VIDEO: NH Statists Hold ANOTHER Lengthy Seminar on Free State Project’s Threat

NH Statists FREAKING Out About the FSP

NH Statists FREAKING Out About the FSP

In a strong unintended endorsement, the New Hampshire democrats had yet another online meeting tonight to expose the Free State Project‘s migrants for infiltrating the republican party, winning dozens of state house seats, and our various other tremendous successes.

Despite claiming our numbers are small, the entire video conference – put on by former state reps, at least one of whom migrated to NH – was all about how well-organized our decentralized freedom migration has been. The statists are extremely concerned about the Free State Project, as evidenced by the fact that they have held multiple such meetings like this over the last several years. They used to be held in person but now they are too frightened of catching a cold to meet in real life, and it’s easier to keep the liberty activists out of the discussion this way.

The former state reps giving the presentation believe that there’s some secret big libertarian money funding activists to move here, which is totally false. Otherwise, they have clearly done a LOT of homework to learn as much as they can about this movement, because it is working. We are a peaceful threat to the status quo and they hate that liberty is rising in New Hampshire.

Thankfully, YouTuber and NH resident Dr. Karlyn Borysenko live streamed the event on her channel for hundreds of live viewers, so you can watch the democrats’ whole presentation. It’s basically a 90-minute promo piece for the Free State Project.

Nowhere else in the other 49 states are the people in power actually worried about libertarian activists. The reason they aren’t concerned, is because libertarians are completely ineffective. The reason we’re so ineffective elsewhere is because there are so few of us, spread across the entire country. That’s the reason the Free State Project was formed. It was a good idea and two decades later it’s a proven success. The statists are very, very scared.

Watch the whole hilarious seminar here – this link jumps you to 35 minutes into Karlyn’s stream where the democrat presentation begins:

Trans Satanist She-Male to Mayoral Competitor Facing Stalking Allegations: “you’re a creep”

Aria DiMezzo Keene City Hall

Aria DiMezzo to Mark Zuchowski: “you’re a creep”.

Normally, the Keene mayoral primary is pretty uneventful. This year, however, according to the Keene Sentinel, a major bombshell just dropped regarding one of the three candidates, 66-year-old Mark J. Zuchowski, a newcomer to Keene politics.

Zuchowski has been accused of stalking by city clerk office worker Heather Fitz-Simon. Though Zuchowski hasn’t been charged criminally in the matter, he has been no-trespassed from Fitz-Simon’s home and is facing a hearing on a stalking petition brought by Fitz-Simon on October 6th at 2:30pm in Cheshire Superior Court. According to the Sentinel story, Zuchowski spent inordinate time hanging around the city clerk’s office, rambling about his dead mother and shaking a seltzer bottle, then explaining to Fitz-Simon his habit of creepily watching a young woman who works near his home. Zuchowski allegedly emailed city staff about his observation of the woman, explaining he’s watching her daily to make sure she is able to get inside her workplace safely. He emailed Fitz-Simon inviting her – a married woman – out on a date, later claiming it was only to discuss his campaign.

If all Zuchowski did was make a awkward pass at a city employee, that wouldn’t be so bad. However he then showed up at Fitz-Simon’s house, blocked the driveway with his car, took photos of the home, and rung the doorbell, allegedly multiple times. When police were called, he was given a no-trespass order and still didn’t leave immediately. He tried to claim he was just looking to see if Fitz-Simon had received his email invite, bizarrely excusing his photographing the home by explaining he thought he’d been there before while apartment hunting in the past. He claims he wanted to give her a small pumpkin and a note complimenting her appearance and reiterating his invite to an antiques show.

Obviously, there are two sides to every story, but I can personally confirm the dude is weird. When I was filing to run for at-large city council in early September, Zuchowski was in the clerk’s office being overly-friendly with the city staff. He was acting like he belonged there. Since he’s relatively new to town, I only know it was him because he introduced himself to another person who happened to walk into the office at the same time. At the moment, I chalked his behavior up to being a little-too-enthusiastic about being the next mayor, though he did strike me as odd at the time.

Mark J Zuchowski, Alleged Creep

Mark J Zuchowski, Alleged Creep

Plus, check out the rambling twenty-four page bio he submitted to the city clerk’s office regarding his campaign for mayor of Keene. On just the first page he explains he feels like he has a father-and-son relationship with current mayor George Hansel and excoriates Hansel for attending protests last summer during the governor’s “stay at home” order, then uses math formulas to calculate how protestors violated social distancing. Apparently, Zuchowski was an engineer prior to retiring to Keene from his original home in Massachusetts. He worked for defense contractors developing weapons for the military to murder innocents around the world, yet claims to be a lifelong Christian.

This year’s mayoral candidates are Zuchowski, incumbent mayor George Hansel, and trans Satanist anarchist she-male Aria DiMezzo. Last year, DiMezzo made headlines nationwide in a viral explosion of news coverage for her defeat of the longtime Republican candidate-for-sheriff in the primary, though she ultimately lost in the general election to the incumbent Democrat sheriff.

In a post responding to the news about Zuchowski, DiMezzo said, “Look, when you’ve made someone uncomfortable, you should notice that, and stop making them uncomfortable. The only misunderstanding here is that you’re a creep who is creepily creeping on some chick, and you refuse to recognize that. Stop being a creep.” Zuchowski claims the whole situation is a misunderstanding. The primary election is this Tuesday, October 5th. One of the three candidates will be eliminated Tuesday and two move on to the November 2nd general election.

Please come out Tuesday and vote for Aria DiMezzo. Polling place information is here on the City website. You can register to vote at the polls if you aren’t registered yet. Remember voting in a primary means your vote counts even more than normal, since almost no one ever bothers. You can get more information about Aria at the Reformed Satanic Church blog, of which she is the High Priestess and her official campaign website,

Historic Constitutional Amendment Filed for NH to Exit United States

State Reps Mike Sylvia and Matt Santonastaso

State Reps Mike Sylvia and Matt Santonastaso

Thanks to two heroic state representatives, New Hampshire has now taken the lead nationally in the independence movement. Yesterday, five-term state rep Mike Sylvia filed the text of a constitutional amendment that would, if passed, declare independence from the United States:

“Are you in favor of amending the first part of the New Hampshire Constitution by inserting, after article 7, a new article to read as follows:


[Art.] 7-a. [Independent Nation.] New Hampshire declares itself as independent from the United States and peaceably, immediately proceeds as a sovereign nation. All other references to the United States in this constitution and state statutes and regulations are nullified.”

To pass, it must first receive over 60% of the vote in both the state house and senate. If it does, it will then be placed on the 2022 ballot and then must receive over 2/3rds of the vote to be enacted. If so, it goes into effect immediately. There would be no political games like with United Kingdom’s “Brexit” from the European Union, which took several years to hammer out after the vote. New Hampshire will instantly declare our independence and nullify all standing agreements with the federal government gang. Compare this to the thus-far unsuccessful attempts in other US states.

In recent years, secession movements around the country have sprung up and made headlines in California and Texas, but with very little legislative support. In Texas, a state rep filed a bill this year that if passed, would merely have placed a non-binding referendum on the ballot for Texas voters to register their opinion on whether the Texas legislature should begin an arduous process of figuring out how to leave the United States. This bill’s filing resulted in plenty of media coverage and discussion, however, it died before even receiving a committee hearing. A key reason that New Hampshire was chosen as the destination for the Free State Project is that EVERY bill gets a public committee hearing, no matter how much support it has from the state reps. Most states are like Texas, where it’s a political game whether a bill even gets a hearing.

Foundation for New Hampshire Independence Logo

New Hampshire Independence

In California, a left-leaning group called “Yes California” has been trying for years to get an independence question on the ballot by gathering the hundreds-of-thousands of required signatures. If passed, the measure would require the legislature to declare independence from the US and become its own republic. So far, they have been unsuccessful despite garnering significant media coverage. Currently their website is offline, though their Twitter is still active. Even if they do get the question on the ballot and it passes, they may not survive the inevitable court challenge given the CA state constitution provides that California, “is an inseparable part of the United States of America.”

While I want to see both Texas and California exit the United States, it’s clear that with the filing of this constitutional amendment bill – called in NH a “CACR” or, “Constitutional Amendment Concurrent Resolution” – that New Hampshire has taken the clear lead in the race to see who will leave the union first. Plus, unlike California, the NH constitution clearly protects the “Right of Revolution” in Article 10 and “State Sovereignty” in Article 7 of the NH Bill of Rights.

Representative Sylvia, in an exclusive interview with Free Keene, had this to say on why he filed the proposed amendment, “The people of America have forgotten their history, if we take the time to look at our roots we can see that our constitutions have received ‘lip service’ for far too long. While I can not change the direction of the federal government, I can hold up the New Hampshire constitution and demand that we honor its clear directives. Article 10 reads in part, ‘whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government.'”

The 2018 liberty “Legislator of the Year” representative Sylvia is joined by freshman state rep from the Keene area, Matt Santonastaso as the co-sponsor of the amendment. Other state reps have been approached and have expressed support and a full list will be released when the amendment is assigned a CACR number and moves onto a committee.


NH Independence NOW!

The process is just beginning, with Sylvia submitting the proposed text to NH Legislative Services on Monday. It may take several weeks for them to officially draft the CACR and send it back to Sylvia for final approval. It then is assigned to a committee which will then hold a public hearing sometime in early 2022. What happens from there is up to the committee and will largely depend on how much public support the amendment receives at its hearing.

Even if it doesn’t pass this time, it will get many conversations started about the evil federal government and why peacefully declaring independence is the best solution. Minds will be persuaded and changed. Many media and political attacks will be brought against us, as the power-seekers will be desperate to keep the status quo. Potential migrants to New Hampshire will be energized and make-the-move.

To learn more about why NH should divorce DC, check out the Foundation for NH Independence’s Frequently Asked Questions and Liberty Block’s “70+ Reasons to Divorce DC” and “Twelve Benefits of NH Independence“.

To help the movement, you can contact your local state reps in support of the amendment, connect with other supporters online, and more. Visit the “How You Can Help” page on for a full list of ideas.

Stay tuned to Free Keene and the Liberty Block for the latest on this historic process.

NH’s Boogaloo Boys are Libertarians – Not White Supremacists or Right Wingers

Libertarian NH Boogaloo Boys

Libertarian NH Boogaloo Boys Demonstrate Outside NH State House

American mainstream news media has been reporting this weekend on the massive buildups of armed government goons at state houses across the United States. Expecting massive armed demonstrations of Boogaloo supporters, some of the state gangs locked down their capitol areas completely while others, like New Hampshire, took it easy and only had state troopers parked around and walking the state house property in pairs. By comparison, the New York Times said Massachusetts’ capitol had hundreds of officers wearing helmets and carrying batons.

However, around the country, barely anyone showed up. Some liberty activists said they wouldn’t attend because they believed the events were federal honeypots designed to gather information about freedom-lovers. Others foolishly believed that exercising their right to bear arms would mean their rights would be more likely taken from them. Luckily, in New Hampshire, five Boogaloo Boys showed up with rifles front slung. They were well-spoken and self-described as Libertarian, with one even talking about the Non Aggression Principle to the large number of reporters that were present.

One Boogalooer even educated the media people on gun safety and basics, with the photographers crazily shooting pictures when the Boogaloo Boy showed a magazine loaded with bullets. The news media was informed on the history of the Boogaloo – the name is based on the Eighties breakdancing movie “Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo”, with the members describing their group as a real-life meme. They also explained the origin of their Hawaiian shirt dress code, which came about after social media sites started to crack down on any groups referencing Boogaloo. The social media crackdown on the term forced them to use code words that were similar, like “Big Igloo” or “Big Luau”, which naturally led to the shirts.

The Boys acknowledged there are also female Boogalooers and said they do not tolerate any white supremacists in the Boogaloo. Their signage and message was pro-peace. Despite describing themselves and their movement as mostly Libertarians, the New York Times reporter Ruth Graham still mislabeled them “far right” in her story. Concord Patch reporter Tony Schinella filed a more detailed report including video.

Vincent from Shire Free Media also filed this package showing excerpts of what was a lengthy discussion between the media and the Boogaloo Boys:

Speaking on NH Independence at the “Stop the Steal” Rally in Concord, NH

Peaceful secession from the United States is something I’ve promoted this year at mask freedom rallies, Black Lives Matter, and now “Stop the Steal”. I had attended such a rally last weekend, which is heavily attended by Trump supporters, with the intention of handing out flyers for the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence.

I successfully handed out flyers to the bulk of the crowd and they were near-universally well-received. Then I was given the opportunity to speak. Though I was surrounded by pro-America speakers, I reminded the large crowd that even if Trump somehow wins, he won’t stop the government from stealing, that the federal gang is evil, and taxes are theft.

America has failed, I told them. I was not booed off the stage. They surely know it’s true. The point was to plant the seed that it’s time New Hampshire secedes again and says goodbye, peacefully, the United States of America.

It’s long past time, actually. But it’s still not too late. New Hampshire Independence NOW!

Here’s video of my full speech and some highlights from the other speakers at the rally: