Inspiring Activism

Things like this make it all worth it to me.  A note I received from Melody Kazmarik in Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania….

Kelly!  My 13 yo daughter and I love your work.  You are a much better role model than Lady Gaga.  (more…)

TSA Underwear Airport Outreach, Kelly V. & Derrick J.

Kelly Voluntaryist and Derrick J. Freeman went to Manchester Airport in New Hampshire to protest the TSA’s blatant violation of human (natural) rights. This was round 2 for Kelly, she intends to do several more TSA protests, so she may be coming to an airport near you. They stripped down & handed out information in the effort to prevent further rights from being stripped away via the TSA (security theater), while trying to re-attain the non-negotiable inherent natural rights that every human being is/was born with.
