. My living expenses were taken care of, and with the camp thriving, we could have stayed there forever had we chosen to. But, we left.

In 2014 we moved to the Seacoast of New Hampshire, leaving behind security and mostly free living to join a growing community of liberty-minded folks that had left other destinations around the world to try and create something new.

Why take such a risk when life was mostly going great? I’ll explain.


UBER Grandma Interviewed After Facing Down $6,500 in Fines for Civil Disobedience

Tuesday morning the saga of UBER Grandma came to a close at Portsmouth district court. Stephanie Franz’ trial was scheduled for seven tickets she’s received since October of 2015 for the horrible crime of driving people places without a government permission slip. Rather than thank her for providing the service of getting drunk people home alive (and stopping them from driving themselves home drunk), the “City of Portsmouth” gang decided to ticket her seven times for a total of $6,500! $500 for the first ticket, $1000 each for the rest.

Check out this excellent interview of this courageous civil disobedience activist, recorded outside Portsmouth district court, then keep reading for details on the case:

The city’s argument for threatening the sweet grandmother and other UBER drivers with such ridiculous fines was the claim that more stringent background checks than what UBER provides are necessary to keep passengers safe. However, this argument is obvious garbage, as the city only regulates drivers who charge for their services. If a convicted murderer were to offer rides for free, the regulations wouldn’t apply. Portsmouth’s anti-ride-sharing regulations, passed in Summer of 2015, were created to protect the existing taxi oligopoly. That’s what regulations are really for – not to protect consumers as the government claims, but to protect the established businesses from innovative competition.

Indeed, the cabbies in Portsmouth were the loudest group in support of the regulations. UBER Grandma was also targeted by those same cab drivers. They had been witnessed boxing her in to the curb as she was picking up riders in downtown Portsmouth and even smashed out her tail-light. They also appeared at government hearings in Portsmouth and Concord advocating for more government control of the industry.

Despite the constant attacks by both the police and the cabbies, UBER Grandma was not deterred. She kept driving in civil disobedience to the city’s protectionist ordinances, knowing she had harmed no one, and in fact had helped many people get home safely. She’s a hero for continuing to stand up for her right to do business without asking for permission! (more…)

Return of the Activist Left?

Today Steven and I talked about secession with almost a hundred people at a rally in Portsmouth, NH. The event was inspired by the recent election of Donald Trump. These people united under the message “Not My President.” Since I don’t believe in forced associations, I can get down with that! Everyone should have the president they want — or no president at all. We walked downtown with music blasting from our jackets, a big rainbow flag, and some NHexit signs! We brought propaganda with us, but there was so much to do, talking to people and getting video, that we didn’t hand out any literature! It would have been awesome to have support from other Seacoast activists. If you’re hot and gay and love freedom, you should move here and join us in Portsmouth, NH — the beachhead of liberty! Full hour-plus video below!

One local man in attendance said that he hasn’t seen anything like this since the 70’s. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. Is this the return of the activist left, silent and sleeping for 8 years, and now ready to return with ferocity? I hope so! I’ll criticize any politician in power, but it’s so much more fun to do it with the democrats.
