White Rose Society Members Arrested for Stickering Manchester City Hall Include Selectman Candidate

Sticker Pimps

The “Sticker Pimps”: Frank ‘Footloose’ Staples, Skylar Bennett, and Jason Gerhard

Is history repeating itself? The original White Rose Society in Germany distributed propaganda to undermine the NAZIs and its leaders were executed for it. Now three men have been the first to be arrested from the new White Rose Society.

The heroic “Sticker Pimps” arrested by Manchester police are not facing death, but they have been kidnapped by Manchester’s “finest” gang and are being prosecuted for “criminal mischief” for the dastardly “crime” of placing counter-propaganda White Rose Society stickers on so-called “public property”. Here’s what you need to know about them:

  • Frank ‘Footloose’ Staples – The founder of Absolute Defiance, Footloose has been leading the protests outside NH gang leader Chris Sununu’s home. He was recently arrested in front of Sununu’s home for speaking to a cop.
  • Skylar Bennett – Skylar made headlines in December for being the first person arrested at Sununu’s house – for holding a peaceful candlelight vigil. He’s also a YouTuber vlogger on his channel, Savage Truth 603.
  • Jason Gerhard – Jason is currently a candidate for Selectman in Northfield, NH in an election happening TODAY. He’s qualified a warrant article for the town meeting this weekend which – if passed – instructs the Selectmen to ask some very interesting questions of the IRS. We discussed it with him in detail on Free Talk Live this last Saturday. Jason also spent nearly 13 years in federal prison for supporting tax freedom advocates Ed and Elaine Brown and was released in early 2020.

The situation is very reminiscent of what happened in 2011 when eight activists – mostly from Keene – were arrested and charged with “criminal mischief” among other catch-alls, for chalking pro-freedom messages outside Manchester’s police gang headquarters. They were the “Chalking Eight”.

The White Rose has been a very active group on Telegram, with photos posted daily from people placing their eye-opening, thought-provoking, and sometimes amusing stickers on various things all around the world. According to one of the channel’s admins, thus far with perhaps thousands of activists stickering around the world, the first to be arrested were New Hampshire’s “Sticker Pimps” in the supposed live-free-or-die state.

Not long after their arrests, someone stickered the front entrance to the Manchester police gang headquarters!

MPD Stickered

After arresting the men, Manchester Police Gang Headquarters was targeted for a stickering.

Stay tuned here to Free Keene for more.

VIDEO: Keene Parking Bureaucrat Admits She Prefers to Avoid Court With Activists

The Shire Free Church recently received notice from a debt collector claiming we owed the “City of Keene” $60 for an unpaid parking ticket. I knew this could not be the case since I challenge every ticket on behalf of the Church and demand a trial and every time – these days – they drop the charge rather than go to court over a $10 ticket.

So, I headed down to city hall this week to find out why a collections notice had been sent. I was pleased to hear the bureaucrat report that she “likes it that way” when we aren’t in court with them.

It’s a validation of the activist approach of challenging all tickets. Be such a burden to the system that they have to drop your charges. If only more people would do this, then more charges would be dropped! If you’re in New Hampshire and you receive a ticket for anything at all, try demanding your trial and see what happens!

VIDEO: Footloose Arrested at Shire Choir Caroling at NH Governor’s House

Shire Choir at Sununu's House

Shire Choir at Sununu’s House

In December, the town gang in Newfields, NH passed an unconstitutional ordinance against “picketing” and then ticketed multiple people for a peaceful protest outside New Hampshire tyrant-king Chris Sununu’s house. They also arrested YouTuber Savage Truth 603 at the same time for “disorderly conduct”.

Subsequent gatherings at Sununu’s during January were left alone by police, but then on Sunday the 31st peaceful protestors were once again targeted by a phalanx of state police and local cops.

When we arrived around 2pm, there were already a bunch of police cruisers and probably at least a dozen visible masked cops around Sununu’s house. After some speaking and sign-holding, we began to sing COVID Carols. During the second song, several more state police cruisers arrived with a bunch of yellow-jacketed goons complete with zip ties.

They started walking towards us in a line as we continued our songs – the lyrics to which you can download at covid.freekeene.com. The armed thugs then stopped advancing and went back, perhaps aware that arresting people for singing might not look good on video.

After we finished, Nobody and I started to pack up to leave as Frank “Footloose” Sparks from Absolute Defiance approached the police again, demanding he be given a ticket for “picketing”. The police chief from Newfields indicated that he did indeed have a ticket for Footloose, but no one else. The armed man then threatened Footloose with kidnapping if he raised his voice – something Footloose is known to do as a normal state of talking. Then, they arrested him for asking a masked plainclothes state police agent to identify himself. The charge? Cops’ favorite catch-all for peaceful activists they don’t like: “Disorderly Conduct”. Here’s video of the event, which includes the arrest scene:

Footloose was taken to Newmarket PD and released on personal recognizance. His arraignment on the “disorderly” charge is Feb 25th, 8am at Exeter District Court in Brentwood, NH. Sununu continues to hide and run his gang in secret.

Stay tuned to FreeKeene.com for the latest.

VIDEO: NH Rifleman Knows His Rights, Refuses to Talk to Concord Police

Back in mid-December I’d attended the final “stop the steal” rally in Concord to do some secssion outreach. The series of rallies by this time had basically died off, so Concord police decided to show up for the first time ever and targeted the lone man with a rifle. According to the muffled cop, someone – probably from Massachusetts – had called in a report of the man, who was entirely within his rights to bear arms in New Hampshire and the two masked agents of the state responded.

After asking if he could get down from the bench on which he was standing, the man refused their invitation to talk and after confirming he was not being arrested, turned around and wisely ignored the uniformed gang members. Meanwhile I began peppering the lead agent with questions and then Nobody started in as well. Within a minute, they take off. That’s what you call a Cop Block!

Here is the video:

Underground New Year’s Eve Party “QUARANKEENE Space Disco” Raises Over $1,100 for Charity

Tonight, New Year’s Eve, while government goons are threatening people and telling them to stay home, over one hundred revelers are together in a secret venue in the Keene area for “QUARANKEENE Space Disco”! Organizers of the party say it will feature now-prohibited activities like karaoke and dancing. Featuring multiple live DJs, delicious food, good times, and all donations at the door will be given to the NH Liberty Defense Fund. The Liberty Defense Fund is of course accepting cryptocurrency as well as Goldbacks. Here’s the official event flyer:

QUARANKEENE Space Disco 2020

QUARANKEENE Space Disco 2020

Event co-organizer “Soundwave” said, “2020 has been a soul-crushing year for people across the planet. With lame-ass stay-at-home ‘dance parties’, drive-in concerts with zero crowd energy, and inhumane mask mandates, people have been unable to sing, dance, and connect with other humans. We’re not afraid of a virus that doesn’t show symptoms in the supermajority of the people it infects and kills a small fraction of the elderly, obese people who do actually show symptoms. This whole COVID thing has been a massive excuse to expand government control over people’s lives and transfer more wealth to the elite, while destroying small businesses. We decided the best thing we could do to fight this insanity is to throw a killer party.”

Indeed, tonight’s venue is a previously successful Keene-area restaurant that was closed permanently early on in 2020. The courageous venue owner, Malaise Lindenfeld, is also one of the plaintiffs in the federal lawsuit against the statewide mask mandate as well as the City of Keene’s mandate. Lindenfeld said, “Our most basic freedoms have been coopted by politicians who forget that they serve at our pleasure and not the other way around. If each of us were to take a stand and say “I will not comply”, it will go a long way towards the fight against tyranny.”

QUARANKEENE is the latest in a series of Space Disco parties that began in August 2019, co-founded by DJ Capital Interest. The goal is to eventually throw an epic party in space, but until then build excitement by throwing space-themed parties here on Earth. DJ Capital Interest explained, “The Space Disco is literally going to outer space. Our life mission is to open the solar system’s first discotheque outside of Earth’s atmosphere by joining forces with the world’s leading space and party companies.” Regarding tonight’s party, DJ Capital Interest said, “Space Disco Summer 2020 was by far the best dance club in the country and Space Disco NYE 2020/21 is shaping up to be the best Winter dance club, thanks to so many independent thinkers concentrated in New Hampshire.”

UPDATE: The party raised over $1100 in cash plus a bunch of Goldbacks, a few ounces of silver, and multiple different cryptocurrencies for the Liberty Defense Fund! It was a smashing success.

New Declaration of Independence for NH Read, Signed, & Delivered in Concord by Crowd of Revolutionaries

Crowd of Revolutionaries Gathers to Read and Sign the new Declaration of Independence

Crowd of Revolutionaries Gathered Monday to Read and Sign the new Declaration of Independence for 2020.

Hey New Hampshire government gang: Merry Christmas… YOU’RE FIRED!

In Concord on Monday December 21st of 2020 at ten a.m., a group of over one hundred people from across New Hampshire gathered at the now-closed state house steps to invoke their Right of Revolution as specified in Article Ten of the Bill of Rights of the NH Constitution. It states:

Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emolument of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government. The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind.

Dan Richard of the New Hampshire Committee of Safety led the event and read aloud a new Declaration of Independence, which you can download a PDF of here. Richard says this is the first time the Right of Revolution has been invoked and that the document serves as a termination of “the state” and its various office holders.

Dan Richard of the NH Committee of Safety

Dan Richard of the NH Committee of Safety at COSNH.com

The new Declaration cites various tyrannies, including the unconstitutional “emergency powers” statute that led to the over seventy-five emergency orders issued this year by King Sununu that has trashed the New Hampshire economy and freedoms here generally. Plus, the now-hidden nature of the state gang’s activities makes them completely unaccountable, violating Article Eight of the NH Constitution’s Bill of Rights which requires its government to be open and accountable. Further, the new Declaration claims the voting system was illegally and unconstitutionally manipulated out-of-view from the people and calls the entire election fraudulent as a result.

It calls out the state bureaucracy’s endless harassment of the people as well as the “standing armies of enforcement agents” enacting the tyranny, and the now-secret courts. The new Declaration states that effective means for redress of grievances have been abolished and that, “Our form of government, has become a complete system of tyranny. The Same party is the legislator, the accuser, the judge, and the executioner by declaring themselves invested with power to legislate in secret in all cases whatsoever.”

Citing NH’s Article Ten, the new Declaration dissolves all political connections between the state and the citizenry, absolving us of any allegiance to “the state”.

The crowd of revolutionaries then shouted “YOU’RE FIRED!” in unison and signed the new Declaration of Independence for New Hampshire.

Afterwards, a copy was delivered to the Secretary of State’s office and the Attorney General’s office. It was subsequently served on “governor” Chris Sununu hiding in his home on Christmas Eve. Here’s video of Monday’s visit to the state house and AG’s office including nearly all of the reading of the new Declaration of Independence. I missed the first few paragraphs due to a dead camera battery:

Kudos to the heroic folks who came out to end the failed experiment of the New Hampshire government.