Nobody Endorsed for NH Governor by Manchester Morning Radio Hosts on 96.5 The Mill

Laura and Teddy, morning show hosts at WMLL-FM in Manchester, NH

Laura and Teddy, morning show hosts at WMLL-FM in Manchester, NH

Last week, New Hampshire 2020 gubernatorial candidate Nobody rocked Manchester in his first appearance on “The Teddy Show”, the morning show on 96.5 The Mill (WMLL-FM). Morning jocks Teddy McKay and Laura Remillard really had a good time talking to Nobody – the interview is excellent and you can listen here.

They talked with Nobody about his just-announced first campaign promise to pardon ALL non-violent drug, prostitution, and gambling convictions in New Hampshire’s history, his declaration as the lone challenger to incumbent republican governor Chris Sununu, his permanent ban from Twitter, and more.

Nobody also scored his first mainstream media endorsements for his gubernatorial run. Remillard told Nobody during the interview that Sununu had been in the radio station cluster the same day, but that he wouldn’t interview with The Teddy Show, because they aren’t cool enough. She then said to Nobody, “I think you can take him.”

Nobody tokes at the Concord state house 420 - AP Photo

Nobody tokes at the Concord state house 420 – AP Photo

Immediately after, when speaking of the political class, Nobody declared, “If you’re not a member of George Carlin’s ‘club’, then you’re nobody to them, because they’re the kids who run everything.” McKay then endorsed Nobody, saying, “Alright, you just got my vote for knowing and liking George Carlin”. Nobody then praised Carlin as one of his formative influences.

Moments later, when discussing ending the war on cannabis, McKay said to Nobody, “Jeez, I think I’ve found a candidate here”.

Nobody is great on the radio. Don’t miss his interview here on The Mill’s soundcloud channel. You can also hear Nobody as a regular co-host on nationally syndicated talk radio show, “Free Talk Live“. You can follow his campaign blog at

Twitter Permanently Bans Candidate for NH Governor, “Nobody”, for Hyperbolic Clinton Comment

Nobody's tweet that resulted in a perma-ban.

Nobody’s tweet that resulted in a perma-ban.

Despite the obvious hyperbole of his tweet, NH republican gubernatorial candidate Nobody has been permanently deplatformed from Twitter. Earlier this weekend, Nobody tweeted a reply to this comment from Twitter user @karelytle711: “It’s like Pavlov’s dogs. The moment Hillary speaks, a lot of men lose their minds. It actually crosses political ideology. #misogyny”

Nobody responded with:

@karenlytle711 @justinamash It’s not #misogyny. I hate Bill just as much as I hate Hillary. They are both warmongering criminals who should be hung, drawn, and quartered.

The same night he tweeted it, Nobody received an email from Twitter stating his account has been suspended, permanently, for “Violating our rules against abuse and harassment. You may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so. This includes wishing or hoping that someone experiences physical harm.” There was no warning, no temporary ban, just a permanent account suspension, per the remainder of the email which stated, “Note that if you attempt to evade a permanent suspension by creating new accounts, we will suspend your new accounts. If you wish to appeal this suspension, please contact our support team.”

Nobody, Candidate for NH Governor in 2020

Nobody, then Rich Paul, released from jail for selling cannabis.

Nobody attempted to appeal the suspension which resulted in a quick reply – 30 seconds later – from Twitter saying, “Your account has been suspended and will not be restored because it was found to be violating the Twitter Terms of Service, specifically the Twitter Rules against participating in targeted abuse. In order to ensure that people feel safe expressing diverse opinions and beliefs on our platform, we do not tolerate abusive behavior. This includes inciting other people to engage in the targeted harassment of someone.”

When I interviewed him this afternoon about it, Nobody called his comment hyperbolic and agreed that he doesn’t actually wish violence upon anyone, however he believes many people share his frustration with politicians’ criminal behavior. He told me, “It seems that Twitter is seeking to control political debate by removing candidates and public figures with views Twitter doesn’t like, based on subjective and arbitrary criteria. It probably doesn’t help that I was speaking in defense of Tulsi Gabbard, who had just ran afoul of the queen of warmongers, Hillary Clinton.”

Luckily, Nobody’s a believer in decentralization and has an account on the libertarian Mastodon server, Liberdon. Mastodon is an open-source competitor to Twitter where anyone can run a server, meaning there are thousands of servers globally, all of whom can federate with one another according to their preferences. In addition to following Nobody’s Mastodon account, you can also join his Elect Nobody chat room on the Telegram platform. Visit for more directly from Nobody.

UPDATE 19:45pm Eastern: In light of his criticism of Hillary Clinton, Nobody wants it to be known that he is not suicidal.

Nobody Interviewed on “Cryptomania” FM Talk Show + Union Leader & Boston Globe Cover Gubernatorial Run

Dana Crypto of Cryptomania on WBOQ-FM

Dana Crypto of Cryptomania on WBOQ-FM

Cryptomania claims to be the first FM talk show in America exclusively covering cryptocurrency. It airs on WBOQ-FM north of Boston in Massachusetts. Hosted by Dana Crypto, Cryptomania saw the news that Nobody, declared candidate for governor of New Hampshire, was accepting cryptocurrency from supporters, so Cryptomania had to have him on.

Dana Crypto was well aware of Keene’s status as a global Crypto Mecca, and he asked Nobody questions about how he feels about the federal government as well as the ongoing libertarian migration to New Hampshire. The interview was very positive and fun. You can listen to the whole thing here on WBOQ-FM’s Soundcloud.

In addition, Nobody’s recent interview on rock station WAAF-FM in Massachusetts brought him even more media with NH’s top newspaper, The Union Leader writing about Nobody’s WAAF-FM interview and announcing his campaign for governor of New Hampshire.

A couple of days later, the Boston Globe ran a piece about Nobody’s campaign for governor.

Nobody is accepting cryptocurrency gifts on his website,, including Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Bitcoin (BTC), DASH, and Stellar Lumens (XLM).

Nobody at WKNH

Nobody Interviewed on Wake Up Call at WKNH-FM.

Nobody Interviewed on WAAF-FM & WHDH-TV + Receives International Media Coverage for Campaign

Mike Hsu, the afternoon drive host on WAAF-FM in Massachusetts had Nobody on for a nearly ten minute live interview last week. Here’s video of the whole thing in case you missed it on-air. In it, Nobody officially announces his campaign for governor of New Hampshire!

He also had an interview on WHDH-TV channel 7 in Boston:

Plus, over the last couple of weeks leading up to the Keene mayoral primary election – where Nobody received 2% of the vote – he received coverage in a variety of places, including overseas. Here’s a rundown of some of the media we spotted:

Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on Nobody’s campaign for New Hampshire governor in 2020.

Nobody Declares as Candidate for NH Governor, to Primary Incumbent Republican Chris Sununu in 2020!

Nobody at WKNH

Nobody has announced his campaign for NH Governor in 2020

Citing the demands of the people, former Keene mayoral candidate Nobody has publicly declared his candidacy for governor of New Hampshire. Nobody, who legally changed his name in August will be filing to run in the 2020 republican gubernatorial primary against incumbent Chris Sununu. At this point, Nobody is the only candidate thus far to challenge Sununu in the primary.

The self-described anarchist and libertarian spoke about his run today on WAAF-FM in Massachusetts, saying he would pardon all victimless criminals as soon as he takes the office. Nobody specifically mentioned pardons for all non-violent drug, prostitution, and gambling convicts.

You can see his official announcement on his campaign website

Nobody’s Campaign for Mayor Hits Major Media with Boston Globe Story

Boston Globe Article about Nobody

Boston Globe Article about Nobody

After Nobody officially announced his campaign for mayor of Keene, New Hampshire in August, the news only grabbed headlines at the Keene Sentinel and the Union Leader. Though, the Union Leader surprisingly wrote an editorial endorsing him, the story didn’t get picked up by any other media.

Until now.

This morning’s Boston Globe has a Metro section front-page story featuring Nobody!

Already this morning, Nobody has received a request for interview from a major Boston television station. This could be the beginning of a major media blowup! Please do share the story on your social media and don’t forget Nobody’s official campaign site,