Scientific Poll: Over 25% of Undeclared Voters Choose “Nobody” in NH Republican Primary for Governor – Candidates to Debate Friday 8/28

Nobody Speaks at Mask Freedom Rally

Nobody Speaks at Mask Freedom Rally in Keene

In the 2020 New Hampshire primary election for governor, virtually no polling has been done at all. According to the wiki article on the subject, there’s only been one poll thus far – by St. Anselm College – that has asked people whom they support in the state Republican primary on September 8th, and the poll excluded ballot-qualified republican candidate “Nobody” from their options, only asking respondents if they’d vote for Chris Sununu, Karen Testerman, Someone Else, or Unsure.

Given the pollsters regularly ignore liberty-minded candidates like libertarians, Free Keene hired polling firm Robocent to conduct the only fairly-written scientific poll of both Republican and Undeclared voters, thus far. We purchased a randomly selected list of landlines for actual New Hampshire voters: 25,000 Republicans and 25,000 Undeclareds. In order to have been included in our phone list, the individuals must have voted at least once since 2016. Democrats were not polled as they cannot vote in the Republican primary.

The poll consisted of three questions, the first being a question about which candidate the respondent is supporting for NH governor. Here is the exact copy as delivered over the phone poll:

In the republican primary for New Hampshire governor there are three candidates. Which would you want to have as your governor? Press one for Karen Testerman Press two for Chris Sununu Or press three for Nobody.

525 Undeclared voters took the poll, which by the way is a larger sample size than the unfair poll by St. Anselm. Of the 525 respondents, 132 of them (25.14%) chose Nobody! 24 (4.57%) chose Karen Testerman and 369 (70.28%) selected incumbent Chris Sununu. Primary Poll 2020 Primary Poll Results 2020

The responses from registered Republicans were different, however. More of them responded to the poll than the Undeclareds, with 694 respondents from the Republican list. Of those, 58 (8.36%) chose Nobody, 40 (5.76%) chose Karen Testerman, and 596 (85.88%) chose Chris Sununu.

In total, 1219 New Hampshire voters participated in this poll question. 190 (15.59%) chose Nobody, 64 (5.25%) chose Karen Testerman, and 965 (79.16%) chose Chris Sununu.

Nobody’s results are amazing considering he’s had near-zero media coverage for this primary. He had more media for his mayoral run in Keene last year. He’s also spent and raised next to nothing thus far on his campaign. That said, if the media had bothered to pay attention to Sununu’s two challengers, perhaps they would have fared better against the tyrant king incumbent. According to the rest of the poll, both Undeclared and Republican voters were largely unaware of Nobody and Testermans’ respective campaigns. Here is the copy for the second and third questions of the poll: (more…)

Mask Freedom Rally Speech Highlights from Keene’s Central Square

Well over one hundred freedom-loving people gathered on Saturday in Keene’s Central Square to protest both Keene’s mask mandate and “His Excellency’s” recent “orders” mandating groups over 100 to wear masks, or else. There were some great speeches including former law enforcement officer Dan LeClair – running for NH Senate District 10 – who struck at the root, saying, “It’s about government taking away our right to decide for ourselves what we should do with our own bodies…there is nothing greater than an individual’s right to freedom.”

Here are highlights from all the day’s speakers including organizer David Lheureux, Republican 2020 candidate for NH Governor Karen Testerman, Republican 2020 NH Senate District 10 candidate Dan LeClair, me, Republican candidate for NH Governor Nobody, and NH Health Freedom’s Cheryl Rounds:

It’s worth noting that this event took place after “His Excellency” Chris Sununu “ordered” any scheduled event over 100 people to have face masks, or else the event organizers will be hit with misdemeanor charges, and we definitely hit over 100 people. One count near its peak had 120. Big thanks to 8.3L organizer David Lheureux for putting it together.

Anti-Mask Protest in Keene, New Hampshire

August 15, 2020 – Keene, NH – Over a hundred people gathered in Central Square in downtown Keene, New Hampshire to protest the Mayor’s threats of fines for those who do not mask their faces. Police drove by, but no citations were issued. The gathering began at 11am and ran until 4pm, and it included speeches by a handful of organizations, both political and non-political. Notably, two of the owners of downtown businesses adjacent to the Central Square protest invited attendees to come and dine at their restaurants with or without masks, openly violating the new town ordinance.

Here is the full video with no cuts or edits. This is everything my camera captured at and around the event (1 hour, 45 minutes), including full interviews:

“No Mandatory Masks” Protest Set for Keene on 8/15, Regardless of How Council Votes

Nicole and David Lheureux in Plymouth

Nicole and David Lheureux in Plymouth.

David Lheureux wasn’t expecting to be a protest leader, however he couldn’t ignore our freedoms slipping away and decided he was going to do something about it. This Spring, the self-described “gearhead” created “8.3L”, or “Eight Point Three Leader”, named after a six-wheel military truck used to pull big trailers. I spoke with Lheureux by phone this morning and asked him about the vehicular mascot. He told me, “Engine heart of vehicle, we need to think about our hearts and what’s driving us.”

What is driving you? Is it fear or love?

As he created the group, the medical authoritarian state began to rise and along with it came mask mandates being passed across the country and now beginning to crop up even in supposed “live free or die” New Hampshire. This week, Keene’s city gang bosses are expected to vote Thursday night on a proposed mask mandate targeting business owners with fines.

Masks- the new symbol of tyranny.

It’s also a symbol of obedience and fear.

Lheureux’s event, set for Central Square 11a-4p on Saturday August 15th, will be going on regardless of the Keene council’s vote on the issue. We know from the BEARCAT debacle that they don’t actually care about rights or what people want. Expected speakers at the event include the two gubernatorial candidates who are taking on tyrant-king Chris Sununu in the primary, Karen Testerman, and Keene’s own “Nobody“!

The Keene event follows Lheureux’ successful mask freedom event in Plymouth last week.

While positioned by its proponents as pro-health, the face mask is actually anti-human. Combined with so-called “social distancing” – which is anything but social – the masks prevent people from making the most human of connections with others – being able to see facial expressions.

Sadly, large numbers of Americans have fallen right in line and begun wearing them as their corporate overlords have been demanding. Most aren’t willing to lose a job in a protest over a work uniform, understandably. However, because the corporations are working hand-in-hand with the state to propagate obedience, the seeming ubiquity of the masks leads more people to comply, if not for fear of receiving a threat from a uniformed government gang member, then certainly because of the immense societal pressure from fearful peers and neighbors. Some of whom are so scared of COVID – which has killed a very small percentage of people – they will yell at or even physically attack non-mask-wearing free people.

We need more businesses like this - no masks allowed

We need more businesses like this.

Worse, some have even politicized the issue and conveniently ignore that the mandates and lockdowns come from both Democrat and Republican government goons. I don’t care what politicians and their pet doctors say – they are liars and they are always seeking more power. 2020 has been a banner year for the power-seekers thus far. They’ve successfully locked down swaths of the population, deployed checkpoints and armed, masked gangsters in the streets, destroyed countless businesses with their insane restrictions, and are now telling people what they have to wear. It’s tragic.

Thank goodness there are still people in New Hampshire who care about human freedom. See you at Keene Central Square on 8/15 11a-4p for the “No Mandatory Masks” protest. Bring your favorite signs or whatever else you think is appropriate to get your message of freedom across.

Trans Candidate Files for Cheshire Sheriff as Republican, Taking on Incumbent

Aria 4 Sheriff SignLongtime democrat Cheshire county sheriff Eli Rivera better look out – there’s a new challenger this year in the form of “the Anarchist Shemale”, Aria DiMezzo. In 2018 she ran as the libertarian candidate for Cheshire sheriff in a three-way race against multiple term incumbent Rivera and his longtime losing republican opponent, Earl Nelson. This year, 2020, Nelson did not file and Aria, who’d been planning to run for state rep as a republican decided instead to file in the sheriff’s race. It’s going to be epic, for sure! Stay tuned to Free Keene for the latest.

Here’s a quick campaign announcement showing her filing for office at the NH state house last month:

Want a yard sign to show your support? They are available now! Reach out to Aria directly via the contact info at her campaign site, Don’t miss her previous video, which was all about how to sell Bitcoin online.

“Nobody” Files First in NH Republican Gubernatorial Primary

It’s official. New Hampshire voters will for the first time be able to cast a vote for Nobody for governor. Sick of Sununu and his insanely destructive “stay at home” lockdown where he tries to micromanage everyone’s businesses? Do you wish New Hampshire was actually a live-free-or-die place instead of an insane authoritarian medical state? Nobody should be your candidate of choice during the September primary.

Here’s footage of Nobody filing first for the republican primary gubernatorial election for 2020 and his answers to why he’s running and how differently he’d handle the COVID-19 situation from the tyrant-King Sununu:

Vist and vote for Nobody on the republican primary ballot on September 8th, 2020. Remember, if you’re registered as undeclared you can declare as republican when you go to vote, cast your ballot, then undeclare again as you leave the room.

You can connect with Nobody via his campaign website, Telegram chat, and Forum.