RLS 077 #TriggerThePoly


Recorded January 19, 2015
Rob and the Rebel Mistress open up the skype lines this week. Topics discussed include The Rebel Love Show and Flaming Freedom recording at Liberty Forum from the Radisson Hotel in Manchester NH, Edward Snowden is the headliner for Liberty Forum, FSP hits 96%(Since the redording the FSP hit 97%!), OKC embraces poly, a listener calls in to talk to us about polyamory, Ann discusses her interest in running for NH State House Representative, Ian from Free Talk Live calls in about activism at the NH State House, liberty based poly dating app, and poly marriages with out sex? say it aint so! The Rebel Love Show airs every Tuesday night 10pm-12am EST on LRN.FM and RebelLoveShow.com/live.

“Arcade City” Making Headlines, Now With Over 1,100 Drivers Recruited Globally!

Christopher David

Christopher David, Courtesy Coin Telegraph

Christopher David is a busy man. Within six months, he’s gone from a civil disobedience driver for UBER to the founder of a concept that could be UBER’s (and Lyft’s) downfall: Arcade City.

Chris has blown past his original goal of signing up 100 drivers for Arcade City by the end of the month, with now over 1,100 drivers signed up internationally! All 1,100+ are highly-rated UBER or Lyft drivers, which means they’ve already passed background checks and driving record checks. The growth has been unexpected and tremendous. Arcade City has clearly touched a nerve with frustrated UBER and Lyft drivers who are sharing recruiting links all over social media.

The press has taken notice and Arcade City is again in the headlines in NH and elsewhere:

Chris also published this morning a video introduction to some of the ideas behind Arcade City:

If you’re an highly-rated driver for UBER or Lyft, go ahead and sign up now for Arcade City.

Rebel Love Show 076 with Ellen Ball


Ellen Ball, one of the hosts of the smash hit late night radio show “The Anarchics” joins us in studio. Topics this week include anarchists going to college, our wish for LRN to be on AM radio in Manchester, FSP hits 95%, defining how to be a Free Stater, Liberty Phoenix skypes in, new year predictions, NH Independence, and Rob & Ellen geek out to Star Trek. The Rebel Love Show airs every Tuesday 10 pm – 12 am EST on LRN.FM and Rebelloveshow.com/Live.

Uber & Lyft Drivers Flock to New Rideshare Startup ‘Arcade City’ After Rate Cuts

Arcade City

Experienced Rideshare Driver? Apply Now!


Uber & Lyft Drivers Flock to New Rideshare Startup ‘Arcade City’ After Rate Cuts

Volume of driver signups crashes server; Arcade City app launches February 14th; Uber called a “rolling sweatshop”

PORTSMOUTH, NH — More than 600 Uber and Lyft drivers signed up for new ridesharing startup Arcade City this week in the aftermath of dramatic rate cuts by the two rideshare companies.

“Drivers are angry and rightfully so,” said Arcade City founder Christopher David. “Their take-home pay was just slashed up to 40% by some nerds in San Francisco who don’t even drive. Arcade City is here to do things differently.”

Arcade City is a ridesharing mobile app releasing officially for Android and iOS on Valentine’s Day, February 14th. Riders can schedule rides in advance or at the tap of a button on a “pay what you think is fair” basis.

Arcade City had a successful soft launch on New Years Eve in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. More than 100 passengers were transported safely in donation-based rides by ten drivers, most of them current or former Uber drivers.

“Our goal for January was to sign up 100 drivers by the end of the month to help us test the app,” said David. “Since the rate cuts we’ve been signing up 100 drivers every single day and the signup rate keeps increasing. It’s overwhelming.”

On Friday the Arcade City website crashed under heavy demand of driver signups, forcing server upgrades. More than 30 drivers are now being trained as regional leaders to recruit drivers and riders, with most of the U.S. covered, including Hawaii and as far away as Australia.

“The Achilles’ heel of Uber and Lyft is their centralized management of pricing. This week’s uproar by drivers — and their willingness to join an alternative — shows the failure of that approach,” said David. “You cannot build a sustainable long-term relationship with drivers if you take away their ability to set their own pricing. Arcade City will decentralize those decisions to the level of the driver and their customers.”

David is a former Uber driver and founder of the Free Uber activism campaign centered in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. In November he was arrested by Portsmouth police on felony wiretapping charges for posting a YouTube video [included below] recorded while driving illegally for Uber in Portsmouth. Last week the charge was reduced to a misdemeanor after a police review found it was misclassified as a felony, but David continues to face up to one year in jail and a $2,000 fine.

Arcade City will launch globally on February 14th.


“Uber has said repeatedly that it likes to ‘experiment’ with fares. In reality, they are experimenting with livelihoods. They are experimenting with the ability of some people to put food on their table and to pay their rent/mortgage. That is unacceptable. Lyft just doesn’t have the backbone to stand up to them either. Arcade City does. I am joining Arcade City because I want to see the rideshare industry truly be about drivers and passengers, not executives hellbent on forcing workers into servitude just to discard them when they have no need for them.” –Mason J., Raleigh, NC

“Uber is a rolling sweatshop – and they make us provide the shop! Lyft is better, but heading down that terrible path with growing speed! Arcade City is built on driver experience and geared toward a fair and worthwhile model. With all these drivers from other services we can avoid the pitfalls of Uber and the like. I have a 4.9 rating from 7 months with Uber, 14 months with Lyft and i am ready for an alternative with a conscience!” –Keith Hale, Dallas/Fort Worth, TX

“I’m excited to work with Arcade City. They will allow customers to tip through the app, unlike Uber. With Uber they cut our fares by over 40% and they didn’t even give us a warning.” —Philip Heath, Maui, HI

“On Uber’s platform I’m rated as a 4.9. At first I loved it, but their recruiting efforts have caused supersaturation in the market place. There’s just too many drivers here in Denver. In response they cut rates so low that they hurt the driver’s bottom line. It’s hard to make any money with Uber anymore. Having a rideshare service founded by drivers is awesome! We have a direct say in how we do business. Arcade City is providing the means to change the industry.” —Aaron B., Denver, CO

“Arcade City is not about pleasing Wall Street like other ridesharing companies. It provides a platform that empowers both the driver and passenger from a foundation of trust that creates the ultimate transportation experience.” —Michael G. Johnson, Atlanta, GA

“In a market that was ripe for ride share advertising, Uber never seemed to pay attention to the driver’s suggestions and essentially left building the customer base to us. They seemed more interested in over-saturating the market with drivers, and then they cut all of our rates. I’m ecstatic to help build the Arcade City service. One that cares about everyone’s success, not just the pockets of shareholders.” —Jake, 4.83 Uber rating, Wichita, KS

“Rideshare drivers everywhere need to look towards Arcade City. Uber’s blatant disregard for and disrespect of its drivers is beyond reprehensible. It borders on criminal. Arcade City is designed to empower drivers. They are aware that it is the drivers who are the front line and the ambassadors of the company. Drivers deserve to feel appreciated by the company they choose to give their dedication! Join the Arcade City Revolution and be part of a kinder, gentler rideshare experience.” —Scott Goldstein, Philadelphia, PA

Free State Project Launches “Early Movers” Video Series

In the excellent new video series focusing on Free State Project early movers, Jason Sorens, the founder of the project, explains a bit of the history of the project and what he’s doing now that he moved to New Hampshire two year ago:

The series, which will continue to be released on the FSP YouTube channel, kicked off with a piece on Shire Sharing founder and state representative Amanda Bouldin:


Free Keene’s Ian Appears on Jared Goodell’s Show on Manchester’s WFEA

Keene native Jared Goodell again had me on as a guest this week on his morning show in Manchester on WFEA 1370 & 99.9. This time, we discussed the recent lawsuit by the NH ACLU against the City of Manchester regarding their arrests of panhandlers.

I told Jared that the City of Manchester will be losing the suit, as they have across the United States. I don’t like panhandling, but as long as we have the idea of public property, free speech must be respected, and that includes asking for money. However, the solution to panhandling is changing all public property to private property. Here’s the full interview:

Video of the Technology Panel @ Keenevention 2015

For this year’s Technology Panel, Sovryn Tech host Brian Sovryn returned as the only three-year panel host at Keenevention. His dedication to the tech world is unmatched, and thus, he triumphantly returned to the podium backed by a brilliant panel of technical wizards. Panelists included Bitcoiner Stephanie Murphy, Jeremy Kauffman of LBRY, NH2600‘s Steve Zemanek, Rebel Love Show host Robert Mathias, and Oracle programmer Denis Goddard. Here’s the full video:

Big thanks to our 2015 video sponsor – Roberts & Roberts Brokerage – when you’re serious about precious metals – they take bitcoin!

Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog for more videos weekly and other media from the event. You can also follow the new Keenevention Twitter and Keenevention’s facebook page.